View Full Version : Weekend Result

carving it up
29-10-2007, 09:18 AM
Well finally decided to join the young fella and i up at our local fishing club and last weekend saw our first comp wasn't sure how it all worked etc.. until after it was over, goes on largest fish of each species and then they draw out a species for the prize but basically the more species the more points which go toward end of year champion, anyhow saturday morning headed for a flick and came up with a 44cm Jewfish which had it of been 45cm and legal was worth $50 Cash as it was a jackpot fish..Ouch:( surprisingly it never went off so i'll be sure to have one for the next comp. Also bagged out on flathead up to 50cm and caught two moses perch 22cm and 26cm which i kept the bigger and 2 bream 25cm & 26cm which were returned to the water, so all in all not a bad morning to be on the water
All fish taken on berkley bass minnow 3" in Pink Lemonade and Atomic 3" Minnow in real shad

29-10-2007, 12:32 PM

Sounds like a fun morning. Where abouts are you located? That club sounds pretty good!


carving it up
29-10-2007, 03:33 PM
mid nth cst nsw