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View Full Version : First flattie on plastics!

26-01-2008, 10:44 PM
My wife and I went up to Bribie today and I was determined to finally catch my first flathead on plastics.

After last weekends failed attempts I was almost ready to give up but a few questions in Saltwater Chat and a mountain of good advice has paid off! ;D;D;D

It was only 42cm (and in the process I drowned my NEW digital camera... :'( ) but I reckon it was worth it.

We were fishing off the beach at Pumicestone Passage and I was using Nuclear Chicken Gulps with a 1/4 jighead (weighed down with an extra sinker because I didn't get a chance to go and get any heavier jigheads).

Thanks to all that gave their advice freely... it was a terrific help!

(Now I'm out to chase another to prove it wasn't just blind luck!)

Not a great pic but it is a pic... (wasn't going to post it because it reminds me of my soaking wet newbie!)

27-01-2008, 06:25 AM
Well done mate,its good to hear about the pay off of knowledge from the sight and the result,Your first flathead on plastics Congrads ,cheers

27-01-2008, 06:27 AM
Congrats, perfect size for a plate. My first flattie on SP's was about 1/4 that size!!!

Beware the addiction.


27-01-2008, 04:04 PM
good work, flattie was also my first fish caught on a sp
good to hear the advice was usefull im sure theres plenty more to come

27-01-2008, 04:07 PM
good work. it took me a while aswell. persistance pays off