View Full Version : 1Kg barra baitcaster
27-01-2008, 05:32 PM
I've just registered so I appologies if this is the wrong forum to post this. I am trying to find a baitcasting rod (finished or blank) to run 1kg pretest over. There isn't much out there - can you help? Any suggestions will be appreciated.
My preferences are a 1 piece in the 1.7m to 2m range with a medium (or slow) action. I am planning to use this rig for the ANSA NQ Sportfishing Titles held in Cardwell over the Queen's Birthday long weekend. 30lb braid doesn't cut it in the points competition. I will be targeting Barra, Grunter, Blue and King Salmon, Estuary Cod, Tarpon, Permit, Trevally and Queenfish as well as casual use over the rest of the year for Sooty Grunter, Jungle Perch, Whiting, Flathead and Bream - hell I'll even try for, Jew, Fingermark and Jacks - I'm not fussy.
If anyone can suggest whether I should go glass, composite or graphite that would be great.
Can I use a spin blank and load the guides on the opposite side of the 'spine'?
Sorry for the long thread - should I add it to the 'Rod Building' forum?
Cheers. Dave.
I've just registered so I appologies if this is the wrong forum to post this. I am trying to find a baitcasting rod (finished or blank) to run 1kg pretest over. There isn't much out there - can you help? Any suggestions will be appreciated.
My preferences are a 1 piece in the 1.7m to 2m range with a medium (or slow) action. I am planning to use this rig for the ANSA NQ Sportfishing Titles held in Cardwell over the Queen's Birthday long weekend. 30lb braid doesn't cut it in the points competition. I will be targeting Barra, Grunter, Blue and King Salmon, Estuary Cod, Tarpon, Permit, Trevally and Queenfish as well as casual use over the rest of the year for Sooty Grunter, Jungle Perch, Whiting, Flathead and Bream - hell I'll even try for, Jew, Fingermark and Jacks - I'm not fussy.
If anyone can suggest whether I should go glass, composite or graphite that would be great.
Can I use a spin blank and load the guides on the opposite side of the 'spine'?
Sorry for the long thread - should I add it to the 'Rod Building' forum?
Cheers. Dave.
G'day Dave
:o 1Kg for Barra,Grunter,Salmon , Cod , Tarpon , Permit etc etc ....... I'm not meaning to be smart ... but have you ever fished for these before ( light string or not) . How do you plan to target them ?
Fish like these take more than a little luck on 3 ... let alone 1 ........ Baitcasting tackle too ..... The lures will just be too heavy without the use of a significant shock leader .... which from memory ... maxes out at 1.5 times the rod length ( ANSA regs) ......:-/ I have my Sportfishing masters & most of the 10 species required were taken on 1kg:P
However good on you for trying! .... Now I'll try to help
The first thing is that you should be looking at glass/ graphite blends ... as they are softer & more forgiving ...... In a baitcaster I'd look at a Loomis SBR751C ( its rated 8-12 lb but the action is soft enough ... with power in reserve! ...... Its designed for spinnerbaits)
The best choice is a Loomis DSR820C ..... 4-8lb ( the extra length 6'10" will be beneficial too) afterall you will need all the help you can get with 1 kg mono!
They are however fast actioned
I hope this helps ..... Nagg
PS .... What reel do you plan to use?
28-01-2008, 07:19 AM
G'day Dave,
on ya for having a go. I see Nagg has a bit of ANSA light tackle sportfishing experience, but most on here wouldn't have a clue about that tackle or why you would want to.
I don't know any specific rods, but I would be looking at the ugly stik range. What reel do you have in mind?
I am also a bit surprised at the question. You would need a bit of experience with that tackle and those species to have any chance in the comp. Do you?
BTW, it can be done. The record is a 13 kg barra from Awoonga.
G'day Dave,
on ya for having a go. I see Nagg has a bit of ANSA light tackle sportfishing experience, but most on here wouldn't have a clue about that tackle or why you would want to.
I don't know any specific rods, but I would be looking at the ugly stik range. What reel do you have in mind?
I am also a bit surprised at the question. You would need a bit of experience with that tackle and those species to have any chance in the comp. Do you?
