View Full Version : Better late than never...Oct & Nov.

18-12-2007, 07:23 PM
This report is so late I could almost save it up for next years.

It’s a combination of M&G, plus some extra fishing, weather permitting, unfortunately November hardly provided good weather.

Getting back to the M&G….thanks to everyone for a great week, socially and fishing wise.

However, there is one person in particular that cannot escape a mention….


Yep, Mr two verbs & a noun!!!!

You were going to kick my &r$e in the cook off and the fishing…..Ya didn’t have a chance. I kicked your bum in both ………....


In fact, the poor pet didn’t even come close….never will.

I can hear him howling from here & no doubt the excuses will be coming thick and fast.

Anyway I’ve thrown together some photos of before, after and during. Including breaky on the lagoon at Lady Musgrave thanks to Mr Bean, plus breaky at Sunlover thanks to thedeckie, always a permanent in October.

A special thanks to the crew who stayed at my place, the best bunch of fellas in the world.


18-12-2007, 07:32 PM
....and a few more

18-12-2007, 08:13 PM
hi roz
wondered what happened hadnt heard from you for ages
some nice fish caught cobe nearlly as big as you
you got some muscle
merry xmass and happy new year
might catch up in new year


18-12-2007, 09:07 PM
Some VERY nice fish there Roz well done!! Showing the boys how it's done hey.. Cheers PBass

reel scream
19-12-2007, 08:16 AM
Well done Roz. Great fish, weather, photo's.

Cheers Scott.

Frank OO
20-12-2007, 07:48 AM
Hi Roz,

Good to see the trip was worth it. The weather looks great and the fish are great specimens. All the best for Christmas and catch you next year.

Frank OO

20-12-2007, 03:13 PM
Do'nt encourage this girl - That's probably the only Cobe and Grassie she's ever caught. Yes Roz - good Grassie!!!

20-12-2007, 03:40 PM
Good on ya Roz, looks like some quality fish in that lot.

Have a great Christmas


20-12-2007, 04:42 PM

Good on you roz, good to see a lady showing the blokes how its done


20-12-2007, 08:19 PM
Scary stuff Ros!

Nothing to do with the photos, who would be silly enough to throw a challenge at you!;D I don't think I would have the nerve!

Good photos and always good to see the results of your trips even if they are late.


20-12-2007, 10:05 PM
Great report Roz. Some snodger fish there. Good to see everyone had a great time. I look forward to some more reports over the coming season.

Cheers and Merry Christmas


21-12-2007, 07:43 AM
Nice Cob:o

Mate your going to have to grow a bit if you catch anything much bigger. Or stand on a milk crate. ::)

How's the vermin going down south.
Have you had a chance to get out yet??

Have a great Christmas matey 8-)

PS How come in the breakfast shot it's only Blaze eating??

Reel Magic
21-12-2007, 09:03 PM
Once again Roz keeps the blokes guessing at how a proffesional does it,.
Well done once again - Im as jelous as they come.....

Cheers Ryan.

22-12-2007, 11:38 AM
thanks for the thumbs up guys.

Definately can't take the credit for catching the biggest or the best, not by a long shot.

Damo bagged out on BIG reds as did Herby & crew not to mention Brett & Ian (Buggster and Finding time) to the point where they were releasing good sized legal reds.

Not many trout weighed although from memory Dales trout was something special.

In my view the most meritous catch was the effort by Owen, who single handedly, landed two nice cobes around the 18kg mark, after a double hook-up with no gaff on board his boat.

I think he was trolling some lures just out the front, when this happened...correct me if I'm wrong Owen.

It's also a pitty I didn't have a photo of Mr Bean's pearl perch, also a very good fish.

What did the PBA boys catch?????? I had a list somewhere::) , Oh well......

25-12-2007, 10:22 AM
That is one nice Grassie Roz and are great chewing.

Owens catch was a fantastic effort, I don't think I could have done it, but would like to try should the occasion present itself.

I see you were in small boats catching big fish as well as the bigger boats. Just goes to show that one doesn;t need a big rig, although bacon and eggs for breakie in Lady Musgrave Lagoon does have a certain appeal... ;D The Meet and Greets are getting popular and with the number of newbies ( not the 7ft 6 types ) getting amongst the fish and beers, it will only get bigger and better.

Then again , having a house with views like yours makes a decision to wet a line so much easier.

Don't worry Scott, everyone was tucking into a feed and we were not short of quality cooked meals.

I would hate to think what could happen should we ever have a week of good weather................. well I know what would:-

less beer consumed..... more fish to fillet........and a very tired bunch of fishoes trying to make their way back home after the M & G.

I think I'll have to do a reckie early in the new year, just to make sure the fish are still there.... ;) Might get thedeckie and crew to come along and book ourselves into " Sunlover " for a few days.

Good pics Roz.

Cheers Phill

Cobia Kid
25-12-2007, 07:36 PM
great work, good to see the cobes gettin around!!