View Full Version : Coochin Creek Whiting

02-12-2007, 08:02 PM
I spent a few lazy hours last week up at my favourite fishing hole at Coochin Creek. Found a few big whiting around the banks near the mouth with a couple of Tarwhine thrown in for good measure. All fish were caught on blood worms. I'm interested in having a go with soft plastics and try for a few of the flathead that I always see around motoring over the shallows . I am a soft plastic virgin and would appreciate any tips on what plastics might be worth a try in this area.

Thanks Coochin.

02-12-2007, 09:38 PM
Coochin, I'll give you a heads up on the flathead on SP if you give me a crack at those whiting on blood worm. I fish the passage a lot and can also show some good mud crab spots not far from Coochin mouth.

03-12-2007, 01:52 PM
I'm all ears sandbankmagnet . You can contact me at coochin@ausfish.com.au
We will see if we can organise something.

03-12-2007, 04:22 PM
Hey Coochin,

Flatty Basics:

My Fave plastics for flatties are Berkley powerbaits 3 and 4 inch minnows in pumpkinseed or pearl/watermelon
Jigheads should be in the 1/8 up to ¼ category to get you started
Retrieve speed should be slow. After casting up current from your position lift the rod tip to make the lure hop off the bottom then let it sink back down while you take up the slack in your line, let it drift or sit for a few seconds, all the while trying to stay in contact with your lure (keeping line as tight as possible) before repeating. When you think you are working the lure slow enough, slow down a bit more. Always retrieve all the way back in, I have caught a number of fish right at my feet just before I have lifted the lure out of the water to cast again, if I had given up half way out and just wound in I would never of caught those fish.
Work any area you intend to fish thoroughly (especially if you know there are fish there eg: spooked fish in the shallows or flatty lies from the previous tide) Flatties are lazy and like there food delivered direct to them. After they have made their ambush point in the sand they are less likely to chase down a meal, this means that you need to make lots of casts, don’t get disheartened if you don’t catch anything for a while, it is a very different and more active style of fishing to bait soaking.
Tackle does not need to be expensive graphite rods, braided lines and fluorocarbon leaders, but there is no doubt that this stuff does make a huge difference with this style of fishing, if you have success and enjoy then you may choose to make the investment in this type of gear.
These are just my own opinions and I’m sure somebody will have different ones but this will get you started and hopefully onto a few fish.

If all else fails get hold of a copy of the Berkley or Squidgee DVD’s as they have mountains of information. But the best way is with someone who can show you the ropes. Good luck, and I hope to see some flatties in your reports about the top end of the passage in the future.

Cheers Kev

03-12-2007, 05:02 PM
Thanks Kev,
Your info is greatly appreciated and will give me something to work on in the coming months. I have mainly always fished for Whiting whether it be off the beach or in the estuarys but have started collecting a few soft plastics to try so far without success. After bait fishing I think I'm going to need to be a lot more patience using plastics. Thanks again.

03-12-2007, 08:46 PM
Hey Coochin,

I'll send you an email tomorrow. Kev's spot on with what he's said.

Pumkinseed is a top colour. Gulps are the go I think. Each to their own though.

It's harder work than bait fishing, since you're continually casting and retrieving.

03-12-2007, 08:52 PM
Just chips is not far off what i do.
When i started using soft plastics i thought it was a joke.
Until someone told me to leave the bait at home.
I found it much easier to focus on were and how to fish with the plastics.

Now i use the plastics 70% of the time the rest I'm trying to chase the whiting in your areas. (still find more sandbanks than whiting up past tripcony's at the moment.)
i try and find some kind of structure around or on the sandbanks (weedbeds, rocks, mangroves etc) cast right next to them to try and stop to many snags or air snags in trees.:-[ :-X

probibly see you out there one day look for my boat and say hello
