View Full Version : Displaying Green Zones on GPS

24-02-2008, 05:27 AM

I have a fairly old Navionics card in my GPS - needless to say doesnt display green zones. With the imminent green zoning of Moreton Bay, how will you work out where the green zones are. Even if you can ultimately get a card with green zones on it, it will take about a year I would think until it is on the market, so until then do we have to use a chart in conjunction with the GPS.

Given that the govt is imposing these restrictions, maybe they should buy us all a suitable GPS.



24-02-2008, 08:58 AM
there are maps that you can pick up (free) from your local fishing and tackle shop, boating outlette, bcf, places like that. you just have to get the one for the right area.
because the g'ment is so great these maps can only be used as a guide and not for navigational purposes.

to my knowledge you can't get any GPS with green zones pre marked on them.

24-02-2008, 11:04 AM
Can you mark the co ordinates as say a way point,or dont the green zones give GPS marks?

24-02-2008, 02:29 PM
Thats right dave i put the G.P.S marks in as a route and then bring them up that way so you get a line joining up the marks well thats what i did at hervey bay recently and that kept me out of trouble ...matt