View Full Version : Pine allsorts

01-03-2008, 08:39 PM
went for a spin up the pine today with the Brother in law and the nephew for a quick fish , started with a few livies up past the mill for one little cod and a few bream then went to the bridge when the young fella pulled a good bream from the pillons on a herring , I thought maybe a little jew or jack the way it took off . went 36 to the fork and all that was caught was realesed to have another go. Cheers Muz

01-03-2008, 08:45 PM
muz ash here mat hows the missus gettin close isn't it

02-03-2008, 05:57 AM
Hey Muz, young bloke would have been wrapped.I used to love watching my kids(when young) catching fish and seeing the smiles and chest puff up.Good on ya unc. Cheers

02-03-2008, 08:01 AM
Hey Ash, number two is almost here probably this week ( i hope) can`t wait till they are old enough to go fishing.
Cheers chief, the little fella was the king after that one and didn`t we here about it for the rest of the arvo. (hit the pond last tuesday and got chased away by security only got one bait in the water when the fourby came down lights flashing etc couldn`t be bothered arguing)

02-03-2008, 08:59 AM
g/day mate, last trip in the river at a wharf, security had a go at me and we were easy 40 metres away. Just a walking guy not portwatch. I argued with him and told him where to go . What was he gunna do swim out. I was furious we were easy 40 meters away and he's telling me to move further. Anyway he left we stayed. when are we having this fish?

02-03-2008, 09:37 AM
with a new addition to the family due any minute I`ll be taking three or four weeks holidays and I`m sure I can escape for a fish sometime then. looking forward to it .

03-03-2008, 02:29 PM
Good to see you wetting a line Muz,you did'nt manage to drop a few pots between there and the hornibrook by any chance, it usually produces.


03-03-2008, 11:41 PM
Nah Wal havn`t chased sandies up there , usually chasing muddies up the other end.

05-03-2008, 06:22 PM
well done!! fish gutz great catch.