View Full Version : A Crying Shame/Whats going on?

Great White
23-09-2007, 08:45 PM
It is a real shame that the AF I have grown to love is suffering with many negative comments attacking people who are trying to share a special catch or fishing moment :(

I know this has been said and done a few times, but it really annoys me as I know of alot of members that just do not put posts up anymore due to the personal attacks and negative comments.

The rules are the rules and if someone hasn't done anything wrong why do people try and spoil their moment/post. Sure different people have their own views but if you keep a legal size fish fine, if you release a legal fish fine and if you bag out fine.

If people do not like posts on people catching fish then I have to suggest that the need to find another site :-X

I for one have learnt so much off this site now I troll through posts and just shake my head. I for one will try my best to post and share what little I know if it will help others as other long standing members have done for me.

This is just my view and will probably get my head nailed to the wall - but I had to get it off my chest!;D ;D ;D

23-09-2007, 08:48 PM

23-09-2007, 09:02 PM
well said Peter
i dont bother posting up on my days fishing for that reason, just in case the stripes on the macs are not the right color or running the right way;) had a great days fishing Friday, heap of trout and 2 macs, but i;ll keep them pics to myself


23-09-2007, 09:04 PM
Could not agree more with your comments. After all this site is for ALL FISHERMEN

23-09-2007, 09:09 PM
I agree that criticism isnt too good, but it is a public forum and there is nothing wrong with a healthy debate. After all, it would be a boring world we live in if everybody agreed with eachother. For the sport of fishing to continue fish must breed at a higher rate that we kill them. Some people rate this higher than others, so the debate continues.

23-09-2007, 09:10 PM
Folks I think we are at the stage where myself and other Moderators will need to take some action however we cannot possibly read all posts and need your assistance.

Every post has this http://www.ausfish.com.au/vforum/images/buttons/report.gif symbol on it that you can click on to report a post.

Please use it to report those posts of concern and action will be taken.

Those members who are the cause of concern are hereby placed on notice that action including banning from the site will be taken for repeat offenders.

23-09-2007, 09:12 PM
I have no problem with people discussing the pro's and cons of CandR or their own conservation ideas.
Just bloody well do it on your own thread and in the appropriate forum.
The fishing reports section is one of my favourites until I read some unqualified negative personal opinion by some knob who trys to thrust there own idealistic morals down your throat totally disregarding the fact that the fisho has done nothing legally wrong..
Reminds me of those jehovas witness types who turn up unannounced and think that somehow they are more "special" then the rest of us....

23-09-2007, 09:17 PM

I think you guys are going to add another colour to the member levels.
So who wants to be the first to attain Ausfish GREEN Member status?http://www.ausfish.com.au/vforum/../yabbfiles/Templates/Forum/default/rolleyes.gifhttp://www.ausfish.com.au/vforum/../yabbfiles/Templates/Forum/default/grin.gif

23-09-2007, 09:35 PM
It's been a long time coming, and I'm so pleased Pete's drawing attention to the problem.

I've seen it happen to people on many occasions, and have also been on the receiving end.

It shouldn't matter if the fish is a 200gm whiting or a 47kg black jewie, if it's been caught on rod & reel or handline, it's the fishing that counts, and size does not matter.

Onya Pete.

Elimbah 44
24-09-2007, 05:26 AM
Folks I think we are at the stage where myself and other Moderators will need to take some action however we cannot possibly read all posts and need your assistance.

Every post has this http://www.ausfish.com.au/vforum/images/buttons/report.gif symbol on it that you can click on to report a post.

Please use it to report those posts of concern and action will be taken.

