View Full Version : Rod Building Weekend 29-30 March
PM me or post questions & I'll do my best.
roz;) .
Stu McKenzie - Precision Rods
Dave Boyle - Visual Wrap
Scotty (finga)
Phill (lucky)
Ian (sid-fishes)
Ken (Rodman)
Graham & Reuben (grave41)
Ryan (ryansrods)
Steve ( metaloid )
Dazza (2DKnB)
Brent (kid)
Alan (mad_pierre06)
Ben (B_E_N)
myself (roz)
Looking forward to meeting you all at Pinhead's in March.
I will be putting up a list of things you will need to bring along. So watch this post.
Hi All,
Firstly I am very much looking forward to March, this will be our third Rod building weekend, and every year to date has been a great success.
It will be held at Greg & Sue’s house, Greg is ‘pinhead’ on Ausfish. They very generously allow us to invade their lives and back yard for this occasion.
We will begin at 10 am each day and finish at around 4pm.
Morning and afternoon tea will be provided free.
There will be a BBQ lunch put on by Greg each day, we all give him $5.00 & he does the rest (that is $5.00 each day). I think that is a bargain, you can however bring your own lunch, no problems there.
Below is a list of items you will need for the Rod Building Weekend.
* Rod Blank
* Butt cap/gimbal
* Reel seat/ winch mount
* Grips
* Guides
* Carpenters chalk or equivalent for marking spacings on the rod.
* Masking tape
* Binding thread – Unless you already have a thread collection, I would recommend you purchase black in size ‘C’ Gudebrod NCP brand. However there are many good brands available. Of course you do not have to use black, it’s just a recommendation as it’s for the guides.
* Filler/thread preserver
* Scissors
* Fishing reel with line.
* Thinners, probably 500ml to 1 litre
* Nail clippers
* A file for smoothing the feet of the guides
* Sand paper 120 or 240.
* Glue - There will be special glue provided, in the past we used 24 hour or 5 minute araldite which is not good for this type of work, aside from that, the amount of araldite you will require makes it quite expensive, so if everyone would like to throw in a few $$$ for the glue provided, you will save.
You will need something on which to turn your rod, the best things are rollers, but I improvise and lay the ends of my rod on a pair of my joggers, sounds strange & Stu is always taking the piss, but it works.
You will be able to buy all these items from a well stocked tackle store and hardware store. If you do have any problems please let me know.
If you are new to this, and need advice on anything at all, PM me or post up the question and someone will be there to help.
Also on the Saturday, Dave Boyle of Visual Wrap will be there to show the easy way of running cross wraps and perhaps even weaves, not sure about the latter at this early stage. I also hope to do a cross wrap on someone’s rod (if someone will let me), we will then be able to see a demo on epoxy application.
I will keep you all updated as the weeks go by.
Really looking forward to catching up with the regulars as well as meeting new faces.. You will have a great time, guaranteed!!!!
Cheers roz.
19-12-2007, 03:23 PM
Roz, Reuben and i will come along as usual. It"s always a great day out.
Thanks Graham
19-12-2007, 05:40 PM
Count me in
Ken (AKA Rodman)
19-12-2007, 05:59 PM
i,m there, i need all the help i can get epoxy wise
19-12-2007, 06:52 PM
hi was wondering were this is held i would love to be thereand to meet eeryone ryan farnham aka (ryansrods)
19-12-2007, 06:58 PM
It is held in Brisbane at Pinheads place. You will have a great time and heaps of laughs. Beginers to advanced it realy makes no diffrence your current level of skill. Hope to see you there mate.
19-12-2007, 09:04 PM
Sign me up please Roz
About time I pulled the old digit out and built another rod. At least I will know the best way to go about it
19-12-2007, 09:30 PM
With bells on Roz
Had a ball at the last one so count me in for sure.
