View Full Version : Moreton Bay Friday Night

01-12-2007, 01:26 PM
The trip started off a bit lumpy with a bit of wind around, picked up few snapper in the 38 to 40 cm range, the wind dropped out well but we decided to have an early night and get up at 2.30 to fish the last of the run up and the moon bite at 5.20 am. Up at 2.30 a good cup of coffee blew out the webs woke the mate who was busy cutting down trees up the front of the boat started fishing at 2.38am , 3am I had the first decent run which to my surprise didn,t play dirty and head for the cover but went wide and high in the water tabel for a big snapper, relatively little fight but some good runs and a lot of head banging convinced me it could be a big snapper, the mate was certain it was a shark they have been a big problem of late with plenty of half eaten fish coming aboard. took it easy on 20lb braid and 30lb leader soon saw the what the mate still reconed was a shark at the net, see attached 94cm red shark 8.24kg not heavy for this size fish but still a good fish for the bay. dropped 3 others which were snapper and then both of us had small snapper eaten onthe way in so we decided to move to another spot first drop bang bang 52cm and 56cm ende up with 9 between the two of us. Snags and eggs for brekky we heade in by nine to do some work.

01-12-2007, 02:27 PM
Thats one great snapper mate btter than my P.B of76 i have gotta get out and get them once again congratulations mate keep up the good work mate keep them coming .....matt

01-12-2007, 03:01 PM
thats a lovely shark u have there. haha top fish mate.what bait did the damage?

01-12-2007, 04:09 PM
They don't get much bigger then that in the bay, nice snap

Cheers Chris

01-12-2007, 04:12 PM
One fillet off the side of a yakka, hook put right through so the fillet is threaded on the line then put the hook back through twice down near the tail with the point well exposed. I use asingle 4/0 Gamagatsu octopus with a small barrel sinker on top no swivel with the braid tied directly onto the 30lb leader of 8ft or so for some shock absorption. whole prawn cuttlefish pike mullet even fresh grinner will land Snapper.

01-12-2007, 06:08 PM
Thats a awesome bay snapper. Champion effort