o bag
09-01-2008, 08:50 PM
i fished the river for about the 20th time and actually caught something i was going to eat, my neighbor and i put in at the boat passage at about 10 in the morn, and headed off to the other side near the rock wall, we soon found out it was windy as hell, coming straight down the river, so we cruised up boggy creek to chuck in the pots, i still had an old bream in the freezer about a year old, that i hadnt bothered to fillet and used that as bait, after we put the pots in, we cruised up the footbridge in search of some live bait, but we didnt catch sqaut!, going through the bridge and just before it, the bottom looks very rocky and there are some decent drop offs through there, we decided to anchor up pretty much in front of the bridge and see if there is anything lurking about,my neighbour had rigged up half a pillie and casted it out, he immediatly started to get bites but nothing decent just little break or toadies we recon, after getting my line untangled from my reel god knows how it happened, i finally got to cast in but still had the same problem little pickers, after 15 minutes there we motored back up the river, it was still pretty windy and choppy, we were thinking of this spot we have fished before, it was windy, heaps of chop and wash(god dam pilots and ferrys!!!), we turned back to see if we can find anything decent on the sounder, we travelled a bit and found this gem...big drop offs, heaps of structure, and un even ground, we anchored on the shallower part and casted into the structure and the drop off, prety much as soon as we had our first cast we were getting pretty decent bites, a few casts later i got my first legal squire(42cm)i was cheering and definalty keepin it, my neighbour then hooked up, got pretty excited only to find it was a foul hooked catty, a big storm cloud was approaching us, thats when the fish came on more of a bite, ended up getting 2 more undersized squires(30cm), my neighbour then pullin in a 35cm bream, and then another catty, i hooked up again and bought in a 36cm bream, my biggest bream yet, after plenty of hook ups my neighbour finally bought in another squire the same size as mine, thats going in the esky, we ended up with a pan sized squire each and 2 big bream....this aint much but its the best ive done, i have only ever caught small bream, moses perch, stingrays, shovel noses and big cattys, so i was pretty happy about the day, defiantly going to go back, hopefully at night there has got to be bigger ones.....good luck