View Full Version : Monduran Map

crab man
06-11-2007, 03:40 PM
Hi guys and girls just wondering were i can get a map for monduran from ? ive fished there a few times had a map lost it !! i wanna have a look at the areas i have not yet fished!! ive looked all over the web carnt find one
;D thanks Craig

06-11-2007, 03:43 PM
Craig, Have alook on Fitzys webpage Sweetwater u will find all the maps u will need, Cheers Whitto PS U can get a map from the kiosk at Monduran, not much good if u want a gander before getting there, Cheers Whitto

crab man
06-11-2007, 04:04 PM
Hi Whitto THANKS very much champ!! ill go look now hey was it you that went on the road trip with nagg ??

06-11-2007, 04:15 PM
I wish, what a trip those guys had, great reports too, Cheers Whitto

06-11-2007, 06:51 PM
Hi Whitto THANKS very much champ!! ill go look now hey was it you that went on the road trip with nagg ??

Hi Craig ..... No it wasn't Whitto ... It was my mate Whitey ( or as Obi Wan called him .... "Marlin Man") ...... I need people like Whitto to go fishin with:) I'm suffering from a lack of die hard fishoes down here that are not Hen pecked!!! :argue: :rifle: .... Nagg

06-11-2007, 06:54 PM
When someone does come up with a good map of Monduran .... Let me Know ( a print of google earth is OK) .... Nagg

06-11-2007, 07:07 PM
When someone does come up with a good map of Monduran .... Let me Know ( a print of google earth is OK) .... Nagg

I know what you mean most of the maps are really mud maps and are not that accurate but they are better than nothing, fortunatedly someone years ago marked certain trees by lettering them as you know and of course the further u go up the dam a GPS is a good idea to get home, I don't have that problem because I don't go past B, I have never had the need to go any further, Cheers Whitto;)

06-11-2007, 07:16 PM
I know what you mean most of the maps are really mud maps and are not that accurate but they are better than nothing, fortunatedly someone years ago marked certain trees by lettering them as you know and of course the further u go up the dam a GPS is a good idea to get home, I don't have that problem because I don't go past B, I have never had the need to go any further, Cheers Whitto;)

I didn't even make it to B .... before I got worried;) .... How do you go further:P ... Nagg

06-11-2007, 07:24 PM
Know what u mean, never let it be said that there are buggar all trees in Monduran, Cheers Whitto

06-11-2007, 07:57 PM
Hi guys and girls just wondering were i can get a map for monduran from ? ive fished there a few times had a map lost it !! i wanna have a look at the areas i have not yet fished!! ive looked all over the web carnt find one
;D thanks Craig


07-11-2007, 12:08 PM
HI Gents, what i've done was go to google earth , then use the cursur to get long & lat and put them into my GPS that shows outline of dam. Also the map in becon to becon is not to bad as a start , but any map I have seen is with water level at 100%.

crab man
07-11-2007, 12:21 PM
Great stuff guy gees what would we do with out this site !! Hi Nagg yeah my best mate works for sydney harbour ferries we worked on heron island together running fishing boats , ever since he went back to the big smoke he got "soft"a bloody blunt hook! im better off useing him as a sea anchor now !! haha just kidding Cyclone.
Sorry mate i got whitey mixed up with whitto !! we have had great fishing up past B right up the top can really fire but take a spare prob ive done a blade in there befor !! Nagg did you ever give whitey a viper day ? how did they fish ?? i thought it was a great road trip hope i get a few on the 20 when i head up there

07-11-2007, 02:47 PM
Crab man,

Get a map from the kiosk at Monduran.

Kelly has some left over from the recent Monduran Classic and they show the current state of the dam at 18% of capacity. Produced by Tackleworld in Bundy.


