View Full Version : friday passage run in

19-01-2008, 07:01 PM
After deciding at the last minute it was finally time to have the first fishing session of the year, a mate and I headed up to donnybrook for a run in session on the flats hoping for a few whiting. Decided to go the bait option as we were both after a lazy afternoon so headed to pump a few yabbies. They were pretty scarce with all the fresh, only getting one or two a pump. The session started off quite slow with only one decent whiting, though as the run came through we picked up a mix of 8 bream and tarwhine 26-33cm and a flatty which was a heavy 60cm. Caught probably double that in undersized flathead, bream, grunter and parrot and lost a few that felt like decent fish on bust offs. All up was a relaxing afternoon trip, didn't get what we were after but still got a feed for the both of us. The fish were feeding quite aggressively, I think they were quite hungry after all the fresh throughout the week. Looks like the next week could be quite productive.

19-01-2008, 07:23 PM
not a bad feed there budge,,,, i'm putting the tinny in tomorrow and will have a bit of a play around,,,should be a good afternoon run up with the full moon not far away,,,,,


19-01-2008, 08:05 PM
Hey budge, going up tomorrow to give the new ETEC a flogging. Gunna prowl around for a Jack or some Lizards.