View Full Version : 100 series cruiser fuel problem

the lobster
26-12-2007, 09:54 PM
Hi all,
My Father in law is having a problem with his 100 series 4.2D 1HZ and I'm wondering if anyone has come across it before.

It appears to be starving for fuel for some reason. It is difficult to start, needs to be cranked quite a few times before it will fire. When it starts is struggles to idle. We have now adjusted to the idle so that it will idle smoothly, but that obviously doesn't fix the underlying problem.

It can be driven around no problem but is noticeably down on power, especially below about 1500rpm. It really bogs down when taking off in first gear.

We have replaced the main fuel filter with no improvement. We originally thought the problem might be the injectors but there is no other evidence to suggest this. No smoke or the like.

The problem coincided with the use of some questionable quality diesel from a drum on a farm in a remote location. I wouldn't have thought this would do any more than just clog the filter(s). As I said we have changed the main fuel filter and drained the fuel tank. There is another small in-line fuel filter in the fuel line on tip of the fuel tank but the tank needs to be removed before that filter can be replaced (we can't find any other way to get to it).

Our next course of action is to remove the fuel tanks, clean them out and replace the small in-line filter. Are we barking up the wrong tree? Are we better off concentrating on the fuel pump or fuel cut-off solenoid?

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

thanks a lot and sorry for the long post.


27-12-2007, 07:18 PM
What did the diesel inside the filters look like?
have you tried some kind of additive to remove any questionable nasties in the diesel?
Just going out on a limb here but you could have algae called "black death" it requires certain temp to grow once in your tank its hard to get it out. If you do have it you will have to remove tank clean run replace filters, run and replace filters. There could be an easier way I'm sure someone else will elaborate.

If in doubt take it to a diesel mechanic to get it diagnosed


28-12-2007, 06:33 PM
most diesel vehciles have fine guauze filters in some of the banjo fittings around the fuel pump filter housing or tank youll have to take each one off and check p.s dont lose the copper washers
also if youve picked up some questionble fuel rip off a couple of rubber hoses and check if they have perished on the inside expcially near tthe tank
definatly replace all the fuel filters also check underneath fo a water trap cant rember if thats a landy thing or patrol dont hurt to look
also can you can remove the sender unit and check the guaze sock on that
try running a seperate line from the fuel tank as a test to by pass the orig system that will help isolate if tank prob (no change) or a system prob (prob seems to have gone

hope this helps

the lobster
31-12-2007, 11:35 PM
What did the diesel inside the filters look like?
have you tried some kind of additive to remove any questionable nasties in the diesel?
Just going out on a limb here but you could have algae called "black death" it requires certain temp to grow once in your tank its hard to get it out. If you do have it you will have to remove tank clean run replace filters, run and replace filters. There could be an easier way I'm sure someone else will elaborate.

If in doubt take it to a diesel mechanic to get it diagnosed


Thanks for the reply. My father-in-law has come across the diesel bug before but doesn't think it's the problem. The fuel coming from the filter looks fine, very clear, no discrepancies.



the lobster
31-12-2007, 11:41 PM
most diesel vehciles have fine guauze filters in some of the banjo fittings around the fuel pump filter housing or tank youll have to take each one off and check p.s dont lose the copper washers
also if youve picked up some questionble fuel rip off a couple of rubber hoses and check if they have perished on the inside expcially near tthe tank
definatly replace all the fuel filters also check underneath fo a water trap cant rember if thats a landy thing or patrol dont hurt to look
also can you can remove the sender unit and check the guaze sock on that
try running a seperate line from the fuel tank as a test to by pass the orig system that will help isolate if tank prob (no change) or a system prob (prob seems to have gone

hope this helps

Thanks very much. We'll try/check those things. We've emptied the water trap a couple of times and there has been some water in there but not an alarming amount.

I assume there's no way of getting the sender unit out without removing the fuel tank(s)?

thanks a lot.


the lobster
31-12-2007, 11:43 PM
No one knows anything about fuel cut-off solenoids???


01-01-2008, 09:12 AM
If it was the fuel cut off solenoids it would run at all IMO.
On the old 2h engines they had a motor that moved in and out to allow more fuel when cold then more to a leaner mixture once it got the temp up. they play up they normally stay in the rich position, the symptoms for this is massive amounts of black smoke. i dont know if the newer engines have a similar system.


01-01-2008, 05:01 PM
We have had a similar problem with a 2000 model ute, it turned out to be the fuel advance on the injector pump something to do with an internal part that gave trouble in a couple of models, this vehicle had just rolled 100,000 and yet my 1990 model is well over 200,000 and no trouble at all.
The symptons were that it was really difficult to start motor seemed to rattle more than it should, the exhaust was sticky instead of being dry, it seemed to go OK on the highway, it gave the impression that it was drawing air into the fuel.
Anyway we called Highway Diesel in Brisbane and they fixed it up no problems i am not sure what it cost as it is my fathers ute but they knew what it was as soon as they were told what it was doing. Maybe not the same problem as you have but it does seem to be similar.

the lobster
04-02-2008, 07:29 PM
We have had a similar problem with a 2000 model ute, it turned out to be the fuel advance on the injector pump something to do with an internal part that gave trouble in a couple of models, this vehicle had just rolled 100,000 and yet my 1990 model is well over 200,000 and no trouble at all.
The symptons were that it was really difficult to start motor seemed to rattle more than it should, the exhaust was sticky instead of being dry, it seemed to go OK on the highway, it gave the impression that it was drawing air into the fuel.
Anyway we called Highway Diesel in Brisbane and they fixed it up no problems i am not sure what it cost as it is my fathers ute but they knew what it was as soon as they were told what it was doing. Maybe not the same problem as you have but it does seem to be similar.

Thanks a lot Ziggy. I'll let him know that info. You don't happen to remember the name of internal part that was playing up?


04-02-2008, 07:40 PM
I would be trying to put some gauges inline to the injector pump and from the pump to the injectors.. this will give you a true indication of were to look.. even knowing if the suply to the injector pump is correct will point you down the right path

04-02-2008, 08:13 PM
Yep, sounds like it could be pump problems. Or even a oil on a bad solinoid or something. Just take it to the deisel guys. What ever it is. It wouldnt just start all of a sudden unless something is contaminated. I havent heard of it before on a 100 series

deathstar 3
05-02-2008, 08:20 PM
What about cracked fuel lines? I had trouble like this and found very small cracks in the fuel suction lines, this enabled air to be sucked instead of the diesel.

It slowly got worse and worse over about a month or so until i fiddled with the hose and opened the crack up and she wouldn't go at all. Something to think about anyway.


12-02-2008, 08:28 PM
gummed up injectors . turning the idle up will push more pressure through and hide the spatter and rough idle .

injector cleaner would be first choice . and dont use crap off the shelf at servo's etc

ask a deisel mech for good stuff .
stuff that only mechanics can get bulk is the go