View Full Version : Fuji Tip
04-12-2007, 10:52 PM
Just received my T-Curve Heavy rods.
I had specifically requested they put on UST Silcon tip to replace the roller tip.
Well, they have put on a heavy duty AL oxide BULT FUJI tip instead.
When I raised concerns with the dealer, they had stated that these FUJI guides are stronger construction but maybe with a little less ability to withstand heat frction when compared to the UST silicon tip guides.
Have I got ripped off or should I stick with what I have got now?
THe dealer claims the sic tip can crack alot more whilst up here in tropics - is this true?
What are these BULT FUJI guides like?
04-12-2007, 11:58 PM
Above link is link for the FUJI SIC tips
Above link is link for FUJI 'Hardloy' and AlOxide tips
They have given me the BULT tip becuase they claim it is better for knocks - more durable, etc. What is 'Hardloy'?
Ignoring cost, what is the best SIC tip rec for the T-Curve Heavy road for trolling purposes?
05-12-2007, 06:54 AM
Mate, what line are you using as braid will destroy some of the lower quality tips.
Load of bollocks IMO about the stronger construction of the AlO tips.
The link for those says it all...economy range.
There are purpose built heavy rod tips available for boating and trolling.
Alps make some doozies as well as your preferred brand of Fugi.
In fact Fugi make a dedicated heavy boat guide in the SiC.
If durability and strength is an issue go to the cermets.
The link gives a bit of a story about each material and also what's available to you.
I use a lot of cermets for tips.
Cheers then
Scott :)
05-12-2007, 07:14 AM
Thanks FINGA.
What SIC FUJI TIP do u rec in the heavy duty for trolling?
I wil lbe using mono 50lb max. only - no braid.
Do u think the dealer ripped me off?
Thanks FINGA.
Do u think the dealer ripped me off?
if he charged you for a sic, you have been had::)
silicon guides are like anything that is expensive & good. it will last if you look after it. if you are rough on your gear get ugly stiks with ali oxide guides, although these break as well. Look after your gear & silicons will last a long time. I would go with the RST.
05-12-2007, 07:45 AM
You only got ripped off if they charged your for sics and put on Hardloys. If they charged you for what you got you didn't get ripped off.
BUT Hardloy (what you got) isn't as good as sic. If you asked for UST (sic) and they didn't put them on, that ain't right. UST is discontinued I'm pretty sure so that might have been part of it, but the tip you should have had on there is HNST. (
I've never heard of sics not being as good in the tropics. That doesn't make sense. BULTs are OK tips but if you asked for sics they should have done that.
05-12-2007, 02:02 PM
Thanks boys.
I guess I got ripped off by not getting what i had asked for in the first place and the fact that they did not even tell me they did the BULT job - until I received the rods..
I will now attempt to send them back now.
What is better - RSt or HNST? and why?
the RST is a lot more heavy duty
& twice the price 8-)
05-12-2007, 08:33 PM
i did the deed - sent the rods back.
expect new rods in new year with correct tips.
THanks team!
06-12-2007, 11:43 AM
Good job Splash if more people sent the not quite right stuff back they would be less inclined to try the jip in the first place.
cheers fnq
06-12-2007, 05:58 PM
THansk FNQ -
I paid big bucks and expect BIG service - I did'nt get it - so they will bear the pain.
Really unfortunate and it is all about open and honest commuication during the job and not after goods are received. :-X
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