View Full Version : Reels (30 grams different)

16-12-2007, 06:53 AM
Hi all,

Just curious and wanted to find out can you tell the different let say Daiwa SOL 2500 (260 grams) vs Daiwa Advantage 2000 (230 grams)???

Is there a big different with 30 grams of weight, because currently i own a SOL 2500 and i find together with my BlackDiamond 1-3KG and Nitro PowerBream 1-3kg it's a touch to heavy.

If there is not much of a different then i rather save up and get a Daiwa Luvias 1003 which is only 170-190 grams :).


Flattie Assassin
16-12-2007, 09:05 AM
Gawd, if 30 grams really makes a difference, you must have arms like pipe cleaners... :gorgeous:

Start lifting some 20c peices and work ya way up to 50's. :veryangry:

16-12-2007, 12:19 PM
Gawd, if 30 grams really makes a difference, you must have arms like pipe cleaners... :gorgeous:

Start lifting some 20c peices and work ya way up to 50's. :veryangry:

;D ;D ;D ;D .... now thats funny!

Flattie Assassin
17-12-2007, 07:28 AM
PAPER CUTS!!!! :veryangry:



17-12-2007, 08:41 AM
Little feather weight reels are nice, but not necissary for the average 6-7ft bream rod. I got a daiwa saltist gekabin which at the time was one of the lightest reels out there but for a different reason as i wanted to use it on a 4'8" canoe stick and needed a tiny reel to balance with such a short rod (and i hate 1000 stradics). You will find a more significant difference is in the spool size between a 2500 reel and a 2000. The larger spool will make casting tiny lures less efficient and may not balance out with a 1-3kg bream stick. Out of interest what made you decide on the 2500 instead of a 2000 in the first place?

17-12-2007, 08:58 AM
Having a few back problems, I reckon after a long days casting 1g makes a difference!

Recently was out with a mate casting sp's on the Noosa River. My back and arms were aching, he suggested I have a go with his Steez/Kingbolt combo, and I couldn't get over how light it was, and how much easier on the shoulders/back.

So ignore the s*#t stirring I reckon over the course of a day or two the difference of a few grams is huge. That said, a heavier reel that is well matched and therefore better balanced on the rod will 'feel' lighter and easier to cast than a lighter reel that is not well matched to the rod it's on.

Flattie Assassin
17-12-2007, 02:41 PM
I reckon over the course of a day or two the difference of a few grams is huge.

Girly arms in smoking aces..... :P:P

Any other ladies wanna throw there noodle like arms in the air?


17-12-2007, 04:38 PM
Unfortunately for those less gifted anglers among us, some of us often need to make many casts just to catch even one small specimen.

I must admit to living in awe of those talented anglers on this site who clearly can catch their limit in less time, with so few casts. I almost feel unworthy commenting in their presence.

Or maybe they are just endowed with rippling muscles, such fine physical specimens that they could cast for eternity without discomfort?

Or maybe they are SOOOOOO TOUGH, that they would not let something as petty as cramping muscles slow them down? Able to push through any pain barrier in the quest for that prized trophy fish. Heck, a shark could rip both their arms off and they would probably still be casting using only their teeth to hold the rod.

Of course they could also just be tossers who have fantasies of being a ninja, who have never done enough hard larbour to have any ongoing aliments.

I will ponder this further as I sit down and have a little wee.

Flattie Assassin
17-12-2007, 04:51 PM
* Golf Claps*