BTW, it can be done. The record is a 13 kg barra from Awoonga.
Jeremy ..... I hear there are some that are trolling the open basins of some impoundments trying to catch record barra on 1kg :P The only other scenario , I can see working is to fish sand flats on a high tide ( like at Cardwell).
But its not a game for beginners ...... you need a lot of patience .... & more than a lot of luck:-/ You break 1kg pretest mono ... while pulling up a knot:'(
28-01-2008, 11:20 AM
G'day Dave
Good luck mate...and good fishing, if you can do it! I use a Wilson Live Fibre Lightning in a 2-4kg 7' model with a Stradic 1000FH for all my 1kg fishing, and young Josh uses a Callisto on a Rack Raider but without a lot of luck so far. He finds it much easier with the Stradic as well. As long as the fish you are targeting are not in the mega weight range I see no reason for not catching any of the fish mentioned..though getting fish light enough could be hard around Cardwell!!
As Jeremy said, without experience with the line and the fish, go heavier.
28-01-2008, 10:25 PM
Thanks all for the tips. So line ratings might not be all that important? That makes it easier and harder. I thought a blend would be best - thanks for confirming. What taper and action do you think would be best? Checked Ugly Stik and found one or two possibilities. Note: I will mainly be using dead and live bait (most often out of a boat). I'll also lure from time to time depending on fish and territory. I may do some trolling if I feel the line can handle the pull of the bigger lures.
Yeah I've fished with rotten cotton since I was about 6 (18 years) with my dad's outfit (L.B. Powerod by Len Butterworth with a Daiwa Magforce MA15-2B).
Dad's old reel is wearing out (some modern features would be great), but it's lasted a long time so I thought I'd stick to a Daiwa. I need to do some research into drag pressures (what reel gives me a range of drag pressure for fishing 1kg line), but I'm thinking a Megaforce for its gear ratio, then an Exceler, however I haven't looked at prices (product catalogue only) and that may make my decision for me as far as the reel is concerned. I thought that the Saltist Hard Rock Fish and the TD Advantage may give me a smoother drag - I don't know - any suggestions? I haven't looked at other brands - any suggestions? I've also found a good site for bod blanks (and more) if any of you are interested.
I have a few masters, but only one 1000 pointer (7-8kg Queenfish on 1kg - loooooong boring fight - I learnt then not to fight such fish vertically because they just don't wear out - a tip for Josh if he hasn't already learnt). Beside Jacks and Fingermark I've caught the other fish listed on 1kg, just not all big fish. I can get these fish, I've got the knowledge, experience, persistence, patience, enthusiasm and I can even tie the knots without snapping the rotten cotton - I just don't have my own 1kg outfit to have a good crack at it. It was time to get my own so I bought a Sedona 2500FB and a 7' Berkley Dropshot designed for 1-3kg, but I absolutely HATE it! (will load it with 2 or 3kg for trolling and spare spool with 10lb braid and have a play). Really want a baitcast outfit for the 1kg though - looks as though I'll have to build my own.
29-01-2008, 06:52 AM
forget the manufacturers rod rqtings. They are rubbish IMHO. I have one 2-4 kg spin rod (Daiwa) and another 1-5 kg spin rod (Ugly stik), both for spin reels with 1 kg. I suggest having a look at a few rods and making your own mind up. I don't have a hell of a lot of experience with 1kg - been using it for about 4 years - but I would suggest a medium action and longer than normal to give you more cushioning and a longer double/leader length.
As for the reel, isn't there someone in your club with some experience with light tackle baitcasters? My expereince with MOST spin reels is that they all need some work on the drags and some good lube and they will all come good.
Good luck
Blank ratings mean jack! ...... I have a couple of 1-3kg that you could fish 6kg off & 8-12lb that will happily fish 4lb
For the reel ...... You really need to look at specialist ultra light baitcasters! ( Bass reels) ..... I'd be looking for a Daiwa Pixy or Alphas ..... Reels like the Hard Rock fish are built for much heavier line classes & so have drags that are tuned that way.
Most other salt water baitcasters wont have the minimum settings that you'll need.
