View Full Version : Townsville 1/1/2008

01-01-2008, 02:04 PM
Hi all,
First thread ever yay!
anyways headed out from the bohle ramp at 5am, straight over to the rockbar near the flats at maggie, throwing poppers and softies everywhere. didnt get anything, however spooked two barra in the rocks est. at 50-60cm. Then headed for black river to check it out. just got in the mouth with my 3.5m boat (not recommended). there were mullet everywhere, from one side of the river to the other (no joke), cast netted about 200 in 2 casts, most were 50-70mm, from the looks of it the river was too shallow for any proper fishing (has anyone fished here before?). Decided to head out to Burdekin rock and get some reefies. pulled up on the seaward side about 30m out and dropped down the poddies. baits were getting eaten but nothing too big. The place i anchored looked susiciously like a trevally haunt and i decided to drop the bait rod and throw out a gold bomber, twitching it around the bombies got spanked when a GT whacked it and went straight around the nearest rock. Trevally 1 me nil. tie on next gold bomber, second cast another travally, this one lasted maybe 30 seconds before it too wrapped me around a bombie. i ran out of bombers and couldnt get any bites on the poppers so i left as the wind started to blow up around 11.30!
Nice day as well glassy smooth for the most part


01-01-2008, 03:21 PM
At least you know where those trevally are hanging mate...
Go and sought them out with some nice big poppers and heavier gear.


02-01-2008, 07:42 PM
these the reasons why i love my live bait fishing. $20 gone $40 gone . i just dont tell my missus when i have to replace a lure ive lost when i do use em. my ears are still ringing lol.

02-01-2008, 11:01 PM
Thats when you need to have some cheap lures.....the mart we dont mention has a deal on some cheap gold bommer lookalikes at 4 for $10 at the moment.... should be the same deal up your way..

Ya dont ming throwing $2.50 somewhere risky..... save your good ones for when you need em. cheers

Scott nthQld
03-01-2008, 03:40 PM
Gold bomber's aren't expensive, Kaoticus, the Fishing Warehouse on Duckworth (across from Retravision) usually has a good deal on them, last time I was ther they were about 2 for $15, but if you buy bulk, they'll probably give em to you cheaper (you can never have enough gold bomber's).

03-01-2008, 08:53 PM
Holy Smoke you can buy BULK gold bombers, i go thru a fair few but i neva new you could get em in bulk. haha. BTW i musta had too much sun or sumthin cos i was lookin at the map and i was fishin at Bay Rock. I think BUrdekin's underwater or what?????

03-01-2008, 10:12 PM
Yep Kao,

Burdekin Rock's in the bay between Bohle mouth and ??Cordelia. She's outside the 3 NM limit by a smidgeon so ya have to carry an epirb.

BTW I took the sprogs for a trip around Maggie today and the weather was BEAuuuuuutiful. A nice breeze but no whitecaps - I couldn't believe the coast guard ramp wasn't full!!! Unfortunately not much fishing but we had a snorkel on the Horseshoe Bay end of the 5 Beaches Bay green zone. A good 10m vis there and then popped into Alma for a cool down and spotted some nice tuskies on the wreck just off the beach as well as a brilliantly marked sand (I think) flattie under the boat.

The lifeguards informed us as we were donning our stinger suits that boats are no longer permitted inside Alma Bay. When did that happen? I've always dropped in there for a quick swim and a No2. As long as the boats are anchored an acceptable distance from the bathers, noone complains. Thats progress I guess...


Scott nthQld
04-01-2008, 10:39 AM
I'd check with the Aurthorities on that one, never heard of that before. Maggie Isl residents have a history of thinking they're better than everyone else, and making their own rules.