View Full Version : kevlacat 5.2m props

29-09-2007, 08:08 PM
hey guys
i just bought 2x yammie f60 high trust 60hp outboards to replace my 70 2 strokes on the cat.
the boat is at the shop at the moment and im trying to find out what prop,the guys with this combo found to be best?

any info would be great.


29-09-2007, 09:11 PM
Mate Finding_time will be able to help you he has f 60"s on his 5.2 kc. Who's fitting up your motors if you dont mind me asking??

29-09-2007, 10:05 PM

Mate i think there 14's alloys but i know fly1 ( Trent ) has solas's on his so it may be worth a pm to him

I'm getting 5700 at wot


30-09-2007, 08:25 AM
Johntsang if you have no luck let me i know a guy that has fitted f 60's to 3 or more 5.2's this year he owns a 5.2 himself with them on and has experimented heaps with different props on them. Cheers Deano.

30-09-2007, 10:24 AM
Mate Finding_time will be able to help you he has f 60"s on his 5.2 kc. Who's fitting up your motors if you dont mind me asking??

offshore marine here in perth.
finding-time that seems like a near perfect WOT for these motors yeah?any chance you could get the numbers of your props so i can give that to offshore marine so we dont have to experiment with different size props?

cheers for the help guys.
any info on the solas compared to standard would be good too.

heres a pic of the cat with the old yammies
http://img223.imageshack.us/img223/9088/kevlacat2ja8.jpg (http://imageshack.us)
http://img179.imageshack.us/img179/4237/dsc06823lv5.jpg (http://imageshack.us)
http://img207.imageshack.us/img207/5219/dsc06828hr2.jpg (http://imageshack.us)

30-09-2007, 06:15 PM
Hi There
On my Dominater cat running 2 f 60 Yamaha's High Thrust Motors the best combo i have found are 13.75 by 13 props by Solas with extra cupping. Also added the Lazer Foils from Solas, however make sure you get the ones made for the larger outboards . The little ones bent.

01-10-2007, 09:49 AM
I wanted to get solas props but the dealer just dropped it on me that my current steering combo(cable:-Xyuk)wont work with the new extra long legs.so ive agreed to hydrive bullhorn style hydraulic.so that means solas is gonna have to wait for some of my hard earned coin for a little while longer:'(


01-10-2007, 01:02 PM
check your PMs Johnny