View Full Version : Hervey bay game fishing comp .. report!

19-11-2007, 09:07 PM
Myself ,Mark Bird( thunderbird ) and Rob Stevens fished the Hervey Bay game comp on friday saturday and sunday in my kevla cat. We were part of a fleet of around thirty boats that took part with over half of these 30 feet or above. As may threads have aluded to the conditions that were forecast were far from ideal and that's what eventuated!

We traveled up to Roony's on the thursday night and camped up on the mother ship and early friday morning travelled up the inside of break sea spit to the 13 mile crossing before heading out into fairly ordinary seas ( 15 to 20 knots se) for 10 hours of billy chasing, things looked worse when our 2 early strikes didn't stay hooked for long:-[ and apart from a mac tuna it was a long boring day until we hooked and tagged a Sail fish at around 4.35 just before cease fishing!:)

If Friday was bad Saturday was bloody aweful:o the wind was stronger the seas much worse and the fishing , well ten hours of trolling produced only 2 king fish which were a non tag species. The big news on the Saturday was the boats going heavy tackle out off the shelf in 3000m of water. The fish were chewing Mojo captured a black marlin on 60kg that went 418 kg or 920lbs and if it had been 40 kg heavier Mojo would have recieved $10 000 from the h.b.g.f.c! Most of the boats fishing heavy tackle saw action whether it was blues , stripes or blacks they were chewing!

Sunday's foreast was similar to saturdays so many boats didn't back up and chased longtails around the bay rather than cop another flogging, i think my brain was a little spongy Sunday morning as i told the crew were were going out again regardless of the conditions as there was a fish to be caught some where.:-/ We were pleasently suprised by the sea after crossing the 8 mile as it resembled fridays conditions , still aweful but no where near as bad as the day before. Our plan was to fish a totally different area and it payed off. We found great bait and tagable fish, the mornings count was 4 mahi mahi( one went about 15kg), 1 wahoo, and a good black marlin ( 35kg ) landed by mark bird!:D We had a couple of other billy chances but no hook ups, and the most stubbon little yellow fin tuna busted of after about 1/2 an hour, all in all a great morning compared to the day before. All we then had to do was travel the 120 km's back to the harbour:o

Over the 3 days we covered 642 km's and used 410 liters of fuel. What a trip!!!!:D

The comp was won by Mojo a 40 blackwatch!


Ps. i'm sure Smithy will add more and correct my errors:'( :D ;D On reflection the Big black markin was caught on Friday not Saturday but my mind is not great at the moment with only 4 hours sleep thursday, friday and saturday nights and we didn't arrive back from hervey Bay untill 2.00am Monday morning , yep the mind is very slow

PPs. Pics to follow soon i hope

19-11-2007, 11:02 PM
Thanks for the report mate. Nice to here whats up there. Cant venture up there in my boat but as i tell the mrs. Its only the tender for my next one. Cant wait for the pics.

20-11-2007, 10:26 AM
Great report Ian! And many congratulations;)

Don't think you did yourself justice though, so credit where credit is due...some wonderful fishing there under pretty adverse conditions (fuel>:(, and weather) and congratulations on the awards...especially the first in the under 7.5m!

It really was a great weekend and it's nice to be able to mix it with the big boys toys, and see a small boat get such high point scores...made our 1800 points look a might sad, but it just inspires us for next year8-)

Wasn't that Black awesome:o


20-11-2007, 10:35 AM
Great stuf!!!

Is that the biggest Black you've heard or seen of from the S.E.Q area???????
Top fish!


20-11-2007, 07:37 PM

Thanks for that. Which boat were you on?


It's the biggest i've seen and i doubt there's been a bigger one captured off se qld!


20-11-2007, 07:52 PM
Ok here's some pics from Rob! Check out the size of the big ones head!!!:o Notice it's not a nuclear chook in the corner of the jaw;D

20-11-2007, 08:22 PM

I was on lowley little White Horse 2...the runt of the litter;D but we sure had fun:D

I'm sure you saw our intrepid 3rd crew member (read pi$$ed:P) below...he's 5'6" and tried to give some scale to the big girl.


20-11-2007, 08:32 PM
Well Done Ian, Rob , water looks deceptive to the report any small blacks caught around rooneys?

20-11-2007, 08:38 PM
Nice work team Shikaree.

Congrats on the win. Seems the weather sucks there every tournament.

How did Ymer go mate?


20-11-2007, 08:42 PM
I spoke to one guy that caught one on fly 3 weeks before the comp but that all i know! The photo's were from friday and sunday and do look much better than the conditions for some reason!!:-/ The camera stayed in the cabin on saturday as know fish were caught and the seas were bad!! We had 2 largish waves land in the boat while trolling during the day:(


20-11-2007, 08:45 PM
Nice work team Shikaree.

Congrats on the win. Seems the weather sucks there every tournament.

How did Ymer go mate?


Thanks mate!! You really dont want to know this but Ymer had engine problems again!:( Same side!!:'(


20-11-2007, 09:09 PM
The weather up there is usually good. The last two tournaments are the worst I have fished in. We have had the odd day here or there where we haven't got out and had to fish the day in the bay but then the weather would be glamour for the other two in the 3 day ones. One year they postponed it a day and from then on the weather was great. I have been outside at least one day every tournament, put it that way.


we had a shocker. The motor didn't let us down during the tournament, we were outside each day at start fishing and we fished on well past cease fishing each day. We had 3 Billfish up in total that struck and only had one on for 10secs or so before losing it. We had four or so field goals per day and lost a few others. The last day we stayed in the bay as we weren't in contention and went everywhere at 7knots. The fuel consumption was good though at that speed! :-)

I can't think of one Black being caught from inside the bay which is a first for the tournament. A Mahi Mahi came from Wathumba was about it. Very quiet and not looking good. Heavy tackle was going off though. Heaps of Yellowfin in with the Marlin.

On the way home yesterday we picked up this and a couple of Cobia reef fishing. 84cm also on a Snapback.

20-11-2007, 09:11 PM
The photo's don't really do the water conditions justice Ian...not sure whether its the camera inbuilt inability to show depth of perception or not, but I'll back you up in the fact the conditions were decidedly...average:-/


20-11-2007, 10:11 PM
Congratulations Ian, Rob and Roota

Looks like your clouded judgement;D paid off on Day 3.......is that the Billy virginity bubble pricked for the KC?....if so extra congrats...did you stick to the Pitbulls or mix it up? Have rigged mine up but they haven't had a swim yet.

Great stuff guys.


21-11-2007, 10:11 AM
Well done Rob and Co.
Nice dolly and a thumper black...8-)


21-11-2007, 03:29 PM
Nice work boys!!!

21-11-2007, 07:09 PM
great work from all!!Yea very average weekend! but that black was not caught up here, must have been further up the coast....:-X ::)

21-11-2007, 08:25 PM

The black was definately caught at the canyons east of Waddy point in 3000m of water , they were fishing the edge of the warm water that had come down the coast


22-11-2007, 06:38 PM
Good work Ian. Pity about the weather mate, gee the 5.2's just lap it up but mate ey ;) You having trouble with 1 of your 4 bangers?? Suprised to hear that. Thats great fuel economy, id hate to think how much fuel my 2's would go thru to travel 642 klms :-/