07-11-2007, 04:05 PM
Great stuff guy gees what would we do with out this site !! Hi Nagg yeah my best mate works for sydney harbour ferries we worked on heron island together running fishing boats , ever since he went back to the big smoke he got "soft"a bloody blunt hook! im better off useing him as a sea anchor now !! haha just kidding Cyclone.
Sorry mate i got whitey mixed up with whitto !! we have had great fishing up past B right up the top can really fire but take a spare prob ive done a blade in there befor !! Nagg did you ever give whitey a viper day ? how did they fish ?? i thought it was a great road trip hope i get a few on the 20 when i head up there

The bugger wouldn't use one ...... He reckoned if I wasn't using one ... Why should he (Prick!) ......
Dont apologise to me ..... Say sorry to Whitto! ( you obviously don't know Whitey::) )
It was such a great trip .... & I cant wait to get up there again next Nov ( we will get up there (SE Qld) in March for an impoundment only trip) ...... Nagg

07-11-2007, 04:29 PM

Caught 4 and lost 4 on vipers two weeks ago!


07-11-2007, 05:32 PM

Caught 4 and lost 4 on vipers two weeks ago!


That would be right::) ... Were they caught trolling? ..... Nagg

As I sit here replying to this post ...... I look outside ( Grey , Raining, windy & 19 deg) ...... Gee I wish I was still up in Qld:P

07-11-2007, 06:51 PM
Hey Crab Man, Sounds Like The Kiosk Is The Place To Go. If Your Keen To Get A Peak Before Then Try A Mag Called North Australian Fish Finder, The Barra Bible. Its Got Aerial Photos Of The Coast And Impoundments From Moreton Bay North Around To Geralton Wa. Shows Two Maps Of Monduran, One Full Or Close To Full And One In Drought Conditions Which Is Very Similar To Now. U Mite Have To Check A Few Newsagents Not All Of Them Stock It, Think Its Printed Every Two Years. All The Best Trenno!

07-11-2007, 07:14 PM
Hey Crab Man, Sounds Like The Kiosk Is The Place To Go. If Your Keen To Get A Peak Before Then Try A Mag Called North Australian Fish Finder, The Barra Bible. Its Got Aerial Photos Of The Coast And Impoundments From Moreton Bay North Around To Geralton Wa. Shows Two Maps Of Monduran, One Full Or Close To Full And One In Drought Conditions Which Is Very Similar To Now. U Mite Have To Check A Few Newsagents Not All Of Them Stock It, Think Its Printed Every Two Years. All The Best Trenno!

The photo in Northern Fish finder is years old when the dam was in real drought!!! ..... Not worth a pinch ( too small anyhow!) ... better off looking at google earth:( .... Nagg

crab man
07-11-2007, 08:26 PM
Hey Peter your the man ive never cought a bloody thing apart from cat fish and bass !! on a viper !!!haha im sure there good !!LOCKEDUP thanks for that mate i knew they have them at the dam i just wanted one befor i get there so excited to get a barra lure in the water i wanna know where ill hit up first !!!! do you live near the dam mate ?? hows the fishing there Craig...

08-11-2007, 07:59 AM
That would be right::) ... Were they caught trolling? ..... Nagg

As I sit here replying to this post ...... I look outside ( Grey , Raining, windy & 19 deg) ...... Gee I wish I was still up in Qld:P

Yes Nagg,

All were caught on sandvipers trolling shallow bays in area B. Am yet to get a barra on the cast with a viper!


08-11-2007, 08:14 AM
Yes Nagg,

All were caught on sandvipers trolling shallow bays in area B. Am yet to get a barra on the cast with a viper!


The sand viper is a shallow runner ..... isn't it ? .... Nagg

08-11-2007, 08:24 AM
The sand viper is a shallow runner ..... isn't it ? .... Nagg

Yep - to around 1 metre

08-11-2007, 05:42 PM
Hey Nagg, I Agree Its A Bit Small But Dont Recon Its Two Far Off The Mark, Ive Walked Off The High Way To Fish A Few Areas And If Anything The Dams The Same Or If Anything Lower, Some Areas We Nearly Walked At Least A Few More K Ta Hit Water. Recon Its A Great Mag And Worth Its Wait In Gold, Mines Done Three Trips To The Golf And Wouldnt Head North With Out It.

