25-10-2007, 07:14 PM
Hi All ..... Well we have just got back from our North Queensland sojourn .... 5240km later a little tired & but none too worst for wear. Anyhow I just wanted to share with you our report.
We (my mate Whitey & I) arrived in Lucinda last Wednesday (12pm) & after a quick check in + unpack at Wanderers ... we were off to get the good oil from fellow Ausfisher (Luigi -- Lucinda Lures) ... After a bit of a chat & the purchase of a few of his lures we were off for a afternoon session up in the Bridge Creek area. The conditions were just about perfect & rather than a fish out of the loader ... we decided to hit the channel ( a decision that would haunt us over the next 4 days) .. On the way out through Enterprise channel while navigating the sand bars on a lowish tide we had a surprise look at a 10ft Tiger shark in 2m of water:o ... This was our point of discussion as we ran up the channel. 30 mins later we were dropping our crab pots in a little feeder creek .... & then looked for some likely snags to throw some lures at ...... It was a fairly uneventful session which saw us land a few small GTs & miss what we thought was a barra. The sesh was terminated at around 6pm for our run back down to Lucinda. With water temps of 28 Deg , I was pretty confident of some great sessions to come!.
That night a great feed followed by some park chat & a few beers with a few other fishoes saw our day out. (general consensus around the park was that fishing had been tough).
Day 2 had had us up bright & early to deteriorating conditions ( 15 knot SE winds) ... And after a quick S,S&S + a good breaky, we hit the water at 5.30am. The plan was to head up to the Nemes Inlet system for the day ... + pick up our pots. As we entered the channel it was clear that we were in for a bit of a wet ride .... regardless we were keen.
We arrived at the Nemes & were blown away with remoteness of the place & fishy feel. However after fishing a couple of small feeders with only a hook pulled on a smallish barra & a few estuary cod including this pretty fella 15028 we decided to head back up the channel to retrieve our traps. Bingo 6 good muddies & only one female:P After a few anxious moments trying to tie them ( I knew I should have learnt the correct method) .... we were off back to Nemes .... As we entered the channel proper it was clear that it was going to be a rough & wet ride home ..... back into Nemes saw us catch our first Jack 15029 & miss another small barra ...... We reset the pots & continued to fish the system. We decided to give up around 6pm & after a quick check of the pots ( 2 more) we were on our way out of a feeder , when a 12 ft mud gecko crashed off a grassy bank into the water just 30m in front of us:o ..... So back we go into what was a fairly stiff wind ( guess who left their wet weather gear back in Sydney:clown: ) .... We got back to the ramp ( a little wet) & decided to celebrate with a fish upstream of the ramp ..... all to no avail! ..... The camp ground chat revealed that most had struggled to catch fish.
Day 3 We woke to pouring rain & a 20 knot SE wind ... so we thought that a trip into Ingham to resupply & to purchase some wet weather gear for me would be the go! ... That out of the way , were heading out of Enterprise at 12pm with another session at Nemes in mind ! .... The ride was pretty bumpy & wet ... but we were fishin ! ..... The previous day we were discussing the merits of fishing weedless SPs in the snags ... but no one tried it. Today Whitey was determined to give it a go after obtaining some recon the night before from some guys that had some success using this method ..... So he asked for some help in rigging one up on 14lb spin gear ...... The rest is history 3 x 40cm+ Jacks15032 ... a couple lost due to poor hook up & a lost barra saw Whitey on top ( 4" Dropshot minnows in pumpkin seed & 75mm Squidgy Foxy Shads did the trick) ...... I persevered with HBs with my only hook up for the day ... a nice barra lost:'( ..... Our return trip saw us SMASHED by high winds rain & even a hailstorm ( while small ... they still stung , specially when hit on the nose)
Day 4 ... Had us look at a change in Tactics with our efforts being directed at the larger cleaner creeks around Sunday creek rather than the smaller feeders ..... For the first time we had good tides & improving conditions ..... Though short rain showers through the morning were common place:vrolijk_1: ...... Well the change in tactics & reverting to my old favorite Flatz rat in gold did the trick for me with the morning session providing a couple of GTs , a barracuda , a 41cm Jack 15036 & the first barra @ 70cm 15037 + a few more cod ...... As we called it , "The day of the RAT!" ( Flatz rat) ...... 8-) Whitey did manage a couple of Cod in the afternoon .... but with the tide pushing in hard we decided to call it a day at around 4.30pm as we were leaving in the morning!
Once again Hinchinbrook proved a difficult place to fish ... specially when water temps dropped from 28 to 25 deg + the influx of fresh water:( We were unable to fish the flats on the rising tides or the loader due to the conditions. We did learn that we needed to fish our lures ultra slow & try an assortment of techniques ...... Yes a hard place to Fish! ... but we will be back ( just maybe later in the year to have the higher temps ---- Though the barra would have to go back) .... Nagg
PS ... It was great to meet fellow Ausfishers ( Luigi & Stuie62)
PPS .... Cat food (pilchards in tins) rule as the best Mud crab baits & at $0.40 / tin ... a bargain .