Unfortunately there is a price to be paid:'(
29-01-2008, 12:41 PM
just curious as to why you want a baitcaster? Everyone I know who uses 1kg uses spin gear. IMHO you will not be able to cast with 1 kg, and line behind the spool will be a constant problem. There is no reel built which will not allow 1 kg between the spool and the side plates, and each time you will need to cut the line and re rig completely.
I know you said you HATE the outfit you have. Why? If it is the drag, I am sure it could be improved out of sight. Rod rating sounds OK to me.
Tim Robinson
29-01-2008, 04:12 PM
Years ago I had a mate who built a spinning rod on a 9 foot fly blank. Its over 2m but long and soft is what you need. Worth a thought
Jeremy .... Good point with the side plates !
I forgot about that :( Nagg
29-01-2008, 05:57 PM
Each to their own I suppose but I can not comprehend why anybody wants to torture a good fish to death by using cobwebs for line. I suppose that's why I quit ANSA 20 years ago. Just not my cup off tea but if it twists your knobs the right way have a go but I would rather chase some quality specimens on reasonable tackle
Good Luck with it
Each to their own I suppose but I can not comprehend why anybody wants to torture a good fish to death by using cobwebs for line. I suppose that's why I quit ANSA 20 years ago. Just not my cup off tea but if it twists your knobs the right way have a go but I would rather chase some quality specimens on reasonable tackle
Good Luck with it
Hi Neil ..... I'm actually surprised that ANSA hasn't dropped 1 kg ....
But then again .... a marlin on 6kg would be just as bad!
I'm a bit like you .... I got out of ANSA 20 years or so ago ! ( specially after I saw fish dumped after weigh ins or fish barely big enough to support a tag - tagged .... just to win a comp :thumbsdown: ........ That was enough for me!
light line fishing is fun ..... but its specific ie 4lb braid for bass & bream .... will knock most over in under 1 minute..... but still allow you to enjoy the tussle
I wonder what the ANSA membership is like these day ( my old club went by the by 10 years ago!)
30-01-2008, 10:36 AM
Each to their own I suppose but I can not comprehend why anybody wants to torture a good fish to death by using cobwebs for line. I suppose that's why I quit ANSA 20 years ago. Just not my cup off tea but if it twists your knobs the right way have a go but I would rather chase some quality specimens on reasonable tackle
Neil, I am sure you know that 'chasing quality specimens on reasonable tackle' is also part of ANSA. Horses for courses - 1 kg for bream, flathead, small trevally, 3 kg for spotties and mack tuna, 6 kg for longtails, etc etc. I usually fish 1 kg when the wind is up and I am up the creeks or canals somewhere trying to have some fun. Definitely twists my knobs!
I have had no problems in releasing fish - including an 83 cm flathead - on 1 kg line.
As for fish being dumped, the ANSA comps are alot better than the major commercial comps. ANSA comps only allow you to weigh in 5 fish, two of any one species. Any fish that might not be used are a drop in the ocean compared to some of the bigger issues that are around today.
30-01-2008, 06:22 PM
Yeah, I didn't think the 'Hard Rock' would have the fine drag adjustments that I'd need - thanks Nagg. What do you think about the Megaforce with the higher gear ratio? I could probably modify/swap the spring washer (maybe is two opposed) so that there is a more gradual drag increase before it is too tight - tackle store owner suggested that idea. What do you think?
Jeremy - I know all about the line slipping over the spool, but it doesn't happen as much as so many people go on about. That point was overexagerated at every tackle store I went to before I was 'conned' into buying the spin outfit.
I HATE that outfit for many reasons. The main reasons are that I have to have a considerably shorter double/leader as the knots catch, despite cutting the tags shorter than I am comfortable with (after watching two live mullet sail off into the sunset with my sinker, swivel and leader trailing faithfully behind, adjustment had to be made). I also don't like the 1kg line flicking off my finger when casting. Lesser qualms are line twist, although I've been told that that is a concern of those with no knowledge of modern spinning reels (I'll put my hand up there). Another is the 90 degree angle of line off the spool and over the roller - again I've been called names over that belief. I prefer the accuracy of the baitcaster. I feel a whole lot more comfortable with a baitcasters csating action (the spin casting action makes the whole thing feel so fragile and awkward - 1kg is, but it feels better on a baitcaster). And I can cast as far as I want with the baitcaster (in fact, I'm sure I could always cast further with the baitcaster than my spin outfit - believe it or not). The full 7' is a little more difficult in the little tinnie, but that is being really picky.
