View Full Version : endless frustration when posting.......AARRRRGGGGGHHHHH

01-12-2007, 08:46 AM
I don't know what the deal is....... it problay has something to do with the adds in the side bar........ but I am well and truly sick and tyre of the freaky behaviour of the posting window.

You can be typing away and all of a sudden nothing...( there it just happened) until i use the mouse to click back in the window.>:(
Then there is abdolutly no function of the delete key...unless you highlight a section & delete that.... and most typing products allow this to remove charaters ahead of the cursour.

Worst of all is the absolutly infuriating behaviour of the backspace key.>:( >:( >:(

Some times it will function as normal but on the odd ocasion..........at the most infuriating time it will back the window into the previous screen and will completly wipe all text that has been typed.:huh2: :confused: >:(

so you can be posting away for 10 miniutes and hit the backspace key to correct a spelling mistake and ......... poffff all gone....... start again.:wut:

There has .....(that thing has happened again>:( ).....this freaky behaviour is an absolute pain in the backside....... there has to be a better option.

I have a long association with another buliten board that uses the same software and there is no sign of this problem there.

Can this be fixed please.
This is not isolated........ I would expect some sort of problem like this almost every single post..........AAAAAARRRRRRGGGGGGGGHHHHHH:wut: :wut: :wut:


jez and suze
01-12-2007, 08:51 AM
it happens to me alot....you hear a click and its all over.......usually happens when i get home from a good sesion,tired as buggery put up a rather long post then hear the lovely click....and its back to square one.....by this time im usally too tired to go on and just put up a breif post.

01-12-2007, 10:25 AM
If I'm typing something fairly long I hit control and c after each paragraph and save all of what I have done, saves going through all that crap again.

01-12-2007, 04:28 PM
it must be because you use those horrid smilies...it must hate them as much as I do.

01-12-2007, 05:35 PM
same problem smiles or no smiles.


01-12-2007, 05:42 PM
I think the boss (Ausfish) has said it numerous times in here.

Update your browser as this is usually caused by an out of date browser.

02-12-2007, 08:46 AM
it must be because you use those horrid smilies...it must hate them as much as I do.

I'll have to remember that ;D

02-12-2007, 05:26 PM
Yes, it has been brought up a few times, just upgrade your browser. Better still, use Firefox/Mozilla, it is faster than IE. http://www.getfirefox.com

03-12-2007, 08:53 PM
this problem has been and will remain a problem,,, updating to firefox cures 99%,, but not all,,,

the problem i share is 100% of your frustrating drama,,, but alas,,, 90% of the programs that i run for work will not accept firefox,,, so i'm stuck

your not alone is all i can say,,,,,,,,,,,,, perservere,,, joels idea works a treat tho,,,


Flattie Assassin
04-12-2007, 03:44 PM
If it's a big post, why not write it out in notepad or word. Then just copy and paste into the thread window. Too easy and you lose nothing.

05-12-2007, 10:19 PM
this problem has been and will remain a problem,,, updating to firefox cures 99%,, but not all,,,

the problem i share is 100% of your frustrating drama,,, but alas,,, 90% of the programs that i run for work will not accept firefox,,, so i'm stuck

your not alone is all i can say,,,,,,,,,,,,, perservere,,, joels idea works a treat tho,,,


Why not use Firefox for your main web surfing, Ausfish etc, and then use Internet Exploder when you have to for work.

Every now and then I find some web pages will not load in Firefox so I just open up IE and use it just for those pages.

06-12-2007, 09:58 AM
I use firefox and the IE plugin so i can view the problem page as if it were in normal IE.

Flattie Assassin
07-12-2007, 08:42 AM
Why not use Firefox for your main web surfing, Ausfish etc, and then use Internet Exploder when you have to for work.

Every now and then I find some web pages will not load in Firefox so I just open up IE and use it just for those pages.

Agreed, I have used firefox for years. It's way better than IE. Not often these days i have to open up IE for anything.