View Full Version : which braid should I use?

22-12-2007, 05:52 AM
Just finished reading the thread about fireline snapping and wondered what everyones preferred light braid/Gelspun line in about the 3-8lb range? I too am not entirely happy with fireline.

Those people out there that buy $1000+ bream combos:o , surely you use some decent stuff? thanks:D

22-12-2007, 07:24 AM
Hows it going mate

I have been using the Daiwa TD Sensor braid and love it costs about 60 bucks for 150m

22-12-2007, 07:55 AM
I am currently using 4lb Fins on my bream out fit and it definatley hasn't let me down it's good for casting strong, good with knots etc...however i have been using one of the cheaper braids on the market in 10lb it's superbraid. I like it mainly for the same reasons as i like fins. I think fins is about $40 for 150 yards and Super Braid is $60 for 300yards.

Flattie Assassin
22-12-2007, 08:51 AM
I'm using fins braid in 6, 8 and 10 pd. And Fireline in 2, 3, 4, 6, 8

I'm also running Sunline Castaway on the Certate. It's 10pd but the diameter of 3pd fireline crystal. It can be a bit temperamental though. Being I.G.F.A rated, it is guaranteed to break under the 10 pd mark though. Unlike fireline which will give you more than what it is rated.

Green fireline is still my favorite line though. Just something about it. Just love the look and feel of it.


24-12-2007, 06:54 AM
On most of my outfits I run quality braid (saltiga, sunline, yamatoyo) but I must admit, on my $1000 bream outfit I have 2lb fireline crystal. As flatty assassin said it breaks above its rating which is fine if your not going for records. I also find that with crystal being a bit stiffer it doesn't seem (IMO) to airknot as easily as some of the softer lines (eg Nitlon). If you dont like this option I would try the sunline castaway in a heavier class

24-12-2007, 07:00 AM
text removed

24-12-2007, 07:35 AM
I've got a love-hate relationship with fireline going but just keeping going back to it as the guys said it breaks above its rating. I run yamatoyo on my Baitcasting outfit as you need a soft line on these to get good casting from them.. Got Finns on my Snapper outfit & its a nice line to use but have had some dramas with it..

24-12-2007, 09:19 AM
I have totally dropped fireline from my reels in the last few weeks.

Have been using 4lb Live Fibre TX on the breamin gear (best fish have been a 2.5kg salmon, 55cm rainbow trout and a 51cm kingfish) and just love it. Pretty cheap too. I am currently building a stupendously ultralight rod (blank alone weighs 15 grams) that will be built purely with weight in mind and then the search for the lightest braid possible will be on, hoping for 1lb if I can hunt it down...

20lb Platypus on the 6500c3 and TD Advantage (20lb isn't too heavy for Bass is it? :P)

50lb fins on the Saltist

10lb fins on the Daiwa Regal (use it for hardbodies in the creeks)

30lb Live Fibre TX on the Affinity for snapper and kings. Can't comment on it yet as hasn't been wet yet. Was previously using 15lb platypus and was losing too many fish as it wasn't heavy enough.