View Full Version : Dam fresh where we were

02-03-2008, 07:52 AM
:o Probably a fresh report but hey ,we found we were deffinantly salt water fishos.Typical fishing/camping trip with garrett,myself and 2 good mates.A few drinks at night,lots of laughs,rubber snakes in beds and assorted pranks and a lot of hours casting and trolling Monduran dam.Foxie tried to put us in the right spots and Steven B tried to make it happen for us btu we were beyond help.One thing that stands out is , the availability of local knowledge to at least get you started and that comes from the comradery of Ausfish members. 3 days of flogging the dam for 20 or so catfish,1 40cm bass and 4 barra hook ups with only 1 landed. Interesting to do the comparison between salt and fresh. Useing the sounder found huge bait schools around points,looked at water temps wind directions on to banks but it just didn't compute. Hard to deal with no run or tidal influence:-/ Cast and trolled likely areas for hours only to troll a lure in 30 meters in the middle of no where and get smashed.WHY? and lost that fish,My first encounter with a meter plus monster.What a sight see him hit the top and be that fat he couldn't jump but what a water displacement:o WOW.So myself and Garrett both had solid hook ups but came home barra less with Jeff landing the only 85 cm model. Still a great time had with only one mishap with a trip to Gin Gin hospital for Garrett to have two hooks of a treble removed from his arm.Ouch!Anyway I think a quick bream session tosarv in the SALT might help help ease myself into work tommorrow morn,Cheers

02-03-2008, 09:00 AM
i hope those rubber snakes werent dildos. Nice fish there guys.

02-03-2008, 09:18 AM
Nice fish well done boys. Nothing better then a good laugh with mates.

02-03-2008, 10:58 AM
Good report...you guys had ball out there...
Ouch I hate when hookes attach to me once, I experinced when I was young...
How many hours drive from Brisvegas to Dam?

02-03-2008, 01:56 PM
It's long way to go to catch some catties... I could have shown you a good spot in the river for em ;D . Sounds like you fellas had a good time regardless. I'm hoping to get up there later this year to land one of those monsters, but by the sounds of it the local lads make it look easier than it really is. Cheers for the report.

Cheers Chris

02-03-2008, 04:53 PM
Silent.. only 4 hours drive mate

Bayfisher... mate certainly worth the effort just to see that big bugger hit.I had trolled for hours with my heavy baitcaster and decided to but a light line out with 20 bl leader and thats the one he hammered. It was almost in slow motion to see him hit the surface and take off.It was huge . There is something special about the whole experience that left me just wanting to get back there and land one of these brutes. Mate on one occasion i was casting from the front and positioning with the electric when i saw this missle heading straight for the leckie.he turned at the last minute straight at my feet and left a massive whole in the water level as he turned. I was stunned. Theres some monsters in that dam.Well worth the drive and i'll be doing it again but with a bit more knowledge i'm going to pick my times a little better and come home with the goods

02-03-2008, 06:20 PM
Hey Chief, I went tot Monduran once and we also smashed the catties ;D ;D .
I was unlucky with the barra. I was casting a manns stretch 20 at this awesome looking snag and on about the 20th cast to the same snag i got smashed, there was a boil on the surface the size of a table and in 2 seconds flat it had me busted off (40 pound leader).... But it was still a good trip with good mates. Sounds like you and Garret had a good time apart from the treble in the arm:o

02-03-2008, 07:07 PM
I had wondered where you had been chief, sounds like a ripper of a trip. A painfull one for Garret though. I can't wait to get up north and chase some barra.


03-03-2008, 11:59 AM
If Foxie and SteveB couldn't put you onto some then things must have been tough. The weather didn't look too good. Looks like the Barra bug has bitten again. I have only managed 2 barra in 4 trips but 1/2 the fun is good times with mates. Better luck next time.

03-03-2008, 04:09 PM
Hi dave, everyone told me the weekend before was hot on the full moon. Don't know how good my info was but i heard the dam had dropped 8 degrees in water temp so that may have killed the bite. Mate i love it there what a great spot. I think this trip i wasted a lot of time traveling and searching locations when all 4 barra strikes were around the basin. Barra bug has bitten big time, the sight of one of those monsters hitting a lure has me dreaming to get back there.Thanks mate for your help to ,see you on the river soon

03-03-2008, 04:45 PM
Yot got me worried now i was just talking to my brother just last night saying we should get up there and try some barra (that look like catties lol) and i was all fired up and now yah got me thinkin we might have more luck at the barra farm instead. Still you did see a big one and you all did hook up and thats still worth the effort.

03-03-2008, 06:50 PM
It looks like I will be up for the May M&G there so I hope they are still biting. I will have to touch base at some stage to get some ideas of what to take

Sounds like a lot of fun



03-03-2008, 08:17 PM
great report from a salties perspective Chief, certainly had me scratchin the noggin first time I fished there, wasnt anything at all like Donnybrook, or Caloundra Wide lol
Sure can be a tuff nut to crack, but worth it when it comes together

04-03-2008, 12:14 AM
hehe cat fish chief

04-03-2008, 09:43 AM
hey guys was wondering how uz went, was the weather good for you? shame about the catties but it sounds like a great trip anyway with the potential to hook those big brutes would make anyone keen to go back. so the biggest hookup in the end was Garrett? did he give a good account of himself? u should laid him out on the brag mat!! hahaha

04-03-2008, 09:56 AM
Not to worry Chief, at least you learnt a bit when you were there.
Wets the appetite for the next trip, put what you learnt into practice.;)

Cheers Jeff.

04-03-2008, 11:16 AM
by the way how did the baitcaster go? i've got the same one as you, did u get the drag upgrade or use it as it came?

04-03-2008, 05:01 PM
Hey Carlos,Garretts performance very disappionting mate,only started to play up when i had the lip grips on him ;D and mate had a up grade on that baitcaster and boy has it got some stick now and smooth.Well worth it.Its the same one you've got