From Tim's point - can I build a baitcast rod from a spin blank? If so, why the hell do manufacturers persist to list blanks as spin or baitcast? With such light gear, would I even find the spine? I could load the guides anywhere around the road and it would perform - right? - another suggestion I've had.
30-01-2008, 06:34 PM
hey dave,
i have sold to a couple of ppl doing similar things to urself. I would suggest a wilson livefibre classic or trophy (dont remember which, black blank, blue binding) b/c rod, they make a light, composite rod that is beautifully soft and would fish 1kg well, i think its 6'6 or 7'. If u wanted something a little stiffer, id get on to angler rods and see if they have thier old ultragraph rods that are rated 1-2kg lying around. Good luck with it, and ull need every inch of that 1.5 rodlengths of leader :o
30-01-2008, 06:38 PM
Yeah, I didn't think the 'Hard Rock' would have the fine drag adjustments that I'd need - thanks Nagg. What do you think about the Megaforce with the higher gear ratio? I could probably modify/swap the spring washer (maybe is two opposed) so that there is a more gradual drag increase before it is too tight - tackle store owner suggested that idea. What do you think?
Jeremy - I know all about the line slipping over the spool, but it doesn't happen as much as so many people go on about. That point was overexagerated at every tackle store I went to before I was 'conned' into buying the spin outfit.
I HATE that outfit for many reasons. The main reasons are that I have to have a considerably shorter double/leader as the knots catch, despite cutting the tags shorter than I am comfortable with (after watching two live mullet sail off into the sunset with my sinker, swivel and leader trailing faithfully behind, adjustment had to be made). I also don't like the 1kg line flicking off my finger when casting. Lesser qualms are line twist, although I've been told that that is a concern of those with no knowledge of modern spinning reels (I'll put my hand up there). Another is the 90 degree angle of line off the spool and over the roller - again I've been called names over that belief. I prefer the accuracy of the baitcaster. I feel a whole lot more comfortable with a baitcasters csating action (the spin casting action makes the whole thing feel so fragile and awkward - 1kg is, but it feels better on a baitcaster). And I can cast as far as I want with the baitcaster (in fact, I'm sure I could always cast further with the baitcaster than my spin outfit - believe it or not). The full 7' is a little more difficult in the little tinnie, but that is being really picky.
From Tim's point - can I build a baitcast rod from a spin blank? If so, why the hell do manufacturers persist to list blanks as spin or baitcast? With such light gear, would I even find the spine? I could load the guides anywhere around the road and it would perform - right? - another suggestion I've had.
30-01-2008, 06:50 PM
one of the reasons for not being able to use a spin blank is the eyes are not close enough together/are not set up for the line to run over the top of the blank. ie. if u turn the rod over and load it up the line will rub on the blank between the guides. spine is another issue on better quality rods.
30-01-2008, 08:12 PM
Thanks land-lubber. As to your second post, I meant that I should be able to add guides to the 'spin' blanks myself - the size and placement of the guides suitable for a 1kg baitcasting rod. A lot of people on 'Ausfish' seem to be from the south and have plenty of light tackle available - not the standard tackle up here. I don't have the option of trying 20 different outfits to see what I like. However on other forums there are blokes that have used and owned countless outfits. Some already have some 1-4kg outfits and are in the market for about 5-7 more of reasonably high quality, for much the same use - crazy.
ANSA MEMBERS ARE NOT ALL IDIOTS - I don't know what clubs you blokes have been members of, but I've never seen such crook acts as fish dumping in any ANSA club. Maybe it's just you Southerners ;) :-X. I have seen and heard things that rec. fishermen have done and idiots are everywhere - even in ANSA. However, before you imply that ANSA member are scum, think about those that got it going, Jack Erskine, Vic McCristal - ring any bells. Vic and I are in the same club and I would never infer that he is a lowlife. Times have changed and rec. fishermen in general are more environmentally conscious (a damn good thing too) - from my experience more so club members than others.
