View Full Version : Straddie break windy eh.

14-01-2008, 05:03 PM
Went to straddie for 2 weeks like i do every year and every year we never catch anything due to the wind and rain and swell. Even with the 35 to 45 nott winds i still pushed out and played around mud and peel but only one 40cm squire and dropped a 50cm. I had more luck with my brother who is now a plastic nut like me and hit the shores to get some brim and flatty. Caught a chopper tailor while fishing for brim which was fun on 4 pound leader. Watched the netters pull in huge numbers of sea mullet and watched my brother and i catch n/a after there netting splurge. Watched huge numbers of birds working the north of coast but they were 400lm away damb. any how heres some shots.

jez and suze
14-01-2008, 06:20 PM
beautiful spot.....were you at a house at amity up toward the seafood houses?
we are going there in a couple of weeks, cant wait!
nice ring of bream to btw......................jez

14-01-2008, 06:28 PM
That last photo nearly makes you cry eh..?

How that is allowed just blows my mind.....Just look at the amount of fish raped from the ocean......When will we learn....::) ::) ::)

14-01-2008, 10:47 PM
Gotta love straddie. Even when the weather is crap its still great. and you got amongst some fish. That bream looks solid.

Pete - its even worse when those nets are full of good tailor>:(

15-01-2008, 05:35 AM
without those netters we wouldnt have fresh fish
you bloke must not like fish or do u eat than imported shit


Far side
15-01-2008, 05:52 AM
without those netters we wouldnt have fresh fish
you bloke must not like fish or do u eat than imported shit


Hey pete i dont think that fish is for human consumption Its not on ICE so I would say that load is for cat food Considering the daily temperature

Crying shame
I have seen them do this and I bet they are not all mullet

15-01-2008, 06:36 AM
that the way they transport them to market which is not far
usually put ice over them when thy get up beach to keep them chilled
they are usually for human consumption


15-01-2008, 07:29 AM
;D ;D
We may say probabalilty they end up in the bait shops over Qld & rest cat food.
;D Ged

15-01-2008, 07:53 AM
without those netters we wouldnt have fresh fish
you bloke must not like fish or do u eat than imported shit


All i can say is 'give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, give a man a rod and he will eat for the rest of his life.'

I have lots of rods;)

15-01-2008, 08:05 AM

glad u have a lot of rods
but there are a lot that dont
and need to buy fish someone had to catch them and mullet a full of omegar oil
which is healthy


15-01-2008, 08:05 AM
that the way they transport them to market which is not far
usually put ice over them when thy get up beach to keep them chilled
they are usually for human consumption


The nearest market is on the mainland. Atleast 2 hours away.

Most of the pro's over straddie have massive ice makers and big cold rooms so they can ice their haul up so it makes it to the mainland.

But i would almost be certain that stuff is gonna be bait and feline fodder mate.:P

I have a mate who lives at amity (where the majority of the pro's live) and he was told by one of the guys that for them, with mullet, the difference in $$ they get is not worth the effort .

15-01-2008, 08:16 AM

glad u have a lot of rods
but there are a lot that dont
and need to buy fish someone had to catch them and mullet a full of omegar oil
which is healthy


All you need is a hand line and some bread to catch mullet. If they weren't being dragged from our waterways in the thousands it would be even easier to catch them.

Its a bugger of a situation because these guys have to make a living and people (and cats) want fish, whether to eat or use as bait.

We (fisherman, well bait soakers anyway) are as much to blame for this as anyone, as like i said a lot of this mullet is to fill bait eskies all over the country.

Alot of people are either too lazy or dont have time to catch their own fish/bait so this market is always going to be around, i just dont agree with mass netting. Sorry :-/

Years ago, I saw tonnes of tailor being netted on main beach straddie. It was the week before the straddie classic and it was a shocker of a year for tailor. Wonder why??

These fish sat on the back of the trailer for about an hour and then got tractored up the beach (main beach) which would have taken another hour and who knows how long it would have taken to get them on ice. I wouldn't buy fish from a fisho if it was the last fish on earth. Who knows where it been and how long its been sitting around.:P

15-01-2008, 08:31 AM
u dont agree with mass netting
they dont have a cutoff point when fishing
but i dont agree on fishing clubs catching fish for trophys
loading their bags up with no ice then turfing them back either

15-01-2008, 09:19 AM
u dont agree with mass netting
they dont have a cutoff point when fishing
but i dont agree on fishing clubs catching fish for trophys
loading their bags up with no ice then turfing them back either

Me either, but i would imagine that netting has far more affect on fish stocks than the trophy catchers.

Not that i agree with trophy hunting:P But all of the guys i know that have caught "trophy fish" understand how rare and special these fish are and make a real effort to get them back in the water and swimming asap.

There is however a small number who ruin it for everyone.>:(

15-01-2008, 09:51 AM

I think you have the reason why shop bought mullet in batter tastes so crook.

I have heard there is a fantastic overseas market for mullet roe. Anyone else heard this?

If what I hear is correct, I guess the rest can go to fish and chip shops and cat food.


15-01-2008, 12:52 PM
money in row mullet mainly comes from a female
melt is not so popular


17-01-2008, 09:52 PM
I hate to make this story any worse but i spoke to a mate that said they pulled in a full bag of queenies on main beach one day and didnt have a licence to keep so they left them on the beach to die. They grabbed as many as they could to eat so it wasnt all in vain. Pretty creapy hey. Also they left a lot of small brim amd tailor on the beach that didnt make the water and we caught nothing after that day on.

17-01-2008, 09:59 PM
waaaaaa sob sob baaaawwwwwaaaaaa sniff booohoohoo snifff waaaaaaaa all them queenies just wasted grrrrrrrr.

17-01-2008, 10:23 PM
I hate to make this story any worse but i spoke to a mate that said they pulled in a full bag of queenies on main beach one day and didnt have a licence to keep so they left them on the beach to die. They grabbed as many as they could to eat so it wasnt all in vain. Pretty creapy hey. Also they left a lot of small brim amd tailor on the beach that didnt make the water and we caught nothing after that day on.

I think this is the main problem I have with pro fishing, is the bycatch that don't make it back to the water alive. Netting is too indiscriminate. I know that substantial efforts are made to avoid bycatch now, but the problem has not been eliminated.

18-01-2008, 12:08 PM
I think this is the main problem I have with pro fishing, is the bycatch that don't make it back to the water alive. Netting is too indiscriminate. I know that substantial efforts are made to avoid bycatch now, but the problem has not been eliminated.

Totally agree.

It kills me to see nets full of fish being taken from the beach let alone to then be dumped.>:(