Those members who are the cause of concern are hereby placed on notice that action including banning from the site will be taken for repeat offenders. Good move..Like to see some action on this, not just threats and talk. These morons are becoming bloody annoying.. "The biggest wilderness is between a greenies ears"

24-09-2007, 06:19 AM
Used the link to jump to the jewie thread, and all the posts gone!! Understand why, but maybe a comment at the end and lock the thread. I don't like any censorship, even though it may seem to be justified.
I read that thread last night, and was again annoyed at the personal attacks on the catcher. There are ways to start a healthy debat on the topic, but some people are just there to start a s*&tfight. It could have been quite productive, debating the breeding capabilities of larger jewies and whether they active reproducers, or viable fishing targets.
I would like to say that posts like that one stop me from putting up catch reports, but complete lack of fish in the boat tend to draw me up short long before negative comments.::)


24-09-2007, 06:29 AM
It is a crying shame Pete as i said on the concerened thread that fired all this up. I get pretty annoyed when someone catches and posts up a fish of a lifetime and then has a couple of idiots that tear there thread down. I have no problem catching and realeasing fish ,and no problem keeping a feed either like i did on the weekend.

I have noticed Rhys hasn't posted a report either and i know he was out becuase he passed me at the South Passage on staurday(ya cant miss the Riptide):o . Shame really as Rhys always gets a feed and gives good info in his reports so i know he can't be arsed posting and i know he would have caught fish. My bag out on schoolies isn't a biggy but the ausfisher that came with me didn't want to post a thread because of fear of the knockers on the site.Me i love an arguement that's constructive, but certainly not on someones report. If you have a problem or issue with what someone has caught then that's what the fishing chat section is for .

I dont mind people being green but over the top green seems to be happening a lot. This is a fishing forum after all, i mean i dont go to a Peta website and tell them that putting sensors in an orange to see if the orange gets hurt during harvest time is the most ridiculous piece of crap i have ever heard.:-X I keep my opinion of that to myself as it's my own opinion. :D

In ending i would like to say that that fish was caught fair and square without breaking any rules. I'ts what the moral police make of it that really needs to stop. Because YOU dont think it was morally right to keep a fish of this size, that is YOUR opinion and YOU should keep it to your bloody self on his thread. Obviously the guy was over the moon but was soon pulled down because he never replied back on his own thread.

Mod 5 has done the right thing and i'm glad he/she is taken action and is doing something about it. I mean look at the reports for the weekend there is bugger all of them really. And when you get them it's like it has to be a bag out, when a year ago if someone caught a 35cm bream and it was there only fish they would post it. It was more reading the yarn for me then what they caught.

Anyway that's a world record post for me , enough of the crap and lets just get back to basics and our fishing without the moral brigade.


24-09-2007, 07:03 AM
I can understand both points of view. Respectfully, we all are entitled to air our opinions.

I have read reports on this site where a fish hook has been impaled through a finger and they have continued fishing. I have read reports where they have fished in 3 metre seas and 20 knot winds, travelled 200 kms, not caught a fish... and endured it. I have read reports where they have fished all night in mozzie infested river systems and caught a great feed. I have read reports of boats capsizing and the hardships endured to survive.

Yet, when an obviously unqualified, inappropriate remark is posted, it rocks your boat.

Don't get me wrong Peter, I agree with you. However they are only words. "Sticks and stones......"


24-09-2007, 07:14 AM
here we go again. It just goes in cycles. A few new members join and want to have their say. Others get offended and say they will take their toys and go home.

Surely we are all big enough to take a bit of criticism once in a while. FFS I have not seen anything that would bother me on my posts. :o As someone else said, it would be very boring if everyone agreed with everyone else. Sometimes I think that if I see another "great catch" response, I am going to be sick. I love the debates, positive and negative opinions. Some of these are a laugh. Personal attacks are banned and so they should be, but please do not censure the debates.


24-09-2007, 07:31 AM
I just wished I could catch something good enough for somebody to try and take the micky out of me. :-[

Maybe we should use the level of 'interest' from greeny's as a success meter.
The more knockers the better the catch :D
We could call it the greenometer....the scale could start in the red (yeah, you got a fish...so what) and go to bright green on the 'u-beauty!!' end.

It is a shame about the knockers but they'd fade out if we didn't bite.
Maybe next time we should see what happens if everybody just not respond to the knockers??

I do hope more people do put reports up though.
It's been a but boring of late.
And your dead right Pete....reading a report and all you see is bickering and that bickering is the reason why great fisherpersons don't put reports up leaves a lot to be desired.

