17-11-2007, 08:09 AM
I did a couple of reconnaissance trips during the past week looking for some new Jack spots. Found a likely looking spot that I was keen to try.
The tide was perfect last night, run-out bottoming out at about 11pm.
No wind, 5 poddies and a heap of biddies in the bait tank, predators smashing up bait everywhere around me. Garfish and prawns were thick.
Sounded like people were throwing bricks in the water.:o
I started throwing poppers at the commotion on top whilst waiting for hits on the livies.
I had the certate screaming on 2 occasions as I hooked the surface feeders.
Tarpon, and good sized ones too. They were big. After a blistering short run, they'd headshake and somersault out of the water throwing the popper.>:( Had a few smaller nudges but didn't land any.
The biddies were constantly getting hit, probably bream. That's the only problem using small baits, you get the pickers.
Bigger baits like the poddies I had out are a different story.
Of the 5 mullet I had, I landed 2 just legal Cod (bloody guts's), 1 Jack and had a bait taken into a snag. I could feel the fishes tail beating on the line but couldn't drag it out of it's hole. I'll get him next time!
For me, one of the great joys of fishing is finding new spots and catching your target species, hoping that they'd be there in the first place. I love it.;D
Cheers Jeff.
The tide was perfect last night, run-out bottoming out at about 11pm.
No wind, 5 poddies and a heap of biddies in the bait tank, predators smashing up bait everywhere around me. Garfish and prawns were thick.
Sounded like people were throwing bricks in the water.:o
I started throwing poppers at the commotion on top whilst waiting for hits on the livies.
I had the certate screaming on 2 occasions as I hooked the surface feeders.
Tarpon, and good sized ones too. They were big. After a blistering short run, they'd headshake and somersault out of the water throwing the popper.>:( Had a few smaller nudges but didn't land any.
The biddies were constantly getting hit, probably bream. That's the only problem using small baits, you get the pickers.
Bigger baits like the poddies I had out are a different story.
Of the 5 mullet I had, I landed 2 just legal Cod (bloody guts's), 1 Jack and had a bait taken into a snag. I could feel the fishes tail beating on the line but couldn't drag it out of it's hole. I'll get him next time!
For me, one of the great joys of fishing is finding new spots and catching your target species, hoping that they'd be there in the first place. I love it.;D
Cheers Jeff.