09-11-2007, 02:45 PM
Was up there week before last for my first ever visit and had no real trouble using the map from the kiosk. Had the gps going all the time and after finding my way up to the "B" and "J" for the first time without hitting anything I just kept following the "track" after that with no problems. Had an awesome week catching 15 barra the smallest being 900 and my best at 1.2 (had another at 1.04 and a 1.15) what a fish. Water temp. hovered around the 24 to 25 degrees for most of the week and this seemed fine with the best bite being before 6 am. Had 4 before this time one morning around the "B" and only one after that up to midday. Had such good time am planning on going back next March, really envy anyone who lives close enough to nick up there on weekends, as it is a 13 hour trip from where I live.

09-11-2007, 03:54 PM

Congratulations Merv, that 120cm looked great photo u sent Craig,

We are planning on going up about March next year as well.

Catch up with you soon and have a good discussion.

Congratulations again



09-11-2007, 05:06 PM
Hey Nagg, I Agree Its A Bit Small But Dont Recon Its Two Far Off The Mark, Ive Walked Off The High Way To Fish A Few Areas And If Anything The Dams The Same Or If Anything Lower, Some Areas We Nearly Walked At Least A Few More K Ta Hit Water. Recon Its A Great Mag And Worth Its Wait In Gold, Mines Done Three Trips To The Golf And Wouldnt Head North With Out It.
Dont get me wrong ..... Its my bible for my Qld trips ... Absolutely awesome!!!! I'm only refering to the small pic of Monduran. ...Nagg

09-11-2007, 07:30 PM
yeah guys I was just there and they sell a 18 % map which is much easier to recognise than the full map on google. Always watch for submerged timber. it's thich with it.

crab man
10-11-2007, 11:09 AM
Hi Guys Thanks For The out put ;D ! i got a map its an old one from the full level must say thanks to "STUMP THUMPER", Tony who gave me the good oil from his last trip and a few slick rigs to give a bash thanks champ 8-) ill have to pay you pack when you want a feed of spanners or snapper and hopefully return the favour when i get back from my trip, for your next trip !!
With reports from steve b and peter and all the other guys i can only hope this rain does not put a "damper" on things !! i love bassing after rain at clarrie hall so hopfully barra fishing will be the same !! Thanks again guys Craig :thumbsup: To all

11-11-2007, 12:53 AM
I have a photo from Lake M that shows two sticks about the same dia. as beer cans, just sticking through the surface, and my sounder showing the rest of the tree plus 80' of water, with nothing else in sight for a few hundred yards in any direction.

All I hope is that vertical snags like these won't cause too many problems when I eventually meet them at speed. Maybe next time I'll wear my kill switch lanyard :-)

The speedy skeeter types were fanging through at what seemed like full noise last month - more ticker than I ;-)

11-11-2007, 08:00 AM
I have a photo from Lake M that shows two sticks about the same dia. as beer cans, just sticking through the surface, and my sounder showing the rest of the tree plus 80' of water, with nothing else in sight for a few hundred yards in any direction.

All I hope is that vertical snags like these won't cause too many problems when I eventually meet them at speed. Maybe next time I'll wear my kill switch lanyard :-)

The speedy skeeter types were fanging through at what seemed like full noise last month - more ticker than I ;-)

I reckon it takes a lot of balls & stupidity to fang around in that impoundment at any sought of speed ...... I know while manoeuvring with the leccy in what was several meters of water (quite open water) ... we came over at least a couple of tree stumps ( cut) that would just about tear off a motor leg:(

crab man
11-11-2007, 08:07 AM
Come on nagg live dangerously !!!!

11-11-2007, 08:27 AM
Come on nagg live dangerously !!!!

I did .... I drove up from Sydney & dodged ROOs at 110-120km / hour:rolleyes: .. Nagg

crab man
11-11-2007, 09:20 AM
HAHA thats the way mate !!! Idrive around monduran like a granny at the shops!! scary how many logs are JUST JUST under the water !! guys camped next to us there last time carried a spare prop !!!i know why though we were having a swim as it was so hot way up past b and seen them heading home flat stick through timber !! mad i tells ya mad !!! ever play chicken with those big sydney ferry boats down there ?? ive seen them drive they carnt park with out ramming the warlf.... cheeers Craig