24-09-2007, 07:43 AM
What it is doing is putting poeople off posting bloody threads at all, that's the problem Jeremy, not the insults as such. Believe me mate i have been around the traps too and can take what anyone can dish out to me but the problem lies just there doesn't it. Not everyone is like me, or you for that matter.

It's not a matter of who can take the critics , it's a matter of why should they? .As i said i love a debate just like the rest of them and it is healthy to debate such issue's , but in the right place. Not on someones thread.

I do agree with what you are saying to an extent , but personal attacks with 4 word responses are ridiculous hence why Peter has posted this thread at a guess.

Flattie Assassin
24-09-2007, 07:54 AM
I have no problem with people discussing the pro's and cons of CandR or their own conservation ideas.
Just bloody well do it on your own thread and in the appropriate forum.
The fishing reports section is one of my favourites until I read some unqualified negative personal opinion by some knob who trys to thrust there own idealistic morals down your throat totally disregarding the fact that the fisho has done nothing legally wrong..
Reminds me of those jehovas witness types who turn up unannounced and think that somehow they are more "special" then the rest of us....

Great call. I'ts one of my fav's too. And it just wrecks it having to read all the whingers posts. Shin25 put in a great report on a nice Flathead he caught only to have someone whinge about the way he was holding it. LOL. That has to be one of the silliest posts i've ever seen on ausfish ever. Who the hell are they to question him on the way he holds his catch.

Little grey men
24-09-2007, 09:36 AM
It certainly does tarnish good threads. I'm all for people having different views, and I try respect most ( read most ) of those views.
But a lot of the people who attack lack one little thing.......Discretion.
And they could probably do with a good dose of respect as well.

24-09-2007, 10:09 AM
who really cares..i make this comment every time this subject comes up.
IGNORE THEM & if you don't feed the animals they will starve & go away....

i enjoy vigorous discussion, but abusive & threatening type comments are unnecessary & only show the posters lack of ability to discuss a subject so they stoop to personal attacks, probably the same person who starts with a "what are you lookin' at" in the pub if you happen to glance across the room in their direction.

i personally don't agree with the red button thingy on each post to let the mods know someone has taken your playlunch or whatever. There is also a lot of absolute opposites to the bullies on here who will run to the headmaster at the drop of a hat, used to be know as 'dobbers' & teachers pets' when i was in primary school. These people can cause just as much bother as the bullies.

24-09-2007, 12:18 PM
I'm definitely not a devotee of the establishment version of C&R since I am quite prepared to catch a bag limit of one or two species to eat. But in some cases, undersized etc its kind of mandatory, and then sometimes its a waste of time because of the damage.
There are reports surfacing that a number of species WA Dhufish, Black Jew, Mullas don't like C&R and cark quite quickly, but we should expect that.
In any case there are things about fishing that sometimes need a bit of a comment, you can't always discuss the good things in life without realising that there are a few negatives along the way. Like discussing life and denying that being dead is a kind of fact, not a option..
Fish is just a way of catching a feed, or having fun without catching a feed but which ever way you do it, and whatever your intent, the fish are live animals, and the more you know about them, what makes them tick, the better off you are and they are.
There are young people out there, very dedicated and quite radical about fishing. You just got to surf the thing as it comes. MaxG.

24-09-2007, 12:52 PM
When you refer to the knockers as green, are you referring to them as green conservationists, or green with envy? I think a lot of the knockers get vocal because of the latter.

24-09-2007, 01:25 PM
Thankyou Mod 5 for bringing this subject up.....I agree Totally


the gecko
24-09-2007, 02:47 PM
Agreed. Nobody wants to hear your views on C and R when theyve just caught a good fish that they are proud of.

However most of us a loathe to report a post to a mod, just because the poster asks was it released????? I reckon its getting to the point where you have to lie about eating, and pretend you released it....

Such a shame, it should be each to his own. theres merits for both sides, but theres no justification for pushing your views on others.


24-09-2007, 02:50 PM
When I read a post and there is some rdiculious comments made I normally just skip that idiot and read on, WHY RUIN IT FOR MYSELF.

