View Full Version : Had Enough
03-01-2008, 08:19 PM
Had a gut full of wind , wife and kids and said stuff the wind I'm going for a fish , so I put the boat in at the passage and a couple of minutes later I was sounding around spot K in the brissy river and to my surprise there was plenty on the screen.dropped the pick and started to fish (stinky stuff) after 10 minutes of watching the lines bow like hell in the nice little breeze (30+knots) one rod go's off and in comes a nice squire around the 40cm mark...mmmmm..ok...think I'll stay a bit longer....missed the next couple of hits and then bagged another of the same size and missed a couple more and after about an hour and half it was fish gone and time for catfish salad with a stingray dressing....time to pull the pin.
was hard fishing with the wind but the fish were there and hungry right when the almanac said they don't let a heep of wind put you off from having a fish in the river.
pickers :P
03-01-2008, 08:48 PM
dose that almanac say anything about tomorow hehe, well done on the fish to.
03-01-2008, 09:02 PM
know the feeling pickers. i couldnt help myself and fished the mouth of oxley crk again this arv for few hours. im not looking for a feed just out to have some fun . scored my first river threadie be it a small one around 50 but nice little fight. same as you catfish and big ray, lost a bullie around 2ft they seem pleniful this size around there, seen 3 caught in 2 days also got a nice bream. even though im having fun fishing the river can this weather stop till i go back to work so i can get the boat out and fish where i really want to fish.
03-01-2008, 09:10 PM
sure does mate.....7.22am and 1.22pm
just add six hours to the major times to get the minor times.
I have more luck on the minor times.
liz wiz
it was my last day of xmas hols on tueday so I couldn't take it anymore and had to do a session , even if it killed me (or someone else)
03-01-2008, 09:21 PM
There is always somewhere to fish in the river when the winds up. Well done on the squire.Thinking of haveing a go over the weekend cheers for the report
03-01-2008, 09:37 PM
my fishing is mainly done down the coast but seem to see a fair few posts of nice squire caught up towards the mouth and this is tempting me to have ago for em . never caught one but ive never tried either. do you guys fish structure for em, rock walls etc . guessing pillies would entice em ?
03-01-2008, 09:59 PM
my fishing is mainly done down the coast but seem to see a fair few posts of nice squire caught up towards the mouth and this is tempting me to have ago for em . never caught one but ive never tried either. do you guys fish structure for em, rock walls etc . guessing pillies would entice em ?
Pillies what are they?::):P
Mate the river squire cant ignore a well presented plastic, you can get the squidgie flick baits in a pillie colour too. ;D
04-01-2008, 12:08 AM
just to let you all know i am totally lost when you guys start talking sp's and poppers and hard bodies pretty much any thing that you tie to your line apart from a hook. maybe im lazy maybe im stuck in my ways maybe i catch enough fish using nothing but the bait i catch or buy. i enjoy just dropping a bait and unless its proven to me that bait is a thing of the past and all these fancy lures with even fancy names catch more fish without a doubt i will proberly keep fishing the way i am till i die. no offence Plastix i just have never been shown how to use those things you use. i have tried em but when nothing happens i quickly change back to bait.
Flattie Assassin
04-01-2008, 04:57 AM
just to let you all know i am totally lost when you guys start talking sp's and poppers and hard bodies pretty much any thing that you tie to your line apart from a hook. maybe im lazy maybe im stuck in my ways maybe i catch enough fish using nothing but the bait i catch or buy. i enjoy just dropping a bait and unless its proven to me that bait is a thing of the past and all these fancy lures with even fancy names catch more fish without a doubt i will proberly keep fishing the way i am till i die. no offence Plastix i just have never been shown how to use those things you use. i have tried em but when nothing happens i quickly change back to bait.
Keep reading here, and you'll soon be converted to plastics i imagine. I havn't touched smelly old bait in years. And my catch rate has increased. Plastics are easy. Get yourself a copy of the Berkley soft plastics DVD. It's a good beginners movie.
04-01-2008, 06:23 AM
Lizard Wizard,
I was pretty much the same as you six months ago. Liked the idea of soft plastics but reverted back to bait the moment they failed to deliver. Although I'm still a beginner I hit a point when I finally got "it" - still not sure what "it" is but it could be that you are in total control and have to make the SP look like a bait.
