View Full Version : Christmas Fishing Presents!!

Flattie Assassin
07-12-2007, 02:08 PM
What are you hoping for and What have you bought for others that involves fishing?

I bought my wife a pink rod. She should look quite the sexy piece on the beach. :-*

She got me a Columbia bonehead shirt. I didn't want to let her wrap it though. It's so comfy. ;)

I'm sure santa will leave lots of other goodies under the tree though. ;D I've been a good boy!! :P

07-12-2007, 02:22 PM
my partner is off to thailand for 8 days, could it get any better!

yes it does coz i told her not to spend money on me and just save for spending money, and just buy me something when shes gets back, but its also my bday early on in the new year so i get a combined effort! and get to pick what i want! this should be a good summer :)

07-12-2007, 02:27 PM
I know I'm getting a new rod rack, some new fishing sunnies and I'm also getting a new flash 6 burner BBQ with hood and rotisserie.
Cheers TT

07-12-2007, 03:00 PM
Asked Santy for a Tekota 700 and a 5.4 Tabs Maquis to carry it in.

07-12-2007, 03:18 PM
a new esky is enough for me. told the mrs that if I got the boat, I would give up all future bdays and xmases but she insists on getting me something...

07-12-2007, 03:23 PM
Corr, all I want is some braid line and perhaps a graphite rod, but peace and quiet for a day or so would be fantastic too.

I did ask Santa for a boat, but with interest rates continuing to go up, I am thinking maybe I will wait :(

07-12-2007, 03:25 PM
hopefully nothing..I am the worst in the world to buy anything for..being an impulsive person..if I want something I just go and buy it myself...that way I get what I want..not what someone thinks I want...works well around here.

07-12-2007, 04:29 PM
My missus has odered a 7771 plano tackle box as a reward for my good behaviour in '07. The best part about it she researched it all herself and has ordered it through a small local tackle shop at $40 better than the larger one's. She also told me I could pick something else small from their catalogue and I might get that as well. I did that but was met with a blank stare!! I tried to explain saltiga's are only small but to no avail!! Oh well.. The only other thing I want for xmas is a weekend with less than 15 - 20 knots!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!
Cheers and have a good one ausfishers... Terry.......

Flattie Assassin
07-12-2007, 05:10 PM
Fishing gear and Christmas go so well together. ;D

07-12-2007, 06:45 PM
a kayak ,t-curve 2-4kg,sol 2000 ,texalium 8-15kg,btr6500,azagaie 24kg,penn 950ss, line to suit, countless lures,opps thats for me I did get a pink rod for my daughter.

07-12-2007, 08:09 PM
a new esky is enough for me. told the mrs that if I got the boat, I would give up all future bdays and xmases but she insists on getting me something...
Mine said the same thing but with the "YOU'LL NEVER GET ANOTHER PRESENT AGAIN " ::) which make s me more determined to get a bigger boat
But i'll get me some fishing pressies before xmas with the magic bit of plastic;D

07-12-2007, 08:19 PM
I Have Bought my wife a 762 Lipstix with a sedona 6000 on it, I also got her some platypus lo stretch so she will feel colour co-ordinated. Which I think is more important for her than performance. This way I can Borrow the sedona when she is not looking and leave her rod at home.


07-12-2007, 08:31 PM
::) My wife got me half of a new sounder humminbird 727 I got her the other half .
she gave me it early so as I could fit up to nessie hunter to get some practice in for chasing big barra early in the new year . I also got her a new rod & some new barra lures . I love christmas .
cheers fae haggis and heres to hoping that all ausfishers have a safe & merry christmas with a few fresh fish on the barbie .........................:o

07-12-2007, 08:46 PM
I got ther missus a pink rod and reel combo, got the step daughter the same in a smaller outfit and got the young bloke a 7ft spin outfit for his SP's.
Dunno what I'm getting.

