View Full Version : A quickie off Mooloolabah 19th Nov 2007

20-11-2007, 06:08 AM
Like most of us I've been watching the weather sites pretty closely looking for break in the conditions that have kept most of us home lately. I saw what I thought might be a slim opportunity with a small weather window open early morning to pre lunch Monday and thought we get a sneaky one in.

I talked it over with Hodgie and decided to not go too wide but hit some closer marks I have for a patch of reef around 14klm SE of Cartwright at Currumundi wide. The plan was to hit this area early, burley the bejeebers out of it to try and stir up the snaps, then head up to the north to to a nice little 5 mt ledge off the southern end of Murphy's that we fished a couple of weeks ago quite successfully. Hodgie had the use of a 6.2 Barcrusher powered by a 150 'zuke for the expedition.

We were on the water about 3/4 hr later than I would have hoped and were pulling up on the mark just as the sun was poking its nose up over the horizon...just missed the pre dawn - bugga. Anyway, we pulled the boats up on anchor on some nice looking ground with a heap of show and got the Burley trail going. It was a slow beginning but eventually a steady stream of squappery things around 1.5-2kg began to come in. They were finicky. Only the real light gear with unweighted half pillies floated down the burley trail were acceptable. Couldn't interest a fish in a plastic. We fished the area til around 8.30am then trolled up to the South of Murph's.

We found an awesome bait ball sitting on the top of the ledge that was obviously being harrassed by the bigger fish hanging off it so we set the drift and into it. 3/4 oz TT jig heads with 7" blue pepper neon jerk shads were the flavour of the moment and kingies around 6 kg, pup AJ''s around 4 kg began hitting the decks of the boats.

Damo was fishing with Hodgie on the BC and loaded up into a horse on light gear. 2 batches of scons later, including dates,he brings a nice yellowtail to the boat only to have his leader give way when he tried to get the net to it. Guess who brought the beers!!!

I had been doing a heap of driving while playing photo boat, but decided it was time to get in on the action. I blooded my new Penn Pro guide 2-4 kg with a new 360 slammer on a couple of good fish to 7 kg, man those slammer drags sound schweet at full revs after being hit at mid water with a fish screaming for the bottom.

All in all an eventful trip, a box full of mixed fish, sorry no photos this time.

Might get out Wednesday and give the top of Moreton another go...gotta make up for lost time!!! Let you know how we go.



Far side
20-11-2007, 06:26 AM
Good to see you managed to get out Rhys I am going to be OS moreton on thursday May be a bit north might see you there

20-11-2007, 06:40 AM
G'day Mark,

I was gonna give you a call later today to see what you were up to



20-11-2007, 07:01 AM
Nice work Rhys!
How was the current?

20-11-2007, 07:13 AM
Hi Ben,

There was almost no run where we were fishing...very quiet actually

20-11-2007, 07:20 AM
Awesome Rhys, sounds like a lot of fun. Those Penn liveliners really sound like the goods for the soft plastic work hey? I might have to take a closer look at them I think...

20-11-2007, 07:52 AM
Yeah Rob, the oversize drag on the Slammer spool really cranks up...not quite a Stella, but you're not spending a motza either. I'd reckon bang for buck they are in there with the best. Certainly puts you in the zone to stop some very good fish at a very reasonable cost.



20-11-2007, 08:57 AM
Hey Rhys,

Sounds like a productive session mate. The AJ's sounded like fun.
Talk to you soon.


20-11-2007, 02:03 PM
good report rhys
good to see u getting out so often
the god are being kind to you


20-11-2007, 03:10 PM
Very jealous.
Was sitting at the Mooloolaba Surf Club in a meeting yesterday looking out thinking that this is one of the best days for a long time.
I'm glad someone got to make the most of it.


20-11-2007, 03:54 PM
Top story...
I was looking at Thursday around top of morten chasing cobes

20-11-2007, 07:23 PM
Good report Rhys..........Jeeez, you got me itchin' to go.


20-11-2007, 08:46 PM
:'( What was it like to get out for a fish:-/
Been that long i've forgotten how to do it i think
Any longer and i will:-X

25-11-2007, 08:55 AM
Any comments on the 620 barcrusher?

26-11-2007, 07:22 AM
Yeah hi Clee,

Mate, I'm no expert on these things but a comment that Damo made was that my boat offered a much drier, softer ride. Now bear in mind the Riptide probably has a few kgs up its sleeve over the Barcrusher but it did seem to make heavier going of the conditions than us.

Watching the 6.2 in the water and weight distribution in some pretty sloppy seas, she looked a bit up and down in the bow and it appeared quite nose heavy. Without lifting strakes and with the helm seats appreciably further forward it did ship a bit of water.

I talked to a mate with the 5.6 BC and he has none of those characteristics in the smaller version. I understand that this particular 6.2c is the first of a new line of larger BC's and with some weight distribution adjustments, swap the fuel tank with the kill tank to put the weight further back etc, it should come good.

The boat Hodgie was in was powered by a df 150 'zuke but I reckon a df200 with a few extra kgs at the rear would change the trim and give it a more nose up attitude which I reckon would help it no end.

On the other side of that it has an amazing amount of working room on the rear deck. The boat was well finished and certainly looked the goods

Its all swings and roundabouts



26-11-2007, 07:42 AM
Thanks Rhys,
Thanks for the reply, appreciate it. I forgot to mention in my post that I have a 560C and it is well behaved (for a 5.6 platey) I have had glass boats in the past and it is fair to say that the BC is not too soft a riding boat but never the less its pretty good for what it is, I was thinking about getting into a BC 640 but havnt don anything about it yet.
Hope to meet up with you sometime soon somewhere, I've been quiet latly due to work commitments but hope to get to the banks a fair bit over the next few months