View Full Version : Squidgies, I think

02-03-2008, 08:01 PM
Squidgies, I think thats how you spell it.

Saw them in K-Mart, They appear to be soft plastics of various shapes and colours. No Hooks, so what do you do with them?

What annoys me, is they are all packaged nicely by the manufactuers and given nice names, but it works on the assumption that you know what each of them are for. No directions, no use this one to catch bream or whiting, no place the hook through its head, or whatever... just pretty coloured bits of plastic that I might as well give to my dog to play with! Who are the marketing geniuses that make it difficult to buy their products??:'(

How do I work out if I need one or not - and then which one???:(
Your help appreciated


02-03-2008, 08:35 PM
Squidgies, I think thats how you spell it.

Saw them in K-Mart, They appear to be soft plastics of various shapes and colours. No Hooks, so what do you do with them?

What annoys me, is they are all packaged nicely by the manufactuers and given nice names, but it works on the assumption that you know what each of them are for. No directions, no use this one to catch bream or whiting, no place the hook through its head, or whatever... just pretty coloured bits of plastic that I might as well give to my dog to play with! Who are the marketing geniuses that make it difficult to buy their products??:'(

How do I work out if I need one or not - and then which one???:(
Your help appreciated


Gday mate, squidgies would have to be one of the most reliable flathead catching soft platics I have in my bag. I use the 70 or 80mm fish type, colour silver fox, black/gold or garry glitter are a couple of favourites.
You will need to purchase the jighead with hook seperate, maybe a 1/4 ounce weight with a #1 or 1/0 hook, then you just thread the soft platic onto the jighead so the hook point comes out of the top of the SP, lying nice and straight on the hook, press it hard up to the lead weight near the eye of the hook, various jig heads have various SP retaining methods to stop the Sp slideing down.
Find a bit of bank that drains off into deeper water, cast out, let it hit the bottom, then a short lift/rip of the rod tip to flick the squidgie along the bottom, pause and let the jig head sink back down, then repeat. Try it in shallow, clear water first, your squdgy should look like a baitfish or prawn flicking along the bottom.
Ive caught bream, whiteing, javelin fish, estuary cod, trevally, squire, tailor and more flathead than you can poke a stick at on squidgies
hope that ramble helps

02-03-2008, 08:36 PM
well to use a soft plastic such as squidgies you need is what is called a jighead thread the plastic on and make sure it doesn't buch up throw it out and give the rod tip a flick then pause for 3 seconds then repeat. the small soft plastics up to 3" are built for estuary perch, bream, whiting, small flathead, bass and plenty of smaller fish, above three inch are built for snapper, barra, big flathead just about anything that will take a fish. by the way they have these packages created they believe thatt people who use them are aware of how to use them. try using natural bait colours then sometimes you will need some rediculous colours such askiller tomato etc. i hope it helps


02-03-2008, 08:41 PM
What the other blokes said, plus check out their website

02-03-2008, 09:38 PM
Hi guys I've never used a squidgy, I'm going to have to give them a try. Are they any good for Australian salmon?

02-03-2008, 09:55 PM
Dunno Sandman, slow rolled thru a school, I dont see why not, do salmon have teeth like tailor, could be an expensive exercise.
Squidgies arent the be all and end all in soft plastics, I like em cause I know I will catch lizards on them, confidence thing, but theres plenty more SP's out there, without even looking at gulps etc

03-03-2008, 07:50 AM
yeah they do catch australian salmon i have seen it done try to find a nice gutter and burley a few pilchard cubes etc. then have a go with your plastic i am confident you will get one but make sure to take a few packs because i have seen the damage to a squidgy fish from an australian salmon and it resulted in no tail at all.


03-03-2008, 09:03 AM
I think that's why local friendly tackle stores are great places to go to for advice. Find a good one and you'll learn heaps.
Fishing DVD 10 has an Australian salmon segment that involves catching these fish on Squidgies as well as baits

03-03-2008, 10:49 AM
There is a squidgy DVD series available at most tackle shops part 1 and 2 explains how to use there range. If you are a beginner with soft plastics get yourself a copy of this it will point you in the right direction.

Cheers Chris

03-03-2008, 11:26 AM
as bayfisher said.. there are heaps of DVD's explaining how to use soft plastics.

i myself have just started using them and even a simple DVD is better than being thrown into the deep end with these things. .. start off with maybe 2 colours and hit a specific area looking for a specific fish..... target flathead as they will eat anything from anyone.

once you get your confidence up start branching out, try different colours, different styles, different locations....

to date i've caught a small GT, 45cm flathead and 45cm (monster) steelback salmon.. funnily enough all on the first cast.

talk to your local fishing shop as they will have answers to all your questions.

best of luck.

03-03-2008, 11:38 AM
Thanks so much for all the replies,
will get a dvd and sit down with my son to watch it before we give ém a go