Lately I have been fishing for bream with SP's (I don't take bait to ensure I resist the temptation of reverting) and I have to say it has lifted the excitement and enjoyment to a new level. You do have to fish very differently as compared to bait.
As for fishing the mouth of the river, that is also on my to do list. Might see you out there one day.
Have fun!
04-01-2008, 08:31 AM
thanks FA and Lapras. the only lure fishing ive done with success is for bass and i know exactly what you's mean when you say it is exciting. have a gun spot for bass;)land based .but any salt water fish ive tried to target has given me no results. mind you i have given up pretty easily and havent persisted. maybe a good dvd like you said FA will give me inspiration to try again or maybe i go out with nothing but lures so the temptation to fish with bait doesnt pull me in. you guys all seem to know your stuff and i do see good catches with lures on here. if any of you lure fishermen want to have a fish with me to show me how its done i'll come to let ya's show me the proof is in the pudding. then maybe i'll be a convert and will be able to understand this different languange you all use.
04-01-2008, 09:03 AM
Howdy fisho's
I was a "smelly bait" user for years and, like most of us, thought the plastic revolution probably was just a gimmick to sell something new.
The only way I found to convince myself that they worked was a couple of sessions with no smelly stuff onboard....... and guess what...... a couple of my best Brissy River squire and a PB whiting convinced me. Best of all no smelly hands or stinky boat at the end of the day, mummy was even happy(well maybe not, r they ever??)
Still not sure about the Gulp v Squidgy arguement???
04-01-2008, 09:09 AM
Hey LW,
Two places I would start if you wanna try something different would be squire on placcies because its too easy- just go to the same spots you would catch them on bait. scan a few threads to get more advice.
The second thing I would try would be bream on poppers. Get some ultra light line and a small popper (pink pop queen goes well) and start casting around pylons and mangroves. Good fun and you can stay away from the wind.
To begin with you may get less fish on lures but you technique will improve and so will your results. My first time plasticin for squire got me a 58cm
04-01-2008, 10:03 AM
thanks Stinky P and Tetsuo. i have a question you say fish for squire in the normal places in the river but i have no idea where this is or which sp to use or the technique you use. i watched the video of Plastix catching them on sp but it was offshore so i dont think the technique would be the same as the one you would use in the brissie. 58cm straight up that would assure you they work. well done Tetsuo. any more tips places to try techniques would be appreciated.
04-01-2008, 10:07 AM
Howdy fisho's
I was a "smelly bait" user for years and, like most of us, thought the plastic revolution probably was just a gimmick to sell something new.
The only way I found to convince myself that they worked was a couple of sessions with no smelly stuff onboard....... and guess what...... a couple of my best Brissy River squire and a PB whiting convinced me. Best of all no smelly hands or stinky boat at the end of the day, mummy was even happy(well maybe not, r they ever??)
Still not sure about the Gulp v Squidgy arguement???
Does that mean you not catching any fish?Not to mention that gulps are very stinky.:P
04-01-2008, 01:51 PM
liz wiz
I take the kids with me some times and give them the placcy to play with while dad gets the stinky stuff out and they both work , so I think it's just a matter if the fish are on the chew or not because if they're not you can throw everything at them and still get zip.
I too love chasing bass and have done a bit down behind the goldy at spot B and really killed the pig on them.
if I didn't come home from fishing smelly of bait and fish the missus would think I've been elsewhere.I always carry placky's with me but don't get them out that often as I have good results on pong.
each to their own mate.
if your planning on heading this way let me know and I'll point you in the right direction.
04-01-2008, 02:50 PM
are there any choice spots for a wheelchair to access along the brissie river? or is pretty much just a mangrove hike? same with the oxley creek?
04-01-2008, 05:05 PM
Pickers thanks for that mate. will let ya know if im gunna head to the mouth maybe youd like to join. im really dieing though to hit the goldie but this weather doesnt want to let me.