Oh & the midges & sand flies .... hammered us ... regardless of the amount of bushmans used
We (my mate Whitey & I) arrived in Lucinda last Wednesday (12pm) & after a quick check in + unpack at Wanderers ... we were off to get the good oil from fellow Ausfisher (Luigi -- Lucinda Lures) ... After a bit of a chat & the purchase of a few of his lures we were off for a afternoon session up in the Bridge Creek area. The conditions were just about perfect & rather than a fish out of the loader ... we decided to hit the channel ( a decision that would haunt us over the next 4 days) .. On the way out through Enterprise channel while navigating the sand bars on a lowish tide we had a surprise look at a 10ft Tiger shark in 2m of water:o ... This was our point of discussion as we ran up the channel. 30 mins later we were dropping our crab pots in a little feeder creek .... & then looked for some likely snags to throw some lures at ...... It was a fairly uneventful session which saw us land a few small GTs & miss what we thought was a barra. The sesh was terminated at around 6pm for our run back down to Lucinda. With water temps of 28 Deg , I was pretty confident of some great sessions to come!.
That night a great feed followed by some park chat & a few beers with a few other fishoes saw our day out. (general consensus around the park was that fishing had been tough).
Day 2 had had us up bright & early to deteriorating conditions ( 15 knot SE winds) ... And after a quick S,S&S + a good breaky, we hit the water at 5.30am. The plan was to head up to the Nemes Inlet system for the day ... + pick up our pots. As we entered the channel it was clear that we were in for a bit of a wet ride .... regardless we were keen.
We arrived at the Nemes & were blown away with remoteness of the place & fishy feel. However after fishing a couple of small feeders with only a hook pulled on a smallish barra & a few estuary cod including this pretty fella 15028 we decided to head back up the channel to retrieve our traps. Bingo 6 good muddies & only one female:P After a few anxious moments trying to tie them ( I knew I should have learnt the correct method) .... we were off back to Nemes .... As we entered the channel proper it was clear that it was going to be a rough & wet ride home ..... back into Nemes saw us catch our first Jack 15029 & miss another small barra ...... We reset the pots & continued to fish the system. We decided to give up around 6pm & after a quick check of the pots ( 2 more) we were on our way out of a feeder , when a 12 ft mud gecko crashed off a grassy bank into the water just 30m in front of us:o ..... So back we go into what was a fairly stiff wind ( guess who left their wet weather gear back in Sydney:clown: ) .... We got back to the ramp ( a little wet) & decided to celebrate with a fish upstream of the ramp ..... all to no avail! ..... The camp ground chat revealed that most had struggled to catch fish.
Day 3 We woke to pouring rain & a 20 knot SE wind ... so we thought that a trip into Ingham to resupply & to purchase some wet weather gear for me would be the go! ... That out of the way , were heading out of Enterprise at 12pm with another session at Nemes in mind ! .... The ride was pretty bumpy & wet ... but we were fishin ! ..... The previous day we were discussing the merits of fishing weedless SPs in the snags ... but no one tried it. Today Whitey was determined to give it a go after obtaining some recon the night before from some guys that had some success using this method ..... So he asked for some help in rigging one up on 14lb spin gear ...... The rest is history 3 x 40cm+ Jacks15032 ... a couple lost due to poor hook up & a lost barra saw Whitey on top ( 4" Dropshot minnows in pumpkin seed & 75mm Squidgy Foxy Shads did the trick) ...... I persevered with HBs with my only hook up for the day ... a nice barra lost:'( ..... Our return trip saw us SMASHED by high winds rain & even a hailstorm ( while small ... they still stung , specially when hit on the nose)
Day 4 ... Had us look at a change in Tactics with our efforts being directed at the larger cleaner creeks around Sunday creek rather than the smaller feeders ..... For the first time we had good tides & improving conditions ..... Though short rain showers through the morning were common place:vrolijk_1: ...... Well the change in tactics & reverting to my old favorite Flatz rat in gold did the trick for me with the morning session providing a couple of GTs , a barracuda , a 41cm Jack 15036 & the first barra @ 70cm 15037 + a few more cod ...... As we called it , "The day of the RAT!" ( Flatz rat) ...... 8-) Whitey did manage a couple of Cod in the afternoon .... but with the tide pushing in hard we decided to call it a day at around 4.30pm as we were leaving in the morning!
Once again Hinchinbrook proved a difficult place to fish ... specially when water temps dropped from 28 to 25 deg + the influx of fresh water:( We were unable to fish the flats on the rising tides or the loader due to the conditions. We did learn that we needed to fish our lures ultra slow & try an assortment of techniques ...... Yes a hard place to Fish! ... but we will be back ( just maybe later in the year to have the higher temps ---- Though the barra would have to go back) .... Nagg
PS ... It was great to meet fellow Ausfishers ( Luigi & Stuie62)
PPS .... Cat food (pilchards in tins) rule as the best Mud crab baits & at $0.40 / tin ... a bargain .
Oh & the midges & sand flies .... hammered us ... regardless of the amount of bushmans used