View Full Version : Rod Customising (cutting off some of the butt)

Danda fishn man
24-12-2007, 01:27 PM
I just went and bought one of the deals at BCF at the moment that offer a free SSS (Shimano Sonic Series) rod when you buy a shimano T-shirt. Its a "Sonic 702 Spin Line Weight 2-5kg." It looks like a good rod to me but I do alot of kayak fishing and the butt is to long. Is it possible to grab a hacksaw and chop some off or will that damage the rest of the rod? Is there anything i need to be mindful of when doing this?


24-12-2007, 06:19 PM
Chop it off!!!.
But be careful not too hack and bash the blank around too much.
Use a fine blade and go gently.

24-12-2007, 08:41 PM
why did you say this??

24-12-2007, 09:48 PM
Use a fine toothed hacksaw and make sure you seal the end somehow.


Danda fishn man
24-12-2007, 09:53 PM
why did you say this??
say what???

25-12-2007, 06:48 AM

Yes cut the butt of to the length you want and then you can get a stanley knife and trim the EVA or Cork grip to the actual blank to a length that wil allow you to put on a butt cap and glue it on with alderrite.

If you are not sure then PM me and I will help you.