Horse (pot) go and hug a tree. Do you put poor defenceless fish through the pain and torture of hooking them, physical exhaustion, dragging them out of the water? Then what? Kill them? Release them? Tag them first? Some would argue that catching fish to only release them is cruel. People pierce themselves. people physically exhaust themselves and call it sport. Divers run their bodies low of oxygen. Is fishing really that bad after all. Fish eat other fish in some cruel methods - why can't I do to fish what people do to themselves. Sorry, I'm not offended by your comments, but I am a tad angered. I'm not having a go at you Horse, I'm merely trying to make a point. If we as recreational fishermen do not/cannot/will not support each other or at least just hold back from unduly criticising each other we are going to be playing golf quick smart. With do-gooders and those morons too ignorant to admit that they are in fact animals (omnivorous animals) we won't be fishing in 20 years - ANSA members or not. Each to their own - I agree, but I'm sick of people controlling my life by their ignorant views, let me be and I'll let you be. It is nature - animals hunt other animals. If the do-gooders (that you are supporting Horse) get their way, hell, in 50 years we'll be herbivores. No more hunting for me either - don't shut down all my fun Horse. Let's support our brother fishermen. Divert your attention from me and talk to the moronic bureaucrats, the uninformed, the misguided and the bloody do-gooders. I won't get started on over fishing, pollution etc. YES JEREMY - there are bigger 'fish-to-fry' than ANSA or a fisherman using 1kg line for Christ's sake. :o
Sorry - I won't go on with such things on this thread again.
31-01-2008, 12:29 AM
yes u could buy a spin stick and modify it, although ppl i know that have arnt always happy with the result. Ud be better off building on a new blank cheaper and uve got more choice in blanks. Id research a ready made rod first tho, less hassle as there are rods on the market for this style of work.
31-01-2008, 07:26 AM
ANSA MEMBERS ARE NOT ALL IDIOTS - However, before you imply that ANSA member are scum, think about those that got it going, Jack Erskine, Vic McCristal - ring any bells. Vic and I are in the same club and I would never infer that he is a lowlife. Times have changed and rec. fishermen in general are more environmentally conscious (a damn good thing too) - from my experience more so club members than others.
Dave, chill out a bit. You are the only person who has mentioned ANSA members and the words IDIOTS and scum. I for one have never had any issue with ANSA members and greatly enjoyed meeting like minded fishos when I went to meetings. The only problem I had was with a few people who took the whole points system too seriously. The two friendly weigh ins I went to were "won" by guys weighing in small rays. These "scored" more points than a couple of nice reds, Cobes and Golden Trevs that were brought in (I believe this sort of thing has been stopped now). I just could not get my head around the general principle. As I said "each to there own" and if to you the value of a fish is best determined by the ANSA formula the by all means go for it.
I see a lot of ways where rec fishos need to clean up their act in order to keep positive public opinion on our side. Many anglers leave rubbish lying around. Some catch excessive numbers of fish clearly above there immediate needs. Many fishos do not show fish any respect and leave them to die slowly rather than swifly dispatching them. The view of many is that the use of excessive fight times can also greatly degrade the eating qualities of any fish kept due to metabolic acidosis (lactic acid build up) and its impact on the positive long term outcome for any fish released. It can also be seen as leaving a soft target for those who wish to attack our sport in general as being "cruel".
Back to your original question. I tend to agree with your choice of using a baitcaster as the underlying physics should give you slightly better drag management. The difference between spin and baitcaster blanks is usually based on the action. Generally spin rods work best on faster tapers to give sharper acceleration to the lure or bait.
Baitcasters quite often work better with moderate to M/F actions as it gives a better control over the spool acceleration. This could be an issue if you don't want loose loops slipping down your side plates. I would be looking at a long moderate actioned blank to allow a greater margin for error
I would look at some of the US blanks where they tend to go longer for their baitcasting rods. There is a distributor for Rainshadow blanks in NQ and I would bet they would have something to suit
one of the reasons for not being able to use a spin blank is the eyes are not close enough together/are not set up for the line to run over the top of the blank. ie. if u turn the rod over and load it up the line will rub on the blank between the guides. spine is another issue on better quality rods.
