View Full Version : Variety Children's Bass on fly competition maroon dam

Jeremy Wakelin
02-03-2008, 08:48 PM
Hi all
Variety Children's bass on fly competition
3rd & 4th may 2008 held at maroon dam
for more info phone 0419739917 or email redlaughter@optusnet.com.au
hope to see you there
cheers Jeremy

05-03-2008, 08:12 AM
That's a bummer Jeremy, the Sunny Coast Tuna Comp is the same weekend. I guess it'll sort out the salty's from the freshy's or 20kg Longy vs. good cause. Tough one that.

05-03-2008, 08:45 AM
The Sunny Coast comp is on the 19th and 20th of April , so your right there , however the Bribie Sportsfishing clubs Tuna tournament is on the same dates , which is unfortunate as it is the final leg in a three comp circuit . I wish you guys well with that Jeremy, but Bass being a year round option and Tuna only having a short window , I am afraid I will have to miss out on this one.

Jeremy Wakelin
05-03-2008, 08:51 PM
That's a bummer Jeremy, the Sunny Coast Tuna Comp is the same weekend. I guess it'll sort out the salty's from the freshy's or 20kg Longy vs. good cause. Tough one that.

Hi Norm sorry that the dates dont work out hope to see you there next year
or at the Variety Children's toga on fly in late sep

Jeremy Wakelin
05-03-2008, 09:01 PM
Hi flyfisho
thank for confirming the tuna dates,hope you both have a good time chasing tuna.
mybe next year or at the Variety Children's toga on fly comp in late sep.

09-03-2008, 09:22 PM
Hi Jeremy,
Looking forward to you bass on fly in May. The crew from SEQFF,s are having a one dayer at lake maroon in april. Will be a good chance to ckeck out the lay of the land, as I haven't fished there since the low water levels.
Are you planning to camp near the dam for the comp? The timing and the venue should be spot on for bass on fly. Would be a top weekend for anyone who wants to have a crack at bass on fly as a newbe.
Will catch up soon.
Jeff. :)

10-03-2008, 09:02 AM
Sorry Jeremy/Chris, yes Bribie Comp on at same time. Yes I'll be at Borumba Jeremy, gotta go one better than last year, ie, zero.


Jeremy Wakelin
10-03-2008, 08:36 PM
Hi Jeremy,
Looking forward to you bass on fly in May. The crew from SEQFF,s are having a one dayer at lake maroon in april. Will be a good chance to ckeck out the lay of the land, as I haven't fished there since the low water levels.
Are you planning to camp near the dam for the comp? The timing and the venue should be spot on for bass on fly. Would be a top weekend for anyone who wants to have a crack at bass on fly as a newbe.
Will catch up soon.
Jeff. :)

Hi Jeff
its good to here that you & the crew are coming.
if you drop e a email i will send you a entry form.
thank's agian Jeremy;D

Jeremy Wakelin
10-03-2008, 08:41 PM
Sorry Jeremy/Chris, yes Bribie Comp on at same time. Yes I'll be at Borumba Jeremy, gotta go one better than last year, ie, zero.


Hi Norm

good to here that you are coming to borumba for the
Variety Children's toga on fly
have chasing tuna
cheer's Jeremy:)

12-03-2008, 08:09 AM
Have you set a date for the toga on fly at burumba yet. I'm as keen as mustard for this one as well mate. Will keep an eye out for your email. Heading down to the SEQFF's club meeting next tuesday night. Wil have a yarn to denis and the lads about maroon and burumba then.

Jeff :)

12-03-2008, 01:39 PM
Do I know you Jeremy ? I am very actively involved in Variety Qld as a basher, a fiji splasher, a 4WD explorerer and a Board member.


Jeremy Wakelin
12-03-2008, 06:58 PM
Have you set a date for the toga on fly at burumba yet. I'm as keen as mustard for this one as well mate. Will keep an eye out for your email. Heading down to the SEQFF's club meeting next tuesday night. Wil have a yarn to denis and the lads about maroon and burumba then.

Jeff :)

Hi Jeff

the Variety Childrens toga on fly comp should be 27 28 of sep
hope to at next meeting for talk on both comps

cheers jeremy

Jeremy Wakelin
12-03-2008, 07:04 PM
Do I know you Jeremy ? I am very actively involved in Variety Qld as a basher, a fiji splasher, a 4WD explorerer and a Board member.



will ED we try to get a fly rod in your hand as well
good to see some one else is tring to hep the kids:D
catch up with you soon

cheers Jeremy

12-03-2008, 09:15 PM
I'll give it ago avid fisho, never done the fly stuff

Jeremy Wakelin
13-03-2008, 07:16 PM
I'll give it ago avid fisho, never done the fly stuff


we will have work on a date
or come to one of the comps

cheers Jeremy::)

