View Full Version : What to do with used soft plastics

05-10-2007, 07:06 AM
Hi, I am just after some info on what I should do with soft plastics after I have used them? I have just bought a heap of plastics and am going to give them a bash next weekend for the first time. I spoke to the bloke in the tackle shop and he told me NOT to put a used plastic back in the original packet and he also told me they will dry out after a day or so of opening and using them. Do I throw the ones I have used out after the days fishing??? Am I expecting to catch more than 1 fish on a plastic or after each fish does it lose its flavour and require replacing. I hope not or bait is looking pretty good. I tried everywhere between Caloundra and the city to get 7" Nuclear chicken jerk shads and told "you wont find any of them in Brisbane, everyone wants them". I settled on 5" Nuc chooks and 7" Pink shine jerk shads along with a couple of other colours and some worms for whiting. The bloke told me not to use jig heads with the worms and only to rig them as you would a normal worm. Is this correct??? If there is anything else I need to know, please dont be shy.


Flattie Assassin
05-10-2007, 08:13 AM
Rig the worms as normal. I have caught 3 fish on the one plastic. They don't need changing all that much. Used ones get put in the rubbish bag and binned. :-*

05-10-2007, 04:39 PM
I suppose that if you have bought a jar of Berkley Minnows in thier juices you could put any used ones in there to revitalise them. I wouldnt be overly worried about mixing colours too much either in that soup cuz from what ive seen the soup they are sold in looks the same for each colour sold. Obviously colour stable juice.

Torn and damaged rubbers will get the same treatment as used condoms, Dont leave them in your playpen, put them in the right place.


06-10-2007, 09:32 AM
I normally manage (if lucky) to get 2 - 3 fish per plastic before it is either no longer swimming right or it just looks like a bit of plastic on the end of a hook and not a nice little piece of delicious bait that a fish wants.

Because I chop and change all the time to see which colours are working and styles (haven't got my fish logic figured out yet) and I can't afford to toss them after a trip ... I keep them for later in a little leak proof lunch box.

If one bit of plastic has had a busy day and no bits then I might throw is as somtimes they pickup sand and other crap that is hard to get off even under water once dry.

I prefer to leave the used ones rigged and experience as shown not to put them back into a soft plastic holder as they put holes in the little plastic zip lock bags leaking juice everywhere and drying out all the others but other people have reported not having problems with doing this.

The best thing I found was one of those little flat leak proof containers with the two blue clips that you can pickup from Woolies as they are water proof and you can buy them in difference sizes. Just add a bit of juice from all the empty bags over time or some of the other scent agents out there and I have a nice concoction that the fish don't seem to mind.

Best thing is you can use little or big ones to keep all the different types sorted and just whack the little ones in the pocket and take them with you if you are fishing from shore away from your gear. How many people would want to put prawn's in their pocket :P

I found the round containers annoying as they didn't stack well in my tackle box / bag & as I usually have only purcahsed the small ziplok versions rather than the large gulp bottles it suits me.

Well hope my experience helps ... happy fishing.

06-10-2007, 03:44 PM
Thanks for the replies guys. I will hopefully have some worthwhile to post after next weekend, if these plastics are a success.