View Full Version : Okuma Eclipz EC-65

13-01-2008, 07:52 AM
How's it going guys.
For the past 5 years I have been using 4 okuma coronado 60's for snapper fishing and all the unwanted fish you encounter while doing that.(rays and shovel nose sharks)
My problem is 2 of the 4 coronados are starting to fail sometimes like once you put the free spool on it wont engage back so the fish keep running and I have to hold the spool and try and fix it while the fish is fighting for it's life.
Sometimes the anti reverse doesn't work so as I am fighting a fish the handle turns back words.
I have to say they have served me very well over the years and I'm not complaining but I think it's time for some new gear.
My question is does anybody own a okuma eclipz ec 65 and what they think of them.
Have you put your's through hell and back.
The mag's claim they are very strong and can be used for light game but I would rather hear what owners have to say.
Thank you very much.

13-01-2008, 03:44 PM
You just like the idea of okuma because of the lifetime warranty don't you? ::)
Sorry but i have never tryed it heard they are good though!

13-01-2008, 04:27 PM
Gday I've got the EC-90 Eclipz Baitrunner and have given it a solid workout on the beach over the last year. I've caught salmon, gummys, small bronzies and some big mother rays and havent had a drama yet ( fingers crossed) I just love the line capacity, makes you a bit more confident knowing you have 350 yards of 30lb to back you up when something big starts peeling line off real fast.....



13-01-2008, 09:31 PM
Thanks fellers.
I ended up buying 2 eclipz ec 65's.
I had a look at the shimano 4500 baitrunners but found them fairly heavy.
A well if I can get 5 years out of these reels I'll be happy.
Mind you all the coronado's need is a good service and they'll bee like new again.