I think he was refering to an unbound blank & building it as a baitcaster!
As far as I know ... you can build a rod either as a BC or Spin on most blanks ( I certainly did in tears gone by) .... as long as they a bound correctly in relation to the spine
Thanks land-lubber. As to your second post, I meant that I should be able to add guides to the 'spin' blanks myself - the size and placement of the guides suitable for a 1kg baitcasting rod. A lot of people on 'Ausfish' seem to be from the south and have plenty of light tackle available - not the standard tackle up here. I don't have the option of trying 20 different outfits to see what I like. However on other forums there are blokes that have used and owned countless outfits. Some already have some 1-4kg outfits and are in the market for about 5-7 more of reasonably high quality, for much the same use - crazy.
ANSA MEMBERS ARE NOT ALL IDIOTS - I don't know what clubs you blokes have been members of, but I've never seen such crook acts as fish dumping in any ANSA club. Maybe it's just you Southerners ;) :-X. I have seen and heard things that rec. fishermen have done and idiots are everywhere - even in ANSA. However, before you imply that ANSA member are scum, think about those that got it going, Jack Erskine, Vic McCristal - ring any bells. Vic and I are in the same club and I would never infer that he is a lowlife. Times have changed and rec. fishermen in general are more environmentally conscious (a damn good thing too) - from my experience more so club members than others.
Horse (pot) go and hug a tree. Do you put poor defenceless fish through the pain and torture of hooking them, physical exhaustion, dragging them out of the water? Then what? Kill them? Release them? Tag them first? Some would argue that catching fish to only release them is cruel. People pierce themselves. people physically exhaust themselves and call it sport. Divers run their bodies low of oxygen. Is fishing really that bad after all. Fish eat other fish in some cruel methods - why can't I do to fish what people do to themselves. Sorry, I'm not offended by your comments, but I am a tad angered. I'm not having a go at you Horse, I'm merely trying to make a point. If we as recreational fishermen do not/cannot/will not support each other or at least just hold back from unduly criticising each other we are going to be playing golf quick smart. With do-gooders and those morons too ignorant to admit that they are in fact animals (omnivorous animals) we won't be fishing in 20 years - ANSA members or not. Each to their own - I agree, but I'm sick of people controlling my life by their ignorant views, let me be and I'll let you be. It is nature - animals hunt other animals. If the do-gooders (that you are supporting Horse) get their way, hell, in 50 years we'll be herbivores. No more hunting for me either - don't shut down all my fun Horse. Let's support our brother fishermen. Divert your attention from me and talk to the moronic bureaucrats, the uninformed, the misguided and the bloody do-gooders. I won't get started on over fishing, pollution etc. YES JEREMY - there are bigger 'fish-to-fry' than ANSA or a fisherman using 1kg line for Christ's sake. :o
Sorry - I won't go on with such things on this thread again.
Dave .... What I said about getting out of ANSA was fair dinkum ( I fished a fair few conventions.... & many club outings)
You are correct in highlighting the positive attitude of the Majority of ANSA members ....... but the reality I saw was ..... Fish that were point scoring fish were weighed & dumped ( Sharks, Marlin, bonito , bass , Aust salmon , trevally & various tuna) all come to mind .... obviously not regarded as table fare! ..... All caught in the name of point scoring ( IGFA is the same)
& I have no doubt this is not isolated to Southerners ...... as you are aware people travel all over Aust to fish the conventions
31-01-2008, 12:25 PM
I agree the physics of the baitcaster are superior to a spin reel - 90 degree angle on the bail arm, need for a good bail roller, line twist etc.
As for fish dumping in comps, I know it happens. I have caught fish myself which were weighed in and not eaten. I remember a swallowtail dart which was kept for burley. Rays can still be weighed in and potentially outscore better 'quality' fish. I know this is a shame but it is and has been the way it is. Gotta get the points somehow. As I said, this is by no means limited to ANSA comps before anyone goes condemning me to hell!
Things are changing at present though. There is a move towards length based comps and C&R. Have to see whether it catches on and replaces the kill and weigh comps.