Cheers Dazza
19-12-2007, 09:50 PM
Hi All,
Roz dont sign me in as a starter but Bec and I will drop in to say hello, Finga I will be hassling you shortly mate about that old sentimental Synder rock rod that needs a refurbish sometime, you know the one;D
19-12-2007, 09:58 PM
Hi All,
Roz dont sign me in as a starter but Bec and I will drop in to say hello, Finga I will be hassling you shortly mate about that old sentimental Synder rock rod that needs a refurbish sometime, you know the one;D
Why don't you both do the week-end and do it your bloody self?? 8-)
Hey Roz I'm getting my haircut that week-end. Is it possible for the next week-end??
I'm really looking forward to learn how to put epoxy on.
At last I might find out what I'm doing wrong.
Are you wanting a little something I promised you last year Greg??
It's made so you'll be able to use it this time.
19-12-2007, 10:39 PM
[QUOTE=finga;731303]Why don't you both do the week-end and do it your bloody self?? 8-)
Because... 8-)
20-12-2007, 05:34 AM
Would love to come as we had so much fun last year and learnt a lot. But we will be just getting back from overseas so this year or should I say this m&g we will have to say no to.
21-12-2007, 05:52 PM
I'll be attempting another hastings offshore rod, but you ferets keep ya hands off it this time... no more ' pizza ' rods. ;D
I will also be bringing along an oldie that needs a refurb.
See you all there,
22-12-2007, 05:31 PM
I'll be attempting another hastings offshore rod, but you ferets keep ya hands off it this time... no more ' pizza ' rods. ;D
A Chow Mein rod maybe ::)
22-12-2007, 05:55 PM
Count me in as number 12 please.
27-12-2007, 09:19 AM
hi roz if theres any places left id love to fill one,
thanks ben
28-12-2007, 06:41 PM
Can I make a suggestion that for the up coming rod building weekend we buy a pot of two part epoxy glue rather than some bringing along only small volumes of 5 minute epoxy. This would make gluing up butts and tips more efficient and cost effective for all those wishing to glue up. Some of the better brands are epiglue and technieglue.
Can I make a suggestion that for the up coming rod building weekend we buy a pot of two part epoxy glue rather than some bringing along only small volumes of 5 minute epoxy. This would make gluing up butts and tips more efficient and cost effective for all those wishing to glue up. Some of the better brands are epiglue and technieglue.
Good idea Stu.
I use that FGI brand epoxy resin, it's used at a 2:1 ratio, and it works out infinitely cheaper than 24 hour araldite. plus it's good quality, also allows time for adjustments.
I agree tubes of the five minute stuff...not good
Where do you get yours? PM if you prefer. Better still, can I give you a call over this w'end.
28-12-2007, 08:56 PM
Give me a ring roz.
02-01-2008, 09:32 AM
Hey Roz have you got the list of what to bring from last year so people bring everything that maybe needed??
Good idea on the bigpots :)
Hey Roz have you got the list of what to bring from last year so people bring everything that maybe needed??
Good idea on the bigpots :)
Yes Scotty!!! I will drop everything right away;D I actually started doing that last night, it will take me a while to get around everyone.
Seriously, I will be doing the same as always, will be sending out PM or posting up on this thread, keep an eye on the opening post of this thread.
Had a chat with Stu over the weekend and glue WILL NOT BE ON THE LIST. I will provide some decent stuff that takes a little longer to go 'off', this will allow time for adjustments.
Onya Scotty:-*
02-02-2008, 12:58 PM
Where is everyone getting their blanks and other bits? I am looking at getting a Batsons Rainshadow blank from Oz Rod Builders in NQ. I might even get grips, seat and guides there as well as they have a pretty good range of Batsons and ATC stuff. What other options are available
I'm not a Brizzy resident, but I do know that campbell's stock a wide range of blanks, they recently stocked Hastings.
I bought a Batsons blank from Stu at a good price, send him a PM just incase he has some more.
cheers :)
05-02-2008, 07:31 PM
Where is everyone getting their blanks and other bits? I am looking at getting a Batsons Rainshadow blank from Oz Rod Builders in NQ. I might even get grips, seat and guides there as well as they have a pretty good range of Batsons and ATC stuff. What other options are available
Neil, if you're going to do an order of the bits and pieces through there, let me know if you want to split postage. I might be interested in getting mine through there as well. My blank at this point is going to be a Samurai S006, probably pick it up through Jones'es down here. But if there's any better deals for a similar type blank (or one with just a little more grunt) going around the traps i'd be interested.
