View Full Version : cpl more small jacks

02-11-2007, 06:17 PM
hi all i hit the imfamous spot x up last night and scored myself another small jack put a good show on even though he was a tacker 36cm he fell for the good old 2" gulp shrimp on a nitro 1/24oz head 14lbs leader 8lbs main and got bricked by another red devil spewin felt like a better class of jack

was joined by bobby26 later in the sesh and he managed another tacker 33cm on a prawnstar blood up coulor

plenty of surface action going on but couldnt buy a hit on the poppers
dropped another tarps which was a monster easilly over the 80cm mark which put on a spectacular jumping display which lead to it spitting the hooks

any tips to keep these buggers connected im using nitro 1/24 oz on a 1/0 but also had them spit the 2/0 aswell
had good sucess last summer on the small river2sea bubble pop but they wont even look at it this season

back out tonite to get amongst some bigger models fingers crossed

Cheers Shane

02-11-2007, 08:47 PM
nice stuff again shin,you go well with the placcies at night hey.

03-11-2007, 10:34 AM
Well done Shane, I wanna see one of those big Tarpon hit the brag mat!
Fantastic fish tarpon!! Love catching them, wish we had good quantities up here!
Come on mate, you can do it.;)


the gecko
03-11-2007, 11:10 AM
Hi shin,
yeah the jacks were pretty skitish in my spot last thurs nite too. There was surface action, and I only got one failed hit too. My usual Sps and mullet flesh were getting ignored, and I reckon its the Northerlys.

Nice to see the bloodup works at night, Id been wondering about that. Is there much street lighting at that spot, or is it pretty dark? I reckon youd need some light.

The tarpons have a boney mouth, so the trick is to sink the hook deep on the first pull, and then keep the line tight when they jump. Ive landed em on hard bodies, so the treble gets a better hookup. I think it was a berkley frenzy. Theyre lots of fun, hope you land some.


03-11-2007, 12:04 PM
Nice stuff shin. I find the best way go with tarpon and giant herring is to easy on the drag to start and slowly work it up after the initial burst. If your using poppers I find a small section of trace (about 20mm) with a owner treb as a stinger can help. It often catches under or on the side the jaw where its not quite so bony and can get a bit of purchase. Anyway good luck, they're a good laugh.

03-11-2007, 01:43 PM
good jacks mate im going to try for my first soon. :)

03-11-2007, 02:00 PM
forgot to add, sweeping the rod tip down on an angle when they speed up to jump can help keep them in the water.

03-11-2007, 02:35 PM
nice jacks mate, still yet to opem my account :(:(, the tarpon though, i feel u gotto stay tight when they jump,keep all line taught with no slack if u can, also, it may not be good with the mixed in jacks though, switching to a fine gauge hook on the jug head will better set in the boney mouth ;)

03-11-2007, 03:12 PM
Theres no real secret to keeping a tarpon conected longer the only thing that helps is if yous useing a treble instead of a single hook and also keeping your line tight,and there is a heap of tarpon around i cant get away from them when im chasing jacks they give me the sh#ts.cheers

03-11-2007, 04:44 PM
Chalk up another mate well done. Spewin about the tarps, i've never landed 1. one day!

Cheers Whytey

Ps Can you rotate your pics before you put them up. Ive been on the piss all arvy and nearly fell off my chair when lookin at the pics.

03-11-2007, 05:18 PM
Theres no real secret to keeping a tarpon conected longer the only thing that helps is if yous useing a treble instead of a single hook and also keeping your line tight,and there is a heap of tarpon around i cant get away from them when im chasing jacks they give me the sh#ts.cheers

jack extracter just tell me where i csn find these tarpon and i will rid them for you so you are able to catch jacks;)

04-11-2007, 08:17 AM
thanks for all the comments and thoughts guys some good tips there

ive allways tried to keep the line tight and usally backing the drag down helps to keep them in the drink the more you lean on em the more they jump ive found and keeping the rod low as mentioned

as a few of you said a treble hook is the best way to stay connected to em id say id have a 90% catch rate with the trebles compared to 30% or lower with the singles allthough i like stitcho's thoughts on the stinger hook ill have to give it a try

jeff im workin on it soon mate soon
bobby landed one on fri night (on trebles) close to 70 odd but it went psycho on the bank (like they allways do) landed on a rock snapped off and back in the drink he went with the only lure that was working on them that night >:(

andrew nah not much light there ive got all my better jacks on the new moon when its real dark the bait fish move around more then especially the prawns which we all know jacks love

masterdusky the pic is what happend last time i went to a fine gauge hook jacks 1 FG hooks 0

jackextracter yeah they give me the sh#ts too but i cant help from flcking at em when there constantly hitin the surface makes my casting arm twitch LOL

whytey sorry mate i dnt want to be responsible for any computer
related injuries ;) ;D

Cheers Shane

04-11-2007, 11:15 AM

Ps Can you rotate your pics before you put them up. Ive been on the piss all arvy and nearly fell off my chair when lookin at the pics.[/quote]

Whytey, try having a few more drinks and turning your monitor on its side:D

04-11-2007, 01:13 PM

Whytey, try having a few more drinks and turning your monitor on its side:D[/quote]

lmao;D ;D