31-01-2008, 07:08 PM
I went too far in making my point and I have no problems where you come from - Yep, that includes Tasmania too. I have no doubts of what you blokes have witnessed and I agree - it is lousy. There is no bloody way I'll dump any Barra, Grunter or Salmon I catch.
Trust me, there aren't too many 1kg fishers (up here) to provide soft targets, but it is a good point - maybe no one will mind if I only use it once a year. I am targeting fish of only a few kg's, but I cannot help it if a larger fish is hooked and a long fight is had. Can anyone eliminate larger fish being hooked (elephants eats peanuts)? Criticism is healthy and keeps people in check, but if I'm a torturer, why not any of you - because I take longer? - pot calling the kettle black. On the flip side, the fish have a better chance of escape on light line. But my point remains that if rec. fisherpeople don't come together we may not be around for much longer. I have an optimistic view of fishing in the future, but I am worried where we are heading at the moment. Sustainability - great. I didn't mean any offense or to cause a 'stink', I just see baby step towards outlawing fishing and hunting that I just can't stand. Hang me if you will for having such concerns and expressing them too passionately/peculiarly. I'll have to go to another forum to talk about our fishing future from now on - and maybe chill out a bit.
Length based comps. or number of fish be best? It takes skill to nail big fish and even more so on light line, but it takes more skill to catch more fish than big fish right? How you determine a rating system for that I don't know - eg. rate a Permit vs Bream. No doubt that the weight based system will be phased out for all rec. fishing comps. and the sooner the better! Take a photo for proof and let the tortured creature go. If the skill of catching fish rather than what line you catch them on becomes the future of ANSA comps I'll end up throwing this rod away in a few years. Mind you, the idea of lighter lines is that the fish has more chance of keeping its freedom and the angler is merely awarded for taking the risk. Damn I can't keep these things brief, I just waffle on - sorry.
Thanks for identifiying the action and spool acceleration point Horse. Thanks Nagg, spin blanks really open up the market in my situation - I'll have to watch the length and action. Thanks all for all your help - I've looked at plenty of websites with plenty more to look at. I do appreciate your help.
31-01-2008, 08:40 PM
Hi Neil ..... I'm actually surprised that ANSA hasn't dropped 1 kg ....
But then again .... a marlin on 6kg would be just as bad!
You really have no idea what you are talking about do you Nagg!!::) ::) ::) ::)
You really have no idea what you are talking about do you Nagg!!::) ::) ::) ::)
Ian ......
Please enlighten me with your pearls of wisdom:-/ .
I've done more than enough ultralight sport fishing to have a fair idea of what happens when you chase larger fish on the lighter line classes ........ Fish die (Lactic acid build up) & sink during prolonged fights ...... quite often they are not able to be lifted ......... :(
1kg was being used to target everything from whiting to pelagics
31-01-2008, 11:25 PM
Ian ......
I've done more than enough ultralight sport fishing to have a fair idea of what happens when you chase larger fish on the lighter line classes ........ Fish die (Lactic acid build up) & sink during prolonged fights ...... quite often they are not able to be lifted ......... :(
Latic acid build up?........ Instead of reading old 1970's fishing mags why not read some of the articals by Dr Jullian Pepperell and really try and understand what happens during and after the marlin is captured.
Seeing as your from sydney i'll let the 6kg comment pass abit, as there;s not alot of this type of fishing done down there anymore, but plenty of marlin are tagged on 6kg up here every year with the standard class being 8kg.
On my reels i fish 8kg and have strike set at about 3.7 kg and over the button at 5 kg, my reels are very good ( ALUTECNOS) and are very capable of fishing these drags for a loooong period, There are plenty of wombats out there that fish there 15kg outfits at 5kg or under so whats the differance? On my 6KG outfit i fish 3 kg on strike and almost 4 on sunset , this is a live bait sey up and is used to get more line class bycatch as well as marlin. Anyway IMHO marlin fishing has more to do with the guy that sets and runs the spread and the skipper than the guy on the rod, he just the one who gets a sore arm , the guy on the sticks( SKIPPER) has the real skill!
Just my pearls of wisdom!!!
01-02-2008, 06:38 AM
oh dear, I guess I must be a wombat :-( I am scared to fish more than 1/3 breaking strength in drag, I would prefer a longer fight than a busted line. I'll just go shuffle offf back to my hole now and munch some roots.