06-02-2008, 09:58 PM
Have already been in touch with Stu and will be getting 2 blanks with all the bits and pieces for the weekend.Now i just have to get the time for a quick run up the Sunny Coast to pick them up.
Cheers Dazza
17-02-2008, 08:03 PM
I have a small supply of P-UR60UL blanks. If anyone is interested in one or two, let me know and I'll bring them along. The price is right ;)
specs on the rods are :-
6' , moderate taper, Ultra light, 2-6kg line class , weight is 1.18oz ( 33.4 gms )
Perfect SP rod.
Brand is " United " Dual-Helix, manufactured by Hastings.USA.
18-02-2008, 03:49 PM
I will come for a visit, just to say hello and make sure Greg is behaving!!!!;D ;D
18-02-2008, 04:10 PM
I will come for a visit, just to say hello and make sure Greg is behaving!!!!;D ;D
settle down mate..I always is just these Ausfish blokes that lead me astray..corrupt my innocent mind etc.
18-02-2008, 05:45 PM
Yeah Right
I've never hear sooooo much waffle!!!!
Looking forward to catching up with you Paul;D , and Greg of course:-* .
It's gunna be a great weekend as always;D ;D ;D
29-02-2008, 06:54 PM
I have decided to be a volunteer. 8-)
I believe Stuie is going to show us how to apply resin on a completed rod, so with this in mind I have started to build my Hastings. Yep, it will be ready for a coat of resin on the Saturday... ;D
The fore and rear grips have been shaped and the rear grip glued in place today.
Tomorrow the reel seat goes on and Sunday the fore grip glued up.
Did someone mention ' waffle " ? mmmm food, I hope there is some Narni Cake at the RBW ???? ;) ;)
( OH bugga....... I ended up putting the resin on.... got a tad exicted )
05-03-2008, 05:15 PM
Until further notice, please direct any and all RBW questions to me via pm or email.
12-03-2008, 07:27 PM
Bad news:'(
It is very doubtfull if I will be able to attend.:-/
It looks like I will be up to my armpits in paint and antifoul as the big boat will be on the slip and we have some major works to undertake and I cannot be sure to be able to get away for the weekend. Hopefully someone can take my place.
12-03-2008, 10:15 PM
Thanks for the heads up Neil.
So, we have a place open, I will go back and check on the posts here to see if there is someone who has missed out and invite them.
Otherwise, post up your intentions......
12-03-2008, 10:29 PM
I would put my hand up but i will be too busy with Deckie making sure your all on top of your game...and offering meaningful advice of course;D
17-03-2008, 03:59 PM
still one place open ?
pm me.........
23-03-2008, 09:39 PM
Hi Phill,
pm sent.
26-03-2008, 07:47 AM
OK, Steve you're in. pm returned.
On a more important note:-
Roz has been dealing with a family tragedy over the last couple of weeks and therefore has been ' out of the loop '. She will be attending the RBW and she is back ' online '.
Wish you all the best Roz and we're thinking of you at this time.
Phill xx
30-03-2008, 07:41 PM
some pics from this weekend
30-03-2008, 09:18 PM
To judge the success of any event is determined by what an individual takes away from the day. The 2008 RBW is no doubt a success with everyone learning something new, even Stui ?? :-/
A big thanks to Greg and Sue for putting up with us ferrets again. Burgers, cake, lollies and refreshments etc where dutiful devoured.
Stui was in fine form as usual. Thanks also to Dave for the VisualWeave gear.
We won’t forget to thank Roz for the organization and enthusiasm shown for the weekend of rodbuilding.
OH, Stui, 15 minutes after you left the Blonde girl you ordered turned up….. ;)
Cheers Phill
A couple of pics below.
30-03-2008, 09:42 PM
Sounds like you lot had a great time, i was going to turn up and socialize but ended up at work?