Steve B
11-11-2007, 09:50 AM
faster you go the faster you get over the stumps!!!!;D ;) Cut less water too!! It's too scary to imagine whats below. looking above the water is scary enough. You have to stick to the main channel at the moment which is relatively safe. Imagine if it fills and all those trees go back under water and blokes start cutting corners.Thats a props worst nightmare;D

NAGG does live dangerously every day......driving in sydney! ;D

11-11-2007, 10:21 AM
faster you go the faster you get over the stumps!!!!;D ;) Cut less water too!! It's too scary to imagine whats below. looking above the water is scary enough. You have to stick to the main channel at the moment which is relatively safe. Imagine if it fills and all those trees go back under water and blokes start cutting corners.Thats a props worst nightmare;D

NAGG does live dangerously every day......driving in sydney! ;D

For extra thrills ..... I drive around the carparks of our suburban shopping centers;D :D :D

crab man
11-11-2007, 12:10 PM
Ha ha thats the way if i lived there i would stand at centrel key and chuck the odd viper at a train !!! just to remember what getting dusted by a girl feels like !!! Steve i would be to scared to steam along flat chat in your boat it looks to nice for a big mark down the side mate!! how do you like that mariner ?? i think there the same as the merk ?? owned by the one componey

11-11-2007, 04:06 PM
faster you go the faster you get over the stumps!!!!;D ;) Cut less water too!! It's too scary to imagine whats below. looking above the water is scary enough. You have to stick to the main channel at the moment which is relatively safe. Imagine if it fills and all those trees go back under water and blokes start cutting corners.Thats a props worst nightmare;D

NAGG does live dangerously every day......driving in sydney! ;D;) G'Day Steve, look I think it's time we let the cat out of the bag and tell the boys the improvements that have been done too alot of the boats that frequent Monduran, In light of Mondurans depressed water level state alot of boats have been heavely modified to counteract the possibility of STUMP STRIKE:-[, additional aluminium about 1/4 inch has been welded to the hull from midships to the transom for added strength, Now to the O/B skeg, remember if u are old enough the old steam trains, well they had a cow catcher on the front to deflect cows, A 1/2 inch aluminium cowcatcher is frabricated and mounted on the skeg so in the event of a STUMP STRIKE a deflection type occurance happens at that stage u have to be paying attention so as to be able to rapidly correct your sudden change of direction, works a treat, I saw Steve rippen up past B a couple of weeks ago and wham sharpe left he corrected his direction and continued on, I of course shook my head and said too myself there u go that modification payed for itself, mind u your lose a little bit of top end speed with the added weight;D, anyhow boys there it is something to ponder about before your next trip up to Monduran, Apparently there is a fibreglass modification in the wind, but I hear there having problems with the quality of the glue, Gee's some people are just looking too the future in the marine industry, Cheers Whitto:D PS I think I better stop there, or they will be coming to take me away, and if u believe that u will believe anything.8-)

11-11-2007, 04:23 PM
So Whitto ..... Who did your modifications;) ;D

I was thinking of buying Mr Packers old Ice breaker ...... The trouble is that I couldn't reverse it down the ramp:P ... Nagg

11-11-2007, 06:20 PM
So Whitto ..... Who did your modifications;) ;D

I was thinking of buying Mr Packers old Ice breaker ...... The trouble is that I couldn't reverse it down the ramp:P ... Nagg ;) I think it was the tooth fairy, The old Packer ice breaker ah that would work if u got it for the right price, But u would have to have a front tow bar on the 4B to get her down the ramp Gee's just imagine if that got away on ya;D, I crack myself up sometimes and havn't even had a beer, Cheers Whitto:D

12-11-2007, 11:32 PM
G'day Whitto,

By means of running over a long abandoned crab pot flat out in very shallow water I have found that it also necessary to carry spare parts for the tilt and lock down mechanism for one's outboard, as they tend to slam back down pretty hard after jumping up even harder :-)

What makes that extra sad is that I knew the old pot was there as it was the creek's FAD. Sigh...........

On a more serious note, I have seen quite a few narrow entry pointy punts (can I say Hornet or Evo) that have some very impressive gouges in that fine entry, up at Monduran.

What I will now do is ensure I wear the kill switch loop at all times above walking pace when up the back there.