View Full Version : New dad in impressive plastics session

31-01-2008, 10:55 AM
My wife gave birth to out first child on 29/11 and I've spent the last 2 months trying to come up with a way of attaching the car capsule to the boat ;) .

On the wife's insistence I left little Thomas at home and took the boat to the pin for a plastics session with my brother on Aus Day. The wind was blowing 25 knots and all my usual spots were murky and wind blown. Searched around for a new spot that had some cleaner looking water. Found a spot where the wind was blowing over a sandy bottom (just 2 foot of water) and the clarity was a bit better. Casting a 4 inch chartreusse gulp minnow up into about 1 foot of water I got nailed by a good flathead. I was only fishing 2kg line so a slow fight finally saw the fish in the net - at 79.5 cm it was a great fish for this time of year.

We thought it might have been a fluke catch but a few casts later and I'm on again this time a 51 cm fish that went into the esky. within 10 minutes I was onto another good fish this time another throw back at 71cm. My brother was getting a little edgy as he had not hooked up at this stage. He does not fish plastics very often and still lacks confidence in them. Just as he was complaining about his lack of luck he calls, "I'm on" and leads a fish to the boat. He calls it for a small fish but when it hits the deck it measures 59 which was his PB, and all the sudden he is all smiles (he later also lands a 55 and 42 completing his conversion to the darkside).

All in all we fished this spot from 6pm to 7pm and landed 15 flathead taking home 4 for a feed.

A great session on a day I thought we would come home empty handed. Now if I could just fit that car seat in the boat.....



31-01-2008, 11:28 AM
Well done mate... on the fishing and the new baby. I had my third (and second boy) on 10th December. My older 5yo boy loves the boat, by my 7yo girl panicjed when we went out so that didnt last long. At least the boy loved it. I'll give him the fishing bug in a few years when hes bored of the playstation :)

Sounds like you found a nice spot when its a bit blowy. Feel free to PM me the co-ords HAHAHA :-)

31-01-2008, 12:32 PM
Mate you can get life jackets to fit them from 10kgs up. In truth you can fit them in the jacket when the are a little smaller than that(9, 9.5 - he'll be that some time around 6 to 9 month's old). Get him started young, take plenty of food to keep him occupied and make sure all your gear is tied down cause my bloke doesn't yet think too much of the fishing aspect but he thinks throwing fishing gear over the side is a real achievement.


well done on the flatty's too.

31-01-2008, 12:47 PM
Baitthrower, good to see all those kids have not stopped you from fiishing - don't know why any kid would want to play playstation whenthey could be out fishing with their dad! The spot I fished still has a lot of wind on it but it was out of the main channel and sandy - this stopped the water getting too stirred up.

Benno, sounds like you are speaking from experience. It's good to know I might be able to get him out before he's one.

Little grey men
31-01-2008, 01:19 PM
That's an ugly fish, but a beautiful baby....Congratulations mate. Well done on both counts:)

31-01-2008, 01:48 PM
Congrads on becoming a dad and its a boy,Great stuff and mate that was a fantastic session considering those conditions .Some top fish Cheers

31-01-2008, 02:58 PM
I went to great lengths to fit a baby seat to my boat so i could take the newish daughter out fishing by myself. All went well and i was quite proud of myself until the wife says,"how do you get her out if the boat flips":o ::) :-/ .
Good point i say, and spent the next 2hrs filling holes with silicon!:-[
Heres dads little deckie;D

01-02-2008, 07:23 AM
don't know why any kid would want to play playstation whenthey could be out fishing with their dad!

Congrats on the new born and the fishing session, but you've got a bit to learn about kids. The only way I could get my kids (9 & 12) into the boat is by letting them take their nintendos. Now they don't mind having a little fish, but unless the fish are really biting it's beach cricket on the yabby banks or getting pulled by the ski tube.

It's a bit sad, but computer games have their place in saving your sanity - particularly if you want to have a cast yourself.


01-02-2008, 08:47 AM
The only way I could get my kids (9 & 12) into the boat is by letting them take their nintendos.


Dave, you make a valid point based on today's society but my wife is adamant there will be no playstation in our house. I think there may be a few interesting years ahead as the kids get older....

01-02-2008, 09:43 AM
Congrats on the new addition Ollie. A good report & pics as well!

My son Kyle (KH15) turned 16 yesterday and he has been my constant fishing companion over the last ten years. I can't think of anyone else I'd rather fish with and we've enjoyed countless adventures together.

Don't get me wrong, he still loves his Playstation but I think he loves fishing with his dad a bit more!!

Just start Thomas early and you can't go wrong!!;D



01-02-2008, 10:00 AM
Pete, I hope I can have the sort of relationship with my son that you have with yours. Good to see a balance between the outdoors and technology.


Captain Jack Zero
02-02-2008, 10:28 AM
sounds like you have the perfect life. is your missus a supermodel?