View Full Version : A feed of whiting on poppers

04-12-2007, 08:25 PM
Hit up the whiting again today using the popper.Was on to one on myseccond cast.Caught 11 all up 2 were undersize and the rest keepers biggest about 34.Not huge fish but tasty and barrels of fun on lures.Bycatch included 6 small bream a small flatty and 5 bigeyes.

04-12-2007, 08:29 PM
Great effort mate,
i think i no from the backround of that pick were u are chasing and hopefully next time you rock up no one else is there as what heppened to me not long ago anyways top catch and i hope it tasted great,
cheers will

04-12-2007, 08:40 PM
nice work mate

04-12-2007, 08:54 PM
Funnest way to get a good feed thats for sure

04-12-2007, 11:21 PM
ar man how do ya do it hehe i got the bream sussed, now i just gotta get the hooks to hold on one of them buggers and im set, wicked stuff mate you r making me drual over them buggers, man i wish i could be there to watch how do it, i gotta get in on the action. great bag mate keep em coming

04-12-2007, 11:26 PM
may i ask were u are fishing ( what town, thats all, not that actual spot) thanks mate

Flattie Assassin
05-12-2007, 06:39 AM
Funny how everything moves in circles. I was reading this article in a fishing mag about this guy who has been popping for whiting for 20 yrs. He uses a home made popper, made from a hypodermic needle. It's twenty years old and still catching whiting. LOL mad.

05-12-2007, 07:02 AM
Check your pm's nuggstar.

05-12-2007, 05:21 PM
Amazed at you fellas out there pulling whiting on poppers,Great stuff .Whats the go are you on the flats in fairly shallow water?

05-12-2007, 07:39 PM
Me and the missus just ate them all.Bloody tasty.Yeah cheif on the flats in less than a meter,light line , clear poppers and stealthyness. Ben

05-12-2007, 08:21 PM
That's a great haul there mate! would love to learn how to 'pop' for the little gems someday. any hints on popper types to use? thanks a million.


06-12-2007, 06:40 PM
Heres a couple that'll do the job cuzzamundi.

06-12-2007, 06:56 PM
g'day blooey what brand and colour are they and where do you purchase them? nice work i am keen to try and get into it again i used to chase bream on poppers but gave up after 10 attempts for nothing. can someone suggest a spot for bream/whiting on poppers around brisbane from like brisbane river to caboolture all help will be greatly appreciated. thanx


Flattie Assassin
06-12-2007, 07:03 PM
Mate you can get them all over. River 2 Sea bubble pops with the colour sanded off. It's all the rage at the moment. :guitarist::guitarist::guitarist: :beatnik:

06-12-2007, 07:12 PM
Yep flatty assasins got it.The bottom one is a cheapie gh signature find them in the bargain bin mainly.Just change the hooks to super sharp ones.There is heaps of areas that i am yet to try that i am sure would produce the goods.I think yabby banks at high tide are the prime spots though. Ben