View Full Version : Redcliffe/Scarborough 17/12/07

17-12-2007, 06:29 PM
After sleeping in through the alarm I launched the yak at about 6am. After about 15mins the rod rigged with a floating pillie went off, so I wound it in to find a bloody huge catfish. After about three more and no other fish I decided to change spots. My brother was meeting me at about 7.30 so he paddled out and we drifted over queens beach. He was just holding his rod and relaxing when his rod bends right over. After an epic tug of war a nice 42cm squire is landed. After no more action e hgead over to spot x. First drift and he's on again ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ after a short battle the fish brakes loose, %$@# he was anoyed, it looked like a decent fish as well. Anyway about ten minutes later he's on again after a mini war with the fish a nice 46cm squire is landed straight into the esky she goes. We also got a lot of small stuff on the first drift, Second drift and he's on again but this goes straight into the reef. After this I was feeling quite anoyed cause I wasn't catching any fish, then he says come on your not catching any fish. After this we caught a lot more small stuff but I did catch a decent flatty which we just cucked back and a nice little squire which was prob 35cm but couldn't tell cause it jumped out of my hand after I took the hook out. All in all there was a few around. I think they like the weedbeds at spot x cause we always catch a few there.

18-12-2007, 04:13 PM
nothing worse than being out fished by your brother.
I'm sure you'll get him next time


18-12-2007, 04:36 PM
wow, good to see the scarby reef is still providing quality fish. My cousin actually lives up there in scarborough and we never really bothered to hit the reef anymore after many failed attempts at decent fish.

Flattie Assassin
18-12-2007, 07:05 PM
Good stuff. As all spots. You have to be there at the right time. Also there are reefs further south that produce too.