05-10-2007, 09:33 PM
What are the odds ?????
I went out with my 8yo daughter last Sunday and fished Lennox point for a few squire and red harries, got one honking mack tuna on the light gear which kept she who will one day be obeyed happy and finally dusted twice on top fishing livies under balloons by near unstoppable freight trains. No idea what they were but the adrenal gland was a pumpin.
With our remaining livies we nipped out to the wave buoy to see if any dollies had shown up, no result. We did eventually find some rat kingies and had some fun but with the new size limits we didn't get to keep any.
I was read the riot act by she who must be obeyed and stowed my gear ready for the run home and a promised visit to Baskin and Robbins when I spotted a boil up behind the boat about twenty meters away. I wasn't sure what I was looking at I initially thought it was a dead whale upside down because I could see so much white it just didn't look right until it came up again virtually in the same spot and it was Migaloo the white fella.
I was gobsmacked and my daughter was over the moon, he looked amazing. The best part was you could follow his path on the descent because of his colour where you loose sight of the black ones. We radioed the coast guard to pass on the info to the SCU research team and I found out later a whale charter picked him up also, wouldn't have done his cause any harm
The odds I am told are well and truly stacked against this happening to any one so I am feeling well pleased with myself at this point apart from some bonding with the new boss I have given her a memory for keeps, shame we didn't have the camera on us. You are just going to have to trust me on this one!!!!!
Gleeeza and Spawn
I went out with my 8yo daughter last Sunday and fished Lennox point for a few squire and red harries, got one honking mack tuna on the light gear which kept she who will one day be obeyed happy and finally dusted twice on top fishing livies under balloons by near unstoppable freight trains. No idea what they were but the adrenal gland was a pumpin.
With our remaining livies we nipped out to the wave buoy to see if any dollies had shown up, no result. We did eventually find some rat kingies and had some fun but with the new size limits we didn't get to keep any.
I was read the riot act by she who must be obeyed and stowed my gear ready for the run home and a promised visit to Baskin and Robbins when I spotted a boil up behind the boat about twenty meters away. I wasn't sure what I was looking at I initially thought it was a dead whale upside down because I could see so much white it just didn't look right until it came up again virtually in the same spot and it was Migaloo the white fella.
I was gobsmacked and my daughter was over the moon, he looked amazing. The best part was you could follow his path on the descent because of his colour where you loose sight of the black ones. We radioed the coast guard to pass on the info to the SCU research team and I found out later a whale charter picked him up also, wouldn't have done his cause any harm
The odds I am told are well and truly stacked against this happening to any one so I am feeling well pleased with myself at this point apart from some bonding with the new boss I have given her a memory for keeps, shame we didn't have the camera on us. You are just going to have to trust me on this one!!!!!
Gleeeza and Spawn