View Full Version : Daiwa Advantage V Curado

26-09-2007, 08:31 AM
I have a dilema in choosing a new baitcast reel to match a egrell B8-5 5ft 6 barra rod. I have been looking at the Team Daiwa Advantage 153hst super tuned against the curado 200dpv.

I am planning to use them in the sticks at monduran casting hard bodies into the trees using 50lb braid. I would be interested in fellow ausfishers opinions or suggestions. Budget is up to $350 and I have a preference for the low profile baitcaster.



26-09-2007, 03:36 PM
Hey mate have you considered the curado 300DSV??? With the poundage your fishing it might be worth a look, the things pump out 15 pounds of drag pressure great for in the sticks, i know of a couple of well known online shops that sell them very cheap, i just took delivery of 2 not 35minutes ago! Got them for $290each;D Australian shop as well
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26-09-2007, 04:09 PM
Thanks, I had seen those curado's but I thought they looked a bit heavy and bulky. How do they feel.

26-09-2007, 04:34 PM
yer not to bad, ive got it teamed up with a barra t-curve and the whole outfit feels allright, its no heavier than say a diawa millionare, only 20grams heavier than a calis, amd 50grams more than the 200
but the 200 holds 8/180 and the 300 holds 12/240 depends if you want some line inreserve when that 130cm barra smacks ya round!

I havnt fished with it yet so my opinion really means jack all im sure there are plenty out there that can give you a good indication of how it fishes, from what ive heard its great....oh and dont forget it has 15pounds of drag stock standard...oh baby
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26-09-2007, 04:38 PM
i just bought a curado 200 match up with a loomis and it feel great.
i havent used it yet but a mate fished for jack with the old curado and rekons it was a great reel for the money and the new ones are even better! i have also had alot of good reports about them from selling them to guys chasin bass,jack and barra.

26-09-2007, 07:09 PM
I've been using a TD Advantage for over a year, and never had a problem with it. I run 30lb braid on it. I've always found Daiwa have better drags than Shimano and I've stuck with them.