Wheel Chair Guy i think it would be possible for you to access the pontoon at oxley creek mouth. i went there again this morning wasnt getting much action so went to another spot just up the road and scored a metre maybe more had no tape on me Threadfin. man they have a few good runs in em. nephew got a smallish one along with catfish and i git bit off again by shark. i thought 60pound trace would be enough for bullies but with around 4 or 5 bite offs i was wrong. gunna have to get me some wire i thinks. back to access for you i dont know which way you coming in but when you turn left or right into Nadine st off Graceville ave quickly turn right takes you in the carpark , head right to the end and you will see a path that leads you down to the pontoon . im not sure off the inclines you can take your wheelchair but i think you could do it. take your umbrella mate got soaked there today but catching that threadie i couldnt careless. cheers Jamie.
04-01-2008, 05:07 PM
Awesome, thanks heaps for the info liz, might go and have a peek this weekend weather permitting.
04-01-2008, 05:17 PM
cool might see you there WCG if this weather doesnt let me hit the coast.
04-01-2008, 08:44 PM
wheelchair guy
I've known a few blokes on wheels...... ability and strength varies.... so does determination
How are you on your wheels, are you a "flat & smooth" or "stairs on my own", type guy or somewhere in between.
There are quite a few areas that are worth a look...the oxley creek mouth access is a bit steep and uneven but if you are strong in your chair and maybee mountain bike tyres you'll get down there no probs.... the getting back up will be an effort.
West end would be real worthwhile, miles of bike track very close to the edge and very close parking..... some of the places you would almost cast out of the car window......
boat ramp areas and ferry pontoons would be likely and reasonably easy.
comslie boat ramp is a good option.... will be realy good once the fishing platform is complete.....take something with some casting range.
Make sure you brakes are holding hey........if you are getting serious you might have to fit some outriggers like the cranes use at the front of the chair for some ground grip.....& strap yourself in good.
04-01-2008, 09:31 PM
mate im definately a stairs on my own kind of guy although sometimes my chair doesnt agree!
will usually either have my mate or my cousin with me there so will have a bit of help getting back up if thats the issue, guess im just looking for a few close places to catch some quality fish as i live in southside in acacia ridge so it wouldnt be that far to travel.
04-01-2008, 09:44 PM
Hi Wheelchair guy
If you're interested in a charter trip offshore, I'd recommend contacting Incredible Charters (Capt Keith Hall) over at Scarborough. Keith's boat is well set up, and he is experienced at catering for wheely groups. Top bloke, too!
04-01-2008, 09:56 PM
thx for the info grant, only one issue, i dont too well with the whole swell and sea sick thing which is why i kinda stick to the estuaries, not sure if its because of disability and balance or if im just a weak sauce that cant go outside although the last time i did i enjoyed cracking into a few snapper until i started calling for ralph!
04-01-2008, 10:30 PM
mate im definately a stairs on my own kind of guy although sometimes my chair doesn't agree!
;D ;D ;D
I've met some pretty determined wheelies and seen some wild chairs..... have you seen the wheelchair rugby dudes & the chairs they use?... scary
I heard of a couple of below the waist para guys that decided to go back to their trade....... panel beating & spray painting.....they had to invent the gear to give them access.
the other thung that comes to mind is.......... riverwheel... sorry riverwalk;D ;D
there is miles of it, there has to be fish under that somewhere.......plenty of deep water near too. ...... hey you could put a rod holder out the side & go trolling along it.
Now wheel chair with rocket launchers on the back and a live bait well underneath..... that would be something.
part of that is the timber board walk that runs infromt of all that eagle street stuff.
From what I understand rivercat is chair accessable, which would give you a nice day out and access to all sorts of places both sides of the river........I think they get a bit narky if you chuck a line over the back though.;D
Now this could become a thing....... "wheelchair fishing"...... some of you fellas would be fine in a kyack too, once it was in the water.
As long as your abilities were suited a para guy would be as capable or better in a kyack as a bloke with working legs.
No mucking about , no excuses ..... get into it;D
05-01-2008, 07:57 AM
liz havin a bit of trouble finding those streets in the refedex mate, what suburb are they in?
05-01-2008, 08:01 AM
Keep reading here, and you'll soon be converted to plastics i imagine. I havn't touched smelly old bait in years. And my catch rate has increased. Plastics are easy. Get yourself a copy of the Berkley soft plastics DVD. It's a good beginners movie.