30-03-2008, 09:44 PM
DOH, I new that blond would screw me by turning up after I left. I always look forward to attending the RBW every year, great bunch of guy’s and one very great girl; make that 2 “Sue”. I must thank Greg and Sue for letting me stay over the night, I very much appreciated it. Its great to see the few guy’s that have attended every RBW since its inception, the improvement in their quality is outstanding. The new guys also showed talent, I was quite surprised. I get a real buzz from the RBW, being surrounded by rod building enthusiasts is pure heaven for me plus helping other rod builders excel in the craft can only yield positive results for all of us. I hope we have another gathering like the one we just had a bit later in the year. Again many thanks to Greg and Sue for putting up with me over the weekend and my very sick sense of humour which may I add Greg constantly encouraged and promoted. :P
Hi All,
I can't thank you enough for your support.
Being with friends at times like this, makes these situations more bearable, so thanks everyone for all the hugs and kind words.
I would also like to echo Phill & Stu's words, and thank Sue and Greg for all they have done, to make these RBWs the success they are.
It's the work that Greg and Sue do ....just for us.
Anyway, I had the best time & each year I think it can't get any better, but it does. I did mention to Sue that there are now certain people that won't give up their spots at these weekends for anybody. We might have to issue life memberships.
Again, thankyou all.
love roz xxxxxxxx
31-03-2008, 06:39 PM
since its inception the rbw has become a something i cant miss weekend.i have met some great poeple with different ideas all looking for something different in their rods.for me this year has been great, firstly being able to hear everyone for the first time. to understand what stu has being tring to teach me. to see and meet flea,s daughter. gregs home theatre set up is great , the stray cats unreal.roz, mate what can i say "legend". phill, thanks for your all your help, dave from viswrap/visweave thank you for giving up time to share your ideas,myles [bearclaw rods] thanks again, maybe some other rod builders will give their time up i hope, and to those who attended hope to see you again cheers guys ian
31-03-2008, 08:23 PM
First off a big thanks to Greg and Sue for opening up their house for us motley crew of rod builders.For those that don't know Greg and Sue don't even take part in the rod building they basicly provide the venue and also put on a damn fine lunch.Thanks Guys
Stu....You make things look so bloody easy.It is great to see someone with your talents willing to give up your time and help us novices out.
Dave...Those programmes will make wraps and weaves a little easier
Roz...What a champion.Not only for organising the weekend but for doing the hard yards on my wrap all from memory.Dead set amazing.
Great to catch up with the regulars and to meet a few newbies.
Looking foward to the next one.
Cheers Dazza
31-03-2008, 09:39 PM
Firstly, thanks to Greg and Sue for making their home available to this bunch of strays. Fantastic hospitality, much appreciated, and I don't know that I've had a better steak.
Roz, what can I say. Given your recent circumstances, just a gutsy effort to still be available to drive this bus and make it happen. Mate, i take my hat off to you.
Stu, Dave and Phil...for having the time and patience to guide us newbies through the step by step stuff which you would almost take for granted....thanks muchly. I'm still working out how to get 6 thumbs out of the way, but I can see light at the end of the tunnel.
And to every other bloke there whose company, sharing of advice and experience made it such a fantastic weekend, thank you.
Roz, take it as read, i'm sending my cash to reserve a seat at next years' bash. ;D
Thanks everybody, I'm looking forward to sharing successes this coming year. And hopefully get out to catch a fish with a rod when built.
31-03-2008, 11:44 PM
Roz & Phil, you are a pair of champions! Like the rest of the crew, I just turned up and everything was magically set-up. I was especially impressed by the esky full of energy drinks!!!;D Great organisation from the hosts, Greg and Sue.
I came with a bare blank and a set of guides, and left not just with something that looks like a fishing rod, but also with a great set of memories and fantastic experience (minus Stu's contributions to global warming).
01-04-2008, 03:31 AM
It was great to finally put some faces to names and meet up with Roz, Ian, Stu and Dazza again.
