View Full Version : Navara STX squeeks

31-12-2007, 12:55 AM
New navara has a few very annoying squeeks. Has developed a very bad squeek in the bonnet, not sure where but is pissing me off no end. Also has developed some squeeks in the rear seat (the smaller one) and the leaf springs. Any ideas? Everytime I take it back to the dealer the sqeeeks dissapear. I think they are becoming more permanent, so going to take it to the dealer again next week. If anyone has any pointers or tips on these noises would be glad to hear them!

31-12-2007, 09:07 AM
3 choices.
Hit every suspect contact point with teflon spray and forget about it.
Turn up the radio.
Get a good dose of industrial deafness or selective hearing and you will never ever be annoyed by any squeaky whiny and winge sounds, missus included.


31-12-2007, 09:59 AM
Cheers Jack, probably wouldn't annoy me so much if it were not for the fact that the car is only 2 months old!

31-12-2007, 10:29 AM
Interesting, I have had mine for 3 months, 8000K's and no squeaks yet... I must say, I am hopeing I don't get any squeaks as I have read alot off post about squeaking STX's...

31-12-2007, 01:10 PM
Take it for a spin down cooloola way and harrys hut road Jabba, thats what I did, been regretting it ever since.

31-12-2007, 03:32 PM
I take it Harry's hut and Cooloola is a shocker of a track... So in general because you STX did a fair amount off twisting, it has been squeaking ever since?..

31-12-2007, 05:10 PM
Harries Hut and Cooloola Way are pretty rough, but they are not that bad. More corrogated than anything. The chassis probably does a little bit of twisting up Harries Hut Road, but the squeek had well and truly set in by then. I would not call either track excessive by any means. They do shake the car a bit, but it should be able to handle it. Any 2wd could handle it, in fact my old Mazda 929 did that track a few times. After 7000k it should not be squeeking like it is, bit of a bummer cause that is the only thing wrong with the car. Apart from the noise its a brilliant car.

02-01-2008, 09:40 AM
No squeeking so far but does anybody out there have our problem? We moved up from an STR but find that the STX has a definite flat spot when you accelerate on any sort of an incline. There are a few seconds when you don't know if you've got the power to take off or you snuff it. A friend was told by Nissan that it's the accelerator and we've been told it is the new clutch mechanism they're using. We've been driving manuals for years and never had this problem with the STR.
Consequently we drive around avoiding hills where we can. We have a diesel
and the fuel economy isn't as good as the STR either but otherwise we're happy with the car.

02-01-2008, 11:57 AM
I heard the lack of power was as a result of meeting to emmisions regulations. An aftermarket chip (if available) might solve these problems.

wags on the water
02-01-2008, 12:48 PM
Instead of leaving the car with them, take them for a spin and point the problem out while they're in the car.

02-01-2008, 01:34 PM
Did that Wags, they guy piped up straight away and says "Thats not the suspension, thats the bonnet". The car is still squeeking. He was right though, bacuse if you are driving slow and its squeeking, then pop the bonnet, the squeek goes away. The noises are a lot more permamanent now, so hopefull that will make it easier to locate the problem and fix it.

02-01-2008, 05:37 PM
Have you considered the rubber gromets at the front where the bonnet rests on when shut?


02-01-2008, 05:50 PM
I thought they were responsible at first too Ken, but I tried some grease on them, followed by silicon grease and still squeeked. might be were the grommets screw into the lid itself. Might try some grease there too.

09-01-2008, 05:02 PM
I had the same squeak in my STX by the sound of it. Drove me nuts.

It turned out to be the bonnet latch. I put some grease on the latch contact areas and it hasn't been back for about 6 months now. Hope it works for you to. I had no luck taking it back to the dealer. Bunch of monkeys they are.

I also have one in the back seat area. It seams worst when the car gets wet which is making me think it might be the spare wheel. Got one in the passenger door in the last 2 weeks.

i don't think they are made quite as well as the old DX.



09-01-2008, 05:13 PM
Hey IanI
The new D40 Navara is made in Spain,The older D22 was made in Japan.

09-01-2008, 06:21 PM
I had the same squeak in my STX by the sound of it. Drove me nuts.

It turned out to be the bonnet latch. I put some grease on the latch contact areas and it hasn't been back for about 6 months now. Hope it works for you to. I had no luck taking it back to the dealer. Bunch of monkeys they are.

I also have one in the back seat area. It seams worst when the car gets wet which is making me think it might be the spare wheel. Got one in the passenger door in the last 2 weeks.

i don't think they are made quite as well as the old DX.



I got a squeek in the back seat too, but only when someone is sitting on it!