(no offfence taken Ian)
Latic acid build up?........ Instead of reading old 1970's fishing mags why not read some of the articals by Dr Jullian Pepperell and really try and understand what happens during and after the marlin is captured.
Seeing as your from sydney i'll let the 6kg comment pass abit, as there;s not alot of this type of fishing done down there anymore, but plenty of marlin are tagged on 6kg up here every year with the standard class being 8kg.
On my reels i fish 8kg and have strike set at about 3.7 kg and over the button at 5 kg, my reels are very good ( ALUTECNOS) and are very capable of fishing these drags for a loooong period, There are plenty of wombats out there that fish there 15kg outfits at 5kg or under so whats the differance? On my 6KG outfit i fish 3 kg on strike and almost 4 on sunset , this is a live bait sey up and is used to get more line class bycatch as well as marlin. Anyway IMHO marlin fishing has more to do with the guy that sets and runs the spread and the skipper than the guy on the rod, he just the one who gets a sore arm , the guy on the sticks( SKIPPER) has the real skill!
Just my pearls of wisdom!!!
Ian ..... Thank you for those Pearls
i'm glad you dodged the 6 kg issue ..... because my response would have been based on NSW South Coast fishery which is predominately a striped marlin one! ( Av weights are up around the 80kg) ....... 15kg is Std tackle
Personally I've lost ..... a marlin (type ... possibly blue) that died during a fight on 6 ..... estimates of 150kg min ....... & at least 3 big yellow fin ( these suffer from lactic acid build up) ... once again on 6
These were all during my ANSA days ..... chasing trophies in smallish trailer boats.
So thats where I'm coming from.
PS ..... Never read those 70 s mags
02-02-2008, 06:58 PM
Dave, I have a custom built Loomis SB6400 baitcaster with titanium/gold cermet guides. Very light and very responsive. I suspect you will know if a rod is right when you have it in your hands with some 1kg cotton through the guides. I live in Kenmore, Brisbane and would be happy to let you have a play with the rod if you are interested.
03-02-2008, 03:35 PM
A mate of mine Mark Bird (Thunderbird) had a stripe marlin hook - up for 2+ hours on 8 kg and WOULD have had a tag in it much earlier if his deckie had ever spent time in a boat before ( not the time to learn to drive a boat) The fish would have been around 80 to 90kg. He runs 5kg on sunset on his Alutecnos and was fishing sunset for 80% of the fight, the 8kg line did not fail , it was the 150kg leader that parted so it can be done. During the gcgfc light tackle masters a stripe was tagged on 8kg also a blue hooked but that lasted about 20 seconds.
As far as Blues go i've made a choice to use 37kg and not 24 in an effort to avoid tail wrapping fish , but lot of blues seem to come up dead on 24kg.
You Wombat;) ;D Go above the button mate it's fine as long as your reels are up to it ( eg don't try it with a tld no matter how you upgrade the drags) It took me a while to trust the reels and knots , but every tuna i caught i would go above the button and really get stuck into the fish and had no failers so now i do it on billys and alls still good:)
Ps this off another site
for anyone who hasnt herd of the great capture by the brand new ''diversion'' a 42ft riveira set up with just about everything you could ever dream of captured an amazing 82.3kg stripe marlin on 4kg on the 24th of this month. The angler was James holt, the skipper was gary holt and the crew conisted of timmy dean, dave (timmys decky), and a first timer phil who was on the camera.
ill also tell you some intresting facts about this fish, the 82.3kg stripe marlin captured by diversion made the gfaa 20 to 1 capture club, there has only been 5 anglers to make this club and all have been shark captures james holt is the very first angler to have a marlin in this club well done james and the boys. james is also in the 10 to 1 club to with only 6 other recordered marlin captures in the club.
the old record was only 65kg and the boys blew that one of the block in style, the fish toke under 5 minutes to capture. i went down to port stephens this long weekend to fish with the boys and i saw the footage and it was nothing short of spectaluar the fish was jumping into the riggers etc just going crazy. once again well done to james holt he is only 17 and the crew of diversion who are in the npsgfc.
top effort!!!!
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