05-01-2008, 01:52 PM
Well, this was the plan. Following forecast of possible early morning shower clearing through the morning, up at 5 to head out near the Hornibrook to catch the last of the in and first of the out. I had wired up one of the crab pot frames i made a few years back ( 800 x 500 x 450 mm, 6mm round hard drawn steel ), and was keen to walk it to a spot under the mangroves. Lobbing a prawn or two around the 'groves for bream or whatever needed a feed, and on the second rod i was planning to throw a pilly or two out to let 'em wash over the sand banks. By now i was hoping to be cleaning up some nice bream around the 30 - 35cm mark, a coupla nice pan sized lizards, and maybe have a muddie or two cooking in the pot.
What went wrong! ::) Stayed up late as daughter was fairly unsettled, eventually crashed around 1.30. This was ok. Woke around 5.30, a little later than planned. This is were things went askew. Wife wakes and asks, "where are you going" ( reality sinks in that in the excitement of wetting a line after the rain, i had neglected to advise my dear better half of my plans).
"Well, i'm heading off the catch a fish, remember i told you yesterday arvo". ( tried to bluff my way through).
"Sorry, i need you to help me clean up the laundry/storage facility. Then i was hoping you'd help me rearrange Brett's (the young bloke) room, and clear away all the growth that's started to envelope the shed over the last couple months. Can you go next week"?
So i sit here now, thinking of the session that coulda been, shoulda been. And can't get out this arvo, am heading off at 3.30 to work at the soccer. The best laid plans of mice,eh. ;D I might duck down there early in the a.m., get a couple hours in before i head off to church.
What went wrong! ::) Stayed up late as daughter was fairly unsettled, eventually crashed around 1.30. This was ok. Woke around 5.30, a little later than planned. This is were things went askew. Wife wakes and asks, "where are you going" ( reality sinks in that in the excitement of wetting a line after the rain, i had neglected to advise my dear better half of my plans).
"Well, i'm heading off the catch a fish, remember i told you yesterday arvo". ( tried to bluff my way through).
"Sorry, i need you to help me clean up the laundry/storage facility. Then i was hoping you'd help me rearrange Brett's (the young bloke) room, and clear away all the growth that's started to envelope the shed over the last couple months. Can you go next week"?
So i sit here now, thinking of the session that coulda been, shoulda been. And can't get out this arvo, am heading off at 3.30 to work at the soccer. The best laid plans of mice,eh. ;D I might duck down there early in the a.m., get a couple hours in before i head off to church.