01-04-2008, 09:09 PM
Wow - I had an awesome time - was only going to attend Saturday but ended up there Sunday as well.
Lunch was great, I felt like a beginner doing my guide wraps again - had to cut them all off when I got home and re-do them properly...This time I didn't slice any more finger off ;D
Roz, Stu, Phill, Greg & Sue, & all who attended - great meeting and spending time with you all. The sharing of information is what really attracts me to these events. Thank you all for making the weekend a real highlight for me.
Best regards
PS - one day I hope to be able to weave a morwong as well as Stu can LOL ;D
02-04-2008, 08:47 AM
hate to sound like a broken record but once again i would really like to thank all for organising and hosting it, was great and very informative! great food to!
now to finish off the rod.... CP on so shouldnt be to long, but that still wont mean im able to use it! still need to invest in a decent reel
Mark Fisher
02-04-2008, 04:25 PM
Sounds like a fantastic weekend had by all. It's a rare thing for a group of Rodbuilding fanatics to be able to get together like this. If you have any vacancies for next year, I would like to put my name down as a starter. I may be able to help out in some way and get away from the dust for a while?
Best regards
Outback Rods
Sounds like a fantastic weekend had by all. It's a rare thing for a group of Rodbuilding fanatics to be able to get together like this. If you have any vacancies for next year, I would like to put my name down as a starter. I may be able to help out in some way and get away from the dust for a while?
Best regards
Outback Rods
Would be great to have you along Mark. Make sure you bring some of your wraps along as well.
It's a long way from Broken Hill!!!!! I wouldn't be surprised if Sandy & Owen front up for the next one, they travelled down from Gladstone for last years.
02-04-2008, 08:19 PM
I think a comment needs to be made.
Back at the start of 2006, there was a post on here to see if anyone was interested in learning how to make their own fishing rod. Roz posted same and she had organised Stuart as the tutor. Roz was also looking for a venue. Sue and I volunteered the backyard for this thinking it was a one off occassion. All we do is arrange a few table and chairs, some food and drink. That is all..quite simple really. I just stand back and watch and by taste testing, make sure the liquid refreshments are at a correct temperature.
The driving force behind this activity (this was the third annual one) is Roz.
Phil does very ably assist.
Stuart kindly donates his time and knowledge to those willing to learn.
The real thanks for making these events the success they have been deservedly goes to Roz..without her enthusiasm in this none of them would have happened.
This year especially, Roz's true colours shone through.
To you Roz...well done and many thanks for your organisational ability for these events. May there be many more.
05-04-2008, 03:38 PM
Hi Pierre (Alan)
How did that rod of yours go together any pics for us? Did they all like that reel seat?
05-04-2008, 04:01 PM
G'day Simon. Mate, the guides were bigger than would have suited the blank, so at the moment she has been fitted with the cork and reel seat, and i will be ordering some better suited guides within the next month. Finances are the key here. The guides you sent, I'll probably be fitting to a blank which Graham is holding onto for me.
The grips and reel seat look pretty schmick, and feel reel nice. It'll be a lovely little piece when finished. I'll be posting some pics once I grab the guides and start onto fitting them.
Thanks again for your help and the service....first quality mate.
06-04-2008, 03:16 PM
Hi Alan
I thought you said that the blank was a 6kg blank?
When I called you about the blank (and said I didnt have a listing for that blank) you said that it was a 6kg blank and you would be using a 3000 size reel on it.
I think that they are the right size guides for a 6kg blank with a 3000 size (Daiwa or Shimano) reel.
I could have probably sent you a size 25 guide for a starter (and changed the rest) but I thought you said that you where looking at getting a (bigger) 4000 size reel to match that rod.
I dont have the exact sizes that I sent you with me as I am at home at the moment but they were single foots guide and started at (I think) a size 30, 20, 12, 8, 8, 8 so I dont think they are to big for that blank and reel.
If you want to send them back I will give you a refund or exchange them and send you replacements free of charge.
If you want smaller guides there will probably be some money left over for you.
07-04-2008, 09:51 PM
Simon, there's no drama with the parts. PM sent.
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