08-12-2007, 12:35 AM
Decided to get a 7.5 foot Christmas tree to replace an old dilapidated Crazy Clark's special that sufficed for several years. "Why such a big tree?" I hear you all ask. Simple really, I have been extra good this year so I am hoping for a new boat. :P
Bugger, I doubt the tree is big enough still but you never know. ;);D
Hope you all have a happy and safe Christmas.



08-12-2007, 06:08 AM
I know that I will get the same thing as last year, last B'day .... Hot tongue and cold sholder:(:(;D;D

08-12-2007, 06:26 AM
well considering al my family are back in the uk and i split with the gf 6 months ago what do i get for cristmas? anything i bloody well want ;D;D;D

08-12-2007, 06:59 AM
i no what i will get, a big slap in the back of the head 4 wanting to fish on xmas

10-12-2007, 09:26 PM
i bought the trouble and strife an ugly stick pink. now to find a decent reel for her. she thinks i'm buyin perfume. hope she enjoys it.

10-12-2007, 09:41 PM
hopefully nothing..I am the worst in the world to buy anything for..being an impulsive person..if I want something I just go and buy it myself...that way I get what I want..not what someone thinks I want...works well around here.

I'm much the same,I hate gettin stuff I know I'll never use,And I'm sure no matter how hard I try,It shows on my face when I get through that fancy wrappin.

But the best present I've ever got was from my Mrs,And it was a yearly subscription from QFM.It's Christmas once a month when it turns up in mail box.I love to read,And if it's fish related all the better.No more goin to the newsagent(Except for Bush and Beach,Modern Fishin,Fishin World and Freshwater Fishin,Almost forgot NAFA,And Barra,Bass and Bream) You all know what I mean.

Anyhow,Great pressy.Probably the only sensible thing shes ever done.LOL.

11-12-2007, 12:45 AM
Certate 4000 Hyper.

11-12-2007, 09:55 AM
I am back to the drawing board. Had decided that after canning his tackle budget I would get him a new Zenaq,...........then he went and got one himself. In hindsite it was lucky though, I thought he wanted a new overhead jigging rod and it turned out he wanted a new popping rod. Have come up with another plan I think but can't say any more as some of you know him.

11-12-2007, 10:03 AM
i no what i will get, a big slap in the back of the head 4 wanting to fish on xmas


Poor bloke, I always get out for a dawn run on christmas day!


Little grey men
11-12-2007, 10:51 AM
The wife asked me what I wanted...thought for days and finally came up with a stikeback lure retriever to carry with me on my "snags a plenty" fishing trips. Should save me a bit of money in years to come:)

11-12-2007, 05:04 PM
Was hoping for a TD sol but the latest hints are leaning towards a GPS.;D;D

I'd be happy with either, just the missus doesn't know if i get the sol then i need a new rod to go with it ;);) and a spool of braid ::).

Flattie Assassin
11-12-2007, 05:10 PM
Ahaha big smiles here, don't ya love how it grows. Ok so i need a rod to go with the reel babe. And this braid to match that. etc etc. It's ok hun.. cuddle, console. If my wife knew what my fishing gear cost, I would be divorced. Full stop, do not pass go, do not collect $200. End of story, GAME OVER!! :P;)

11-12-2007, 06:22 PM
Santa's getting me an Egrell S-10 with a Daiwa Certate 4000 Hyper Custom loaded with 30lb Sunline Castaway braid because I've been a good boy this year.
;D ;D


11-12-2007, 06:51 PM
After doing a million hours for my wife and her business partner they are getting me the same outfit as Bundy. S10 and Daiwa certate 4000 hyper. Equates to $0.12 per hour I think.

Bundy have you got yours yet!!!!! Wife was organised and had it all put away for her. Apparently, the guys at the shop told me it has been collected.

11-12-2007, 07:34 PM
I bought myself ma new 1000 stradic and a shimano bream finesse 2-4 kg and some 2kg crystal fireline, i must hagve been a real good boy i tell ya coz its a sweet outfit.

