View Full Version : Southern Bay Trip

09-02-2008, 08:12 PM
Left home at a reasonable time 5:30am. Arived at Manly 6am ready for a big day fishing. Brent, Leon and my self headed to our favorate spots around the bay. It was not long until we found the bait but the fish were quite. About 8am things started to lookup when Leon hooked up to a Squire. About 10 minutes later i put down the rod into the holder then the reel started to scream after thinking about it i picked up the rod and started to skull drag the fish back the to boat. This fish went 70cm and went straight into the live well. Next cast the reel screamed again but after a short fight my leader knot gave way. We went for a trip around the bay looking for fish that were on the chew as we could see heaps of bait on the sounder but the fish where not in the mood. Each of us caught many unders. Thanks Leon and Brent for coming along it was good to get out as getting time to go fishing with the bubs and weather has been hard. Hi Chief sorry did not realise it was you your allways welcome to come over. The Galeforce did well with 3 people and with a full 120l live well we had i good ride and did not get wet.

09-02-2008, 08:36 PM
Seems to be a few quality fish around. That one makes the trip worthwhile

What Placky did the damage?

09-02-2008, 08:42 PM
Thanks Horse 16lbs leader with 1/4 jig Nuke chook.

09-02-2008, 08:56 PM
Steven, you'd have to be wrapped with that boat mate. We didn't realise it was you at first and were amazed at the ride.Poetry on water. Great fish you scored. We also had terrific shows of bait and fish, they just didn't want to play. we were useing horses set up but with 1/6 th weight.Cheers

09-02-2008, 09:15 PM
Quality snap, sounds like you had a good day out in the perfect conditions.

Cheers Chris

10-02-2008, 06:25 PM
Thanks for the replys :)
The fish teasted great.

10-02-2008, 06:52 PM
Great fish boys. The big fish must be so full of bait fish to take our luvely smalling nucklear chickens. Once on they all have been so fat and full of gritty shell and mucles so i see why they smash our baits after seeing what is in there guts. Good to get a 70cm in the daylight so they cant be to shut down. Good morning and an awsome boat by the sounds of it.