View Full Version : best knot for braid
27-02-2008, 07:32 PM
Hi all.... what knot is the best for braid... for attatching braid to lures, swivels..ect
does it matter with these knots, if you use them for jigging, spinning and lure flicking with a bait caster.... whats the best for light line or heavy...
Cheers BD8-)
27-02-2008, 07:40 PM
I tend to use double uni's to attach the braid to my mono leader.
I tie everything else to my leader using uni knot as well (I am confident this will hold)
27-02-2008, 08:21 PM
braid to mono i use a 5 turn surgeon knot..
27-02-2008, 08:28 PM
Its best not to tie your braid straight to lures etc. Tie a bimini with your braid and then tie a mono leader to the double. I use a ducknose to tie the two together, these two knots will give you the best knot strength. After all your braid is only as strong as your knots.
28-02-2008, 08:41 AM
Whether it is mono to mono or braid to mono, I always use a binini then join the leader to it usually with a uni knot. It is very rare that I have a knot fail and it usually breaks just before the binini if It breaks anywhere.
28-02-2008, 08:50 AM
I have been tying my braid to mono leader with the albright knot. Does anyone else use this knot? If so is it sucsessful or does it fail?
28-02-2008, 09:47 AM
I have been tying my braid to mono leader with the albright knot. Does anyone else use this knot? If so is it sucsessful or does it fail?
Shagga I fish with a guy that uses it, but he never catches any thing big enough to test it out.:-/
28-02-2008, 09:49 AM
Sorry about that Shagga, Just trying to get my batting average up.;D;D;D;D;D;D;D;D;D;D;D
Little grey men
28-02-2008, 10:34 AM
I use the albright and the improved albright, mostly fresh water. Hasn't failed me yet.
Hey big donk, whatever knot you choose, just remember to tie it slowly and keep it neat.
28-02-2008, 03:18 PM
I got sick of tying bimini's and went to albright for 35lb braid to 40lb fluro. Many large fish (15kg) later and I have knot had it break. 10 wraps up, no wraps down so there is no lose line underneath. Also use this for bream on 2lb line without trouble. Very easy knot.
Game fishing for records I would use a bimini. But I dont so I wont.
28-02-2008, 03:44 PM
29-02-2008, 07:08 PM
Thanks guys... I enjoy having my main line straight to my lures, I guess it's a little more of a challenge as well as the thrill of fighting a fish on a line that you feel everything!!;D ... Still wondering on a knot for braid to lures...
Cheers BD8-)
03-03-2008, 01:13 PM
yea, knotts are a pain. I did some research a while back (web, books) plus the advice of comrades on AUSFISH and I use the following - my requirement being the BEST knott as I hate losing fish!!!! And they have NEVER pulled yet ..... er maybe my fish aren't big enough!!!!!
My Preferences in priority order:
1. BRAID Knots
A. TO connect mono to Braid:
Wind on knot (Braid to Mono Leader)
Bristal knot (or NoName knot) with 70 turn Bimini Twist
Bristol Knot is used to connect a double line (use bimini knot) to the leader, is easy to tie and a very reliable knot. When mastered is a good knot for braid (others: Bimini+Slim Beauty)
B. TO connect Braid to Lure/ Swivel/ hook(rare as normally use a mono leader)
(i) A Tight Knot
Triple Palmar Knot - is another very simple knot for terminal tackle. It is regarded as the strongest knot known.
Or Braid Ring Knot (a Blood Knot with extra backwards folds) is slightly better breaking strain than triple polmar
(ii) A Loose Knot (more freedom for lures etc)
Still looking!
C. TO join Braid
Cat’s paw splice - Is simple - 2 bimini’s looped through each other. Can be used as a “wind on”
A. TO connect Mono Line to Reel
Centauri Knot – slips up tight (other: Arbor knot)
B. TO connect mono to Swivel /hook /Lure
(i) A Tight Knot
Double Blood Knot (my hangman’s noose!)
(ii) A Loose Knot (more freedom for lures etc)
Perfection Loop
C. TO connect Mono to Mono use:
(i) Wind-on knot
Bristal knot (or Noname knot) with Bimini Twist (30 twists) (other: Bimini+Slim Beauty)
(ii) Non wind-on knot
Double Uni Knot (other:Stren Knot)
Actually the above is from my little KNOTT Doco I put together. I have put the pretty pics with it also that shows how to tie them (from the web) so if u want a copy of the doco, email me I an I will try to get to it cheers
03-03-2008, 08:41 PM
yep as previously mentioned improved albright will do the trick if tied correct.if ya can't be bothered to twist up a bim.but if ya really want to ty direct put a swivel
onto your split the ty a clinch knot.look it up in geoff wilson knot books.jimbo
04-03-2008, 07:09 AM
Good day all,
Uni to uni is my choice
cameron walker
09-03-2008, 04:37 PM
Improved albright to mono will not fail if you take the time to make it perfect.Or a bimini in braid them improved albright to mono,there is a reason everyone uses a mono leader but we all have learn in our own time.
09-03-2008, 07:12 PM
Thanks for the reply's...
Cheers BD
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