11-12-2007, 08:38 PM
Hey Guys,
I Have been a good little Basskid this year heheh I had to contribute a bit but i got Two Custom built rod's One spin and One baitcaster and a Daiwa Steez Baitcaster and 3 spools P.E line a few Megabass poppers and a few jackalls.
I Cannot wait till My B,Day
Cheers fella's

11-12-2007, 08:51 PM
Egrell S4 Bear, Daiwa Certate 2500R...Bugger Santa, its a gift from me to me

12-12-2007, 08:04 AM
Egrell S4 Bear, Daiwa Certate 2500R...Bugger Santa, its a gift from me to me

I second that when you pay about 80% of it .... Where is santa ;D hahahaha
I Wonder How much rubbish people bought like fake toys and stuff like taht .. alot of money i would say:-[ :'(

12-12-2007, 11:05 AM
My missus went and bought herself some new clothes and shoes and said that it was my present to her. OK, I'm happy with that.
She tells me to buy a new Humminbird 777 sounder for my tinny!;D;Dhehehehe

Very happy about that.

Quite reasonable I thought!;)


12-12-2007, 05:19 PM
Well, the deckie treated herself to an early prezzy. because she finally decided to her bit for the environment (and her purse) and put the old Paj out to pasture with the termites and Play Pen............C'mon Bev, where's the pics of rebuild?

Actually, she wrapped the Paj round a give way sign ::) and what with the brakes needing doing, the radiator welding, the ball joints replacing, the running board and sill bringing back from under the chassis, the sun roof plugging, door seals replacing, and a re-spray, just to mention a few of the problems, where better to lay it to rest other than at the master rebuilder.

I treated her to the tow bar (well something's got to pull the tinny) and the kids treated her to the spoiler (she's got to look cool when she picks them up from school) ;D http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/26/26_9_12.gif

I haven't got the faintest idea what will be in my stocking but with what we've spent so far, it's likely to be my foot ::)




Flattie Assassin
12-12-2007, 05:34 PM
Gawd, she's got to be happy with that. ;D

13-12-2007, 07:48 AM
LOL i reckon you guys should P.M. all of your best gps/ spots.;D ;D :P

come on you really should get in the xmas spirit


OK just one spot each will do. i wont be greedy:P

13-12-2007, 11:49 AM
Santa's getting me an Egrell S-10 with a Daiwa Certate 4000 Hyper Custom loaded with 30lb Sunline Castaway braid because I've been a good boy this year.
;D ;D


A very good boy indeed. That is a dream combo. They look (and feel) like very nice rods and those reels are sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet

13-12-2007, 06:37 PM
I told the wife I think Santa wanted to give me a new rod for Xmas8-) , she mumbled OK;D , so I picked up a Smith Nirai on Monday, christened it on a couple of kingies on Tuesday and cleaned and wrapped it up on Wednesday:D . Thanks Santa!

14-12-2007, 10:40 AM
getting a medium to heavy spin combo going to get a daiwa tierra rod with probobly a 3000 tierra reel not to sure about the reel yet lots of reels to chose form. thats my Christmas present to myself ow and lower my car and mags yew go fishing in style


14-12-2007, 02:02 PM
Hey team - pretty quiet Chrissy this year with a new baby and a boat upgrade during the year.

I scored some good prezzies for myself and some family members when a local store was closing. Shimano Backbone Elite BB56 4-8kg baitcaster rods for $20ea. I bought a couple of them, so one for me and give others as presents. Just don't tell them how much they cost!!!!

Still have to sort something out for my wife.



Flattie Assassin
14-12-2007, 02:46 PM
Bahahha, you had to tell someone didn't ya. :P I bet you were just bursting. ::)

Should have gone the hush hush, and sold them on here for 60. ;)

15-12-2007, 11:25 AM
I convinced all the santas I know to get me fishhead vouchers for xmas. I'll top them up with some cash of my own to get a hyper custom and some sunline...and some bay rubbers...and new leader......etc. I'm yet to put a bend in my S10 so the new gear should help. Remember guys, the more you spend on your wife, the more you can ask for! Fairs fair