22-02-2008, 07:24 AM
reports a bit late,but better late than never,took uncle out for his first try with the gulps,left beach in great pre dawn calm glass very little swell or wind.had a couple drifts over spot in 15m or thereabouts for a total of one little squire that got his freedom,didnt waste any more time and headed out to another spot that comes up to 20m in a few spots before it drops into 30m, has produced sometimes for a couple of 5kg plus fish and a couple of pulled hooks and thrashings from big fellas.first drift didnt excite ...very little drift minimal run and little or no wind,few patches of bait showing on sounder into second drift and then what we all like to hear zzzzzzz and new stix is nearly touching the water,5min into tussle was thinking maybe we should chase it but fish started to head for the boat and into the net,uncle couldnt believe his eyes,fish flapping on the floor and the other rod goes off big time as well...this time same thing happens,old fella tips one fish out of net to net next one,and then other rod that has just been put out goes off again.......three solid fish all flapping on the floor!!! sorted the jumble out and bled them and onto ice slurry,guess we can go home know was johnie comment @ 6.45am,these rubber things do work dont they!!!got another one around 4kgs at another spot before we pulled a few lures for some solid bonnies for the bbq,back at beach @ 10am just as the nor easter started to fish on the chooks ,neon pepper and camo did the dammage,biggest one just nudged 7kg the other two around 5, hanent been since but i am sweating on the window of oportunity. cheers gillogs thanks for sending on pics foggy