View Full Version : Bay trip now?

12-12-2007, 08:34 AM
Hi lads,

I'd like an opinion on whether a moreton bay trip would be ok to do right now considering the whether today in SE QLD.
Some predicted thunderstorm for late this afternoon but at the moment the wind seems quite calm.

I was thinking about launching at manly bh... I've got a tinny which is half covered, no bilge pump, It'd take a fair bit of rain to get me into trouble right? Plus I could bail it out, I've just never been on the water when a decent rain comes past.


thirsty merc
12-12-2007, 09:22 AM
Mate i would not think the rain is the problem, if there is a chance of a thunderstorm(lightning may be included) i would not want to be standing in a tin boat with a graphite stick in my hand, but in the end it,s your call.......thirsty

12-12-2007, 09:24 AM
Hi Nick,

Mate, I don't think you could get anyone to commit to an answer like that when a storm is forecast, especially when they don't know your seamanship skills or your rig. Summer storms pack some mighty big winds that sometimes do not show in the general forecasts ie it is showing 5-10 on seabreeze atm (although it's flat calm where I am) but even a rain shower can come through with up to treble that, or more, in wind speed, and likely will if a storm happens.

I've just this minute got back off my morning walk and it's gorgeous outside, not a breath of wind...........flat calm. Ten minutes ago I was pissed wet through after hitting a shower that carried winds about 10 to 12. It only goes to show how things can change in 10 minutes.

Personally, If the sky shows dark patches heading my way, I don't go out if I haven't yet launched, and head towards home if I am already out there. You can make the call and fish close in by the islands so that you can shelter in the lees, if the worst situation evolves, but that would be a call for you to make, not anyone else.

Sorry I can't help you more. All I'm trying to illustrate is keep an eye on the skies and whatever is there, make sure that you can outrun it...........the bay is treacherous in Summer and there's been times when I've cursed BOM and Seabreeze..............and that's in a 6.5 metre rig with 220 hp to outrun what was coming at me.

The other thing you state about baling. I've been in rain where I couldn't bale fast enough and if you're alone in the boat, who's controlling it whilst you're baling?

No fish is worth getting in strife for, no matter how keen you are.


12-12-2007, 09:55 AM
Thanks for the replies, the weather is real funny right now...

Probably 30minutes after I posted this thread it started to piss down where I live, and now it's really sunny.. :/

I'm just keen to fish but I will hold out, forecast says it'll be clearing up later this week.

Till next time, ciao.

12-12-2007, 11:59 AM
why not throw it in tingalpa creek and try your luck? do you have to fish the bay?

12-12-2007, 01:55 PM

Funny you should mention Tingalpa ck, I was just thinking I should maybe head out tomorrow instead as it is just forecast for a shower or two...
Only thing is the southerlies tomorrow will be 15+ with high seas, I was just thinking maybe rather than going out from manly, maybe I should try my luck in a more sheltered area...

I'm reading a past thread labeled, 'Navigating tingalba creek', I don't have a sounder and it's got me a bit worried.

Can anyone recommend some other good places to hide away from tomorrows predicted southerly wind around manly area or a bit southwards.


12-12-2007, 05:36 PM
from my experance if your not sure don't go? its always worked for me in the past.

12-12-2007, 06:40 PM
I was thinking about going to viccy point and fishing the west/north sides of coochie...

Any reports lately of fish being there?
I'll be there from 9am onwards if i go, fishing on the up coming tide.
To be honest, I don't really care if I don't catch fish tomorrow. I'd be happy enough to just be on the water as I haven't been out in a while and it's real exciting.

I'm just basically looking for places where I there will be some protection from tomorrows 20k southerlies...
Good idea or not?


12-12-2007, 07:21 PM
20knots plus showers according to sea breeze...............add to that that forecasts can be + 40%. Even if you're thinking of a sheltered spot, will you be sheltered getting there?

Moreton Bay Waters:
Wednesday until midnight: E/NE winds 10/15 knots. Winds shifting SE during the evening and increasing to 15/20 knots overnight. Seas rising to 1 metre. Isolated showers and late thunderstorms.
Thursday: SE winds 15/20 knots. Seas 1 metre. Scattered showers.
I think you'd be more than a bit excited in a tinny if it eventuated ::)

Stay in the estuaries, if you really are that keen, but tomorrow wouldn't be my cup of tea, I'm afraid.


12-12-2007, 08:36 PM
Stick it in the water at the Jacobs Well and fart arse round the Pinn when the weather is crap and you HAVE to get out