View Full Version : pine river 29/1

o bag
29-01-2008, 05:38 PM
got up at 5.00 this morning hoping to get the boat in at deepwater by 5.45, didnt happen ended up launching at 6.15, it was on half low tide coming in so we jetted down passed the bridge to see if we could cast net any prawns we were only netting for 10 minutes though, we got none but managed 3 decent mullet, we chucked them in the livebait well, and cruised down to this spot which i thought was worth a try, we anchored up, and hadnt even felt a nudge except for the mullet on the end of my hook, i then had a smallish kinda run, then straight straight into the mangroves>:(, we fished about 30 minutes more after a few pesky little bites

we then moved just in front of the wreck only to score one legal bream of 26cm, but i couldnt be bothered cleaning it so i threw him back, looks interesting on the sounder, but didn't really prevail, is it usually productive?

then went to get some more live bait, stopped off at the jetty there, and quickly realised that, my net wouldnt even have reached the bottom, on any side, luckliy there was this old guy there who had one of the fancy cast nets and netted up some herring and gave them to us

moved up closer to dohles rocks, and anchored, after 30 minutes of nothing my mate finally had a run, only to bring up a stingray, all g'eed up for nothing, soon after that i got my P.B shovel nose, a bit over a meter i recon, got a few flix flix hopefully ill be post them if the camera is sweet

wasnt the best fishing, pelted down with rain, got some salt crust on my phone, but it was good to get out on a tuesday and watch everybody go to work he he

ill try get those photos up soon