View Full Version : Sunday off Bundy - Nice Grassies

18-12-2007, 08:29 PM

I finally got tired of my old man sending me photos of his latest fishing trips of Bundaberg and after months and months of waiting I finally had the opportunity to jump on the boat an take my spot.
We arrived at the boat ramp about 4am to find it absolutely choccas with trailers and boats waiting to put in. Hmmmm going to be a busy day by the looks of it. Wehit the water about 4:30am and headed out to see what we could find. First spot we were hounded by trigger fish, couldn’t even manage to get the bait to the bottom they were that thick. Finally got a bait through the triggers and BANG!! This feels a bit better than a trigger fish. After a good tussle a nice grassy sweetlip of about 5kg comes aboard. Not a bad start to the day and a nice way to blow out the cobwebs. Unfortunately there weren’t too many other highlights for the day. The triggers were pretty thick and the bottom dwellers were pretty quiet to. We did manage about 5 good grassies all up around the 5kg mark and a few smaller fellas. A few other little reefies thrown in made for an entertaining trip and a nice feed.
Came across a massive ball of yellowfin tuna busting up the surface on the way in to port. From the looks there were some pretty hefty fish in amongst them. Second cast the little slug was annihilated and line started screaming off at a great rate of knots. After a good 20 minute tussle and 4 blistering run it felt like I finally had this thing beat….next thing bing… popped the bloody hooks on this thing just out of sight. Needless to say I wasn’t a happy camper. Ah well thems are breaks. Next cast saw a massive tuna chasing the lure but didn’t quite hook up, it looked pretty spectacular but. We did manage to land one little yellowfin for our efforts. The bugger died before we could unhook him and get him back in the water so he was donated to the bait box for next trip. All in all it wasn’t a bad trip… it was just bloody great to get back out on the water and chase a few nice fish. Till next time….


18-12-2007, 08:54 PM
Some nice grassy's there greg
Mate of mine from bundy went out on the weekend too i haven't caught up with him to see how he went yet.
Keep ya in the loop mate

18-12-2007, 09:03 PM
Mate I would've thrown the Yellowfin on the ice. Can't wait for another one to hit my deck... Thinly sliced, wasabi-soy mix, raw or quickly seered on the BBQ... Sorry, mouth is watering, lol. Nice fish by the way ;)

19-12-2007, 12:26 PM
what else do ya keep in your bait box??
DC has hit it on the head, lol
Nice catch mate, some good grassy's there well dobe.

tracing em
19-12-2007, 12:50 PM
Nice grassy ,well done!

20-12-2007, 01:22 PM
we also went for a fish of bundy on sunday we got 15 fish for the day parrot and grassys was a top day. one grassy went 64 cm cheers

22-12-2007, 09:04 PM
Heard a report from another guy who went out to the 15mile off bundy on monday and came home with only 3 fish. He said there were 5 other boats around him and he didnt see them pull anything in.
Things have quietened down a bit of late by the sounds of it.