Jeremy Wakelin
19-03-2008, 06:11 PM
Hi everone

the comp is drawing closer so get those entrys in

need a entry form email me on redlaughter@optusnet.com.au

see you soon Jeremy:-/

31-03-2008, 08:53 PM
Hi Jeremy,
Hanging out for the maroon weekend. A group of us fished the New England for trout on the weekend. Nick Kneipp was there, so we asked if he wanted to come up for the weekend. He is checking the lay of the land, so I will email him this week. Will get the entry in as soon as we sort out the crews.
Spoke to a chap who used the camp recently. He gave it the thumbs up, good lay out and top people on site.
Like the way you structured the weekend. Setting the scene for fun and learnig can only be good for fly fishing. Great opportunity for people to get the tast of bass on fly.
Jeff. :)

Jeremy Wakelin
05-04-2008, 08:37 PM
Hi Jeff
Things Are Looking Good For The Comp
Be Good To Catch Up With Everone And Some New Poeple
Off To Nz Tomorrow 6th For To Weeks Fishing Mmmm Tough Thing To Have To Do.

Cheers Jeremy;d

08-04-2008, 05:48 AM
I,m glad it's you and not me having the fish solid for two weeks. If you believe that you believe in the easter bunny. Have a ball mate. Checked out the camp at maroon dam. "Campfire" is a top camping spot. Dam looks good to. Bass are comming out to play around the weed and closer to the dam wall. There will be a few fish tales told around the camp on the 3rd and 4th of May.

Jeff. (SEQFF) ;D

PS. Club meeting on the 15th will get everyone sorted on maroon there.

17-04-2008, 09:18 PM
10 to 12 from the SEQFF's so far. Sounds like maroon is fishing well.
Be a great oppertunity for budding fly rodders to have a crack at bass on fly.
Should be some early and late surface action this time of the year.

Jeff :D

Jeremy Wakelin
21-04-2008, 07:31 PM
thanks to all your replies all looking good for the comp
so get those enty forms in and have lots of fun.

cheers Jeremy8-)

21-04-2008, 09:39 PM
Good luck to everyone who is fishing the comp this weekend. Was out there yesterday competing in the Minibucks electric round. Was a very slow day for all. Dam had been fishing well the previous 2 rounds. Weed is now starting to rot and the fish have slowed down. But, it only takes a few cast to get your bag. Next weekend could be a totally different kettle of fish. More than likely it will fire up big time because I'm not there. Other commitments and plus can't afford to run down there 3 times in a month. Bank accounts not that health with the price of diesel these days.
Again, good luck to everyone who will be fishing it this weekend, and hope the fish and weather gods are on your side.
P.S. the team that won yesterday caught their fish up the back in the timber and all on surface lures till about 11am. Was a little overcast but blowing its ring out.

Jeremy Wakelin
22-04-2008, 09:47 PM

IF YOU NEED A ENTRY FORM JUST EMAIL ME ON redlaughter@optusnet.com.au
thanks Jeremy

07-05-2008, 05:11 PM
So ???
Howd it go

08-05-2008, 10:55 AM

Tough fish, Denis Shaw, wobbygone, peter bell and myself. One fish each caught. 1st and 2nd got 34cm each (best story won), peter and I got 33cm fish. wobbygone and i got teams trophy (only team to get a fish each).

Great camping area, good beer, fabulous gourmet burgers courtesy Jude Wakelin. Good fun.

On the last cast of the day Denis got bricked by something that straightened his hook and left a scale on it as a taunt.


12-05-2008, 06:34 AM
Hi all,
What a cracker weekend. The fishing was tough but played second fiddle to the feel of the surroundings and the frendly mix of the people. Most of the action was surface which gets the blood pumping. When the fishing is tight it keeps everyone well and truly in the race to the last cast. Nog kicked off well with a evening before surface bass from the bank. Caught the action as I had the camera in hand. He hamed it up big time for the lens. I think he was even calling for make up at one stage of the game. Jeremy, Jude and Kelly put on a most enjoyable weekend in a top spot. The icing on the cake was that the variety club were the real winners. Can't wait for the next one.

PS. Looking back, being dragged back to second place by my fishing story was not as bad as the first suggestion of six guns at ten paces. With my failing eyesight I would resemble a block of swiss cheese now. And besides, the best fisherman did win. :)

12-05-2008, 07:43 AM
Jesus Jeff(wobbygone, bassbuster, nippletwister), I can't follow ALL your bl@#$y avatars
Nog, Nogster, Noggy

12-05-2008, 06:36 PM
How much money was raised for the kids??

Jeremy Wakelin
12-05-2008, 09:26 PM
So ???
Howd it go

hi flyfisho

the weekend great the fish where a bit slow
ever one had a fun time hop to see you there next year

gottofly jeremy

Jeremy Wakelin
12-05-2008, 09:31 PM
How much money was raised for the kids??

Hi BrewGuru

how much money was raised about 1000.00 dollars
not huge amount but all helps

cheers jeremy