View Full Version : Charter Virgin no more!

25-11-2007, 02:20 PM
I was lucky enough to be invited to go out on a charter on Baitrunner by the boys from my old work! This trip has been planned for months and it was great to get to go!

Met at Chris' house at 2am along with ChrisW and Martin for the drive to Rainbow. Stopped off at the Log Cabin on the way up for a bacon, egg and Kwells brekkie and met up with some more of the crew - Shawn and Michael.

Arrived at the boat and found the rest of the crew, AV and Steve, at 5am ready to go! and down came the rain!

Tony from Baitrunner mentioned that it was not going to be the best day - but let's go!

Out through the bar, Craig seems to effortlessly handle the boat through the waves and swell and off to the first mark of 3 we would fish today.

As the only SP's fisher on board - on goes the NC and over she goes! To my surprise - my first pearly comes aboard! My Brian Webby curse is lifted!

Then while the boys are reeling in around me - nothing more on the SP's
(I don't think that I had enough weight on, and I only had up to 1 1/2 oz jig heads, so change of gear and onto bait.

I improved my PB with a nice snapper - and that was it more me! But that's OK!

I must admit that this point that being a boy would have been easier! At one point I noticed one of the boys heading out the back between the motors and then OMG I realised why! Then about halfway through the trip I had to go - down into the tiny coffin sized loo - with the little porthole - showing me the wavy wavy water outside - I am not sure whether it was the rocking of the boat or the confined space but I emerged from the loo feeling a little bit greener than I went in, I tried in vain to find my kwells but crawling around on my hands and knees in another little cabin in my bag was making things worse. I staggered back out onto the deck and found my water in the esky, some boiled lollies sat down on the seat. I am sure that the extreme tiredness that hit me about now was not helping and after a bit of a berly, a Travelcalm tablet and quick snooze and I was feeling OK again - and out came the fishing rod! But I had caught all I was going to!

AV was killing the snapper on his "broomstick" and Micheal was also having blinder and boated a lovely sweetlip, Martin was the quiet achiever just keeping busy winding them in!

It was hard to see what was going on over the other side of the boat but from
the continuous commentary from Shawn - I would say that he was doing more than OK. Thank you to Chris who was looking out for me all day - and I think that this affected his catch rate quite alot for the day! Sorry! I owe you!

The sight of the day was ChrisW and Steve side by side battling something substantial only to get a tangle towards the end - the cry goes up - "It's got my hook" "No- it's my hook" As it turned out the greedy cobia had BOTH hooks firmly embedded in it's bottom jaw! What a sight!

But overall we ended up with a great mixed bag of fish! which was divided up at the end of a long day - I would have been more than happy with just my catch - but I was told this is the way they do it!

Arrived back home at 9.15pm last night - looking for my hot shower and warm bed!

Thank you Boys for allowing me to crash your regular crew!and thanks to Tony and Craig from Baitrunner for all of their help!

I can hardly move my arms today but - I had a great time!


25-11-2007, 06:27 PM
Looks like you got a fairly good size cacth on the charter. They don't look that big but big enough to keep you going.
Ken :beer:

Tassie JR
25-11-2007, 08:58 PM
Hey herm looks like yous had a great day out, ive been on the baitrunner as well, its a great boat. Every time we take our boat up to rainbow we usually always wind up at the sameplace as him. How far did use end up going out it would not had been to far in those weather conditions and how was the bar.

cheers tassie JR

26-11-2007, 07:38 AM
Great catch there Janine! ;D

By the way, are you trying to get me to see my optometrist? Or have you got new glasses?

You couldn't have made the print any smaller, could you?


27-11-2007, 07:49 AM
Howdy Janine, great report. Finally the weather open up enough for a window to get out. Those boys have had a run of bad luck weather-wise alright but it's good to see them (and you) finally have the opportunity to get out on the water. An awesome haul of fish to top it off as well. A shame about getting crook though. I certainly know what that's like. I'm expecting it to happen to me next time out coz it's been so long since the last trip...



PS - say G'day to Peter, Sarah and Chloe for us.

27-11-2007, 04:52 PM
Good stuff Janine. :)
Good stuff that stinky bait hey!! :D
The stinky stuff worked because of the burley trail you know ;)

You'd better rest your arms matey. Sounds dangerous sore arms.
You'd better get Peter to do the cooking and cleaning until they recover so there's no permanent damage done.
That's the least he could do seeing you brought home the food you great hunter/gatherer you :)

Cheers then
Scott :)

27-11-2007, 09:51 PM
Great report Janine.

Our two skippers were yaking all day together and it certainly was true that you were on a good bite8-)
Must admit you guys looked alot dryer when we cruised past at one stage.

You must have been dead on your feet when you got home after a day like that! 2am to 9.15pm:wreck:

We stayed at Rainbow Friday & Saturday night for $50.00 each rather than drive back to Bribie.

Didn't take much rockin!

Happy Days...


28-11-2007, 01:42 AM
Thanks for your kind words boys!;D

Ken - Maybe not too big but I have not ever seen such a variety of different fish come on board during a trip, there was plenty to be caught and most of the boys had their hands full most of the time.

Tassie JR - I think I heard Tony say 30km? Maybe someone can correct me on that - I know that a few of the crew are members here!

TOL - I have made the font larger for you!

Macca - Good to hear from you! How's the fishing with you? What are you talking about - not getting out? I have seen your pictures in the fishing mags!8-)

Say Hello to Anne and Wild Jack Mac for me!

Finga - How are you going? Yeah - the berley - that wasn't very funny:-[ I was the only one sick - but the conditions were not very nice at all!:( but that is OK adn the Boys are already lining up for another attack!

scoota - I heard Craig chatting during the day and assumed it was to another charter.

I was so excited that I could not sleep on Friday night (but did manage a "nanna nap" friday lunchtime so - yes - I was absolutely ruined for a couple of days. But I had it all planned - the kids were staying for a sleep over at the inlaws Saturday night - but Peter bought them home at 11pm because "they wanted to see Mummy's fish!":o

Staying up there sounds like a much better plan and 2 of our guys did do that - and I would have also been keen to organise something - except that our charter was booked for Monday just gone and Tony from Baitrunner rang us Thursday arvo late to see if we could make it for Saturday instead! So all of my schemeing and best laid plans came undone!::)

Good to hear that you had a good time - do you head out there often?


28-11-2007, 07:55 AM
Ah Janine what can i say ??? There are baits and there are baits.
Nice haul, hope you didnt use Peter as bait, or berley as he's been lying low of late.

29-11-2007, 06:37 AM
Hi Herm,

I trust that even despite your turning green after rummaging around for the Quells that you still had a good time. You poor buggar! What a girl's gotta do to have a good time these days:-X :-X

The placcie thing ...... Is the same as what happened to me once while on board HMS Frankoo's boat. All I caught was a couple of pearlies using my normal bay gear while Frank bagged out on Snapper and AJ's. It is all to do with how easy the line falls off the spool. If there is even the slightest resistance on the line, getting the placcie down to the strike zone becomes difficult. You need a big reel with lots of line capacity, and reels designed to layer the braid evenly on the spool so the wraps easily fall off when feeding down the placcie.

Was your charter anchoring up? If they were, that makes it even harder to get the placcie down.

Ah, you had a fish for some Herm time away from the kids, so it's all good!!