Another good dvd is squidgy secrets it gives good basic instructions showing you exactly how to rig and use soft plastics
05-01-2008, 08:15 AM
nevermind......FOUND IT!
05-01-2008, 09:25 AM
hey Codz thanks for the tip on dvd might have to get myself one to see how its done.
WCG if you got help id say should be no worries for ya. the incline on the pontoon depends on the tide cuz it raises and lowers with the tide. i only been fishing live bait caught in cast net and opera house nets"sliced up potato and abit of spam" catch poddy mullet, prawns,herring,shrimp etc. the big shrimp which i get in opera nets is gun threadie bait mate. ;) slabs of flesh seem to get the sharks though if ya chasing them. need wire though mate. good luck WCG.
05-01-2008, 09:41 AM
Pickers sorry for getting your post way off track. cheers LW
05-01-2008, 02:47 PM
cant help but think half of Brizzy's gonna be fishin off the pontoon at Pamphlett Bridge in the coming weeks ;D ;D ;D .
Especially those like me that havent caught a thready...all the best to 'em!!
used to fish there in the early '90s as it was the most productive spot within biking distance of home....mind you....home was Corinda so it still was a bit of a hike with the 10ft bamboo poles and strapped with alveys....let alone the cast net n tackle box.
Never got threadies back then though......not to say they werent there.....used live shrimp mostly for bait so you'd expect that from one of our many many trips we'd have snagged one......predominantly catties bream eels and the odd cod(very small.....we called em rock cod.....dont know actual species).
Anyway....Great to see that fishing is improving in the river.....and the variety of species seems to expand everyday!!!!
Must have been because of the "Green Zones" the EPA imposed years ago ::) :P ::) ......wasnt because of the end of the dredging era...NO WAY!!! It was the fisherman that destroyed it ...not the pollution :D .
think i might go give the old pamphlett a shot when im in town.
cheers ,
05-01-2008, 03:19 PM
As I mentioned before on anolder thread the pamphlet pontoon would be an ideal kyack fishing launch point....... miles of mangrove in all directions and lots of deep water.
05-01-2008, 08:02 PM
i have never fished this place myself but you can access oxley crk again on another pontoon in a park that is just down the road from the rocklea markets. have seen some guys pulling pots off the bridge there on main rd with some decent looking crabs in em. sorry if ive given up your spot if you fish the mouth of oxley off the pontoon. but it seems no secret spot to me and good luck to those who go and try it.
Old Boot have you ventured further down the creek in a boat. looks like some good spots down there from the view at the pontoon.
Noosa Nipper pm me i got another spot not far away that i got the metre plus salmon off. but you might already know it if you a local. as long as you are catch and release with the salmon and keep it to yaself. it will get ya away from the pontoon if crowded.
05-01-2008, 09:05 PM
Unfortunatly I am significantly chalenged in the waterborne mobility stakes at the moment......I'm working on that.
I had a good walk up and down some of the river bank there...... lots of structure.... tooo much structure.....couldnt get a clear cast at the water from the land........ but some waterborne mobility....AHH who knows what's in there.
there might be some access from the sporting fields up stream too.
Hmm I thaught the pontoon was a no fishing zone::) ...... hmm perhaps not;D
05-01-2008, 09:22 PM
Oldboot which pontoon you talking about the one at the mouth or one near rocklea markets? i havent seen any signs saying no fishing at either. you need a machety to walk that bank wouldnt ya. maybe you could clear a nice spot out for yaself with a chainsaw;D
05-01-2008, 09:40 PM
I was thinking about the pontoon at the mouth of the creek.
Machetty........... chainsaw and abseiling ropes.
there are a couple of likely places along the river proper you could get down to with ropes then jig yourself out over the water to get a clear cast...... but you'd have to be keen and have a good harness;D
have you looked under the dropoly brigde..... there is another sneaky little pontoon there too.
05-01-2008, 10:08 PM
have not seen any signs there. they probably would be torn down if there was. mate if you stuck on land at the moment cuz you have no boat found a good spot not far from the oxley mouth if you want the spot give me a pm . dont need machetty ,chainsaw or abseiling gear to get to it.;D nice and open . dont know if you allowed to fish it but no one has said otherwise yet . you dont know me if someone says anything though ::) .
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