View Full Version : What happened at the suny coast comp?

05-02-2008, 06:16 PM
Hey guys who fished the sunny coast comp what happened?

Cheers Troy

08-02-2008, 04:21 PM
Not much from what I hear !!!!
I believe Wayne from Keneka one it on countback from Scotty and the boys on Watch ya problem. 6 or 8 heavy tackle fish caught, and bugger all on the light tackle front !!
I believe both boats saw plenty of fish, just couldnt convince them to eat.


08-02-2008, 07:01 PM
there was bad weather that weekend if i remember correctly, some fellas still got a few though

Long Shot
10-02-2008, 10:25 AM
I think Wayne would have won it outright if he hadn't of straightened a set of hooks out.

The Meridian Quasi did the damage for him on the short rigger and a Hollowpoint medium magnum on shotgun (I know cause I sold them to him three days before the Tournie:D )

The fish are moving around though so where you get them one day is no guarantee they will be there the next day.

Congrats to the guys who got hooked up.


11-02-2008, 06:00 AM
matt- wayne saw 3 for the weekend, we saw 5 on watch ya problem, so we both had our chances to win outright.

11-02-2008, 11:02 AM
Reefhunter II had 3 on for the Saturday and if they would have taken their chances they could have been up there as well. On one of theirs the 80lb dacron bedded down on one of the layers below with the inevitable result. Lucky that didn't cause Kylie to hit the deck when it went off with a crack.

We had our chances on my boat to carry off the light tackle stuff but didn't. We dropped a well and truly line class Wahoo just out of gaffing range, dropped a Black 2nd jump and probably dropped a 2nd one straight after in the same spot.

8 heavy tackle fish tagged total from 25 boats over two days each.