View Full Version : Bay windy but still holds snapper

14-02-2008, 07:14 AM
I poked my head out on wed. at dusk to see if i could pull another good snapper.
I played around with my 8 pound brim / squire rod with 8 pound leader and finally got a good hit. As i was watching the poor ol rod starting to smoke i realized this one was going to get away:'( Still trying to pull him back some metres he started to show good weight and i thought damb i am going to loose one well over 60cm and the speed of the big boy then the leader broke of the braid next to the knot:-[ Tried for a bit longer but as the tide was pulling out and not in i had missed the bus. By the way the 16 notts at 4pm was about 19 notts and at 7pm on the way back home was about 25notts. It was even to windy to bring up my ol mate 2lm swell. Oh well theres always next.

14-02-2008, 07:55 AM
You are a brave man going out this week. :o

Still, you had a thrill that the rest of us did not have. ;)

Nice story to read. Thanks. :)

14-02-2008, 08:23 AM
There are some big fish in the bay at the moment but even though I am off work at the moment I am not silly enough to hit the bay with the weather forecasts this week. You're a brave man.


14-02-2008, 11:53 AM
you are mad dobson i thaught you where joking but you never never know if you don't go

14-02-2008, 03:11 PM
The rest of the week is definately out it was only the one day that was under 20 notts so i have to just stay at home and sit in my boat while the rest of the family push it back and forth lol.

15-02-2008, 04:09 PM
Its always better fishing at mud when its windy.The bigger fish seem to bite more,and theres no one else around to flog it like every calm weekend.