24-09-2007, 02:54 PM
IGNORE THEM & if you don't feed the animals they will starve & go away..../quote]
Spot on DR, and it's not just fishing reports which suffer from these posts.
It does not encourage anyone to participate when there is always somebody waiting in the wings to jump down the throat of those who would otherwise get more involved.

secret relations
24-09-2007, 02:57 PM
haha. this cracks me up. gotta love keyboard warriors!

if anyone wants to see keyboard warriors at their best, go to the sportal forums (forum.sportal.com.au) and check out the rugby league forum.

I run a horseracing forum, which has about 60 regulars. We originally met on the sportal site, but ended up moving to a site that i set up. We only have one rule on our forum, play the man, not the ball. There have been many trouble makers come and go. The best way to make them go away is to ignore them, all they are after is a reaction.

Whats my point? You are never going to have an internet forum where people are going to agree, or even be nice to each other. If you find yourself getting upset becuase someone is having a go at you, let it go. At the end of the day you shouldn't be concerned about what some person hiding behind a computer screen thinks of what you are saying. If someone writes something absuvive and offensive about you, who cares. They are the ones that look like they have no clue.

Please don't feel like you should stop posting becuase there are a few idiots who insist on ruining it for everyone.

24-09-2007, 03:10 PM
it is a shame though that as posted above,,,,, most of the regular reports that used to be great to read through are no longer,,,,,,

and i 'spose as i have posted on an earlier thread identical to this,,,,, its not because they/we have been knocked or abused,,,, its just the ""feeling"" why bother when you know someones going to have a stupid remark

whether its c & r,,, or catch n kill,,,,,, do a scroll back a few YEARS in this segment alone,,,, you'll pick up on who was active in letting the forum now what was been caught where n when,,,,,,

nowadays..... read the paper and write to the editor if you don't agree


24-09-2007, 03:29 PM
Folks I think we are at the stage where myself and other Moderators will need to take some action however we cannot possibly read all posts and need your assistance.

Every post has this http://www.ausfish.com.au/vforum/images/buttons/report.gif symbol on it that you can click on to report a post.

Please use it to report those posts of concern and action will be taken.

Those members who are the cause of concern are hereby placed on notice that action including banning from the site will be taken for repeat offenders.

About time

24-09-2007, 05:02 PM
I cop crap from most just because of the boat let alone any fishing reports (not that I ever catch many fish)

24-09-2007, 05:02 PM
"are you referring to them as green conservationists, or green with envy? I think a lot of the knockers get vocal because of the latter"

Grunter71, i think that Green and conservationist should not be used together to describe anyone. Why? because from the short time I have been a member here it is quite plain to me that the far vast majority of members on the site are "conservationists" as we all want the future generations to enjoy our awesome sport. On the other hand we have the Green ones that believe they are being subtle (or not) in trying to change the thinking of others to their way of thinking!

If I was half the fisherman of some of the others of this site or had half the time as some I would be flooding the reports forum and with out me even saying it everyone would know how full my freezer is by wether on not I said I released it :D:D:D:D

I plead with all who have got me covered in the fishing skill department to again post your fish so maybe I can pinch a trick or two off ya over the years.

Cheers Chris

24-09-2007, 05:07 PM
Secret Relations, i think its very much a case of keyboard warriors. They come on and say on a keyboard what they are to piss weak to say in person.
Personally ive stopped posting my reports as i cant be bothered telling someone that i actually EAT fish and enjoy the preperation, the wait, the fight and most of all eating the goddam thing.
Goodluck in policing this but as long as there is more than one opinion (and face it we have about 10,000) there will be disagreements and arguments left right and center.

24-09-2007, 05:23 PM
I didn't get to read the questionable remarks on that thread, but from what's been posted here I gather C & R was on the menu.

I really think it is inappropriate to use someone elses fishing report to peddle your own opinions and agenda, it's mean spirited and can quickly take the gloss from the catch of a life time.

There are other sections in ausfish, where the pros and cons of C&R, or anything fishing related can be vigorously debated, not some poor bugga's fishing report!!!

Who ever did this needs to really get a life.

Oh!!! One more thing..... Pinhead, you pooor poooooor fragile widdle pet:'( :P :-*

cheers r.

24-09-2007, 05:43 PM
Obviously the ones that tear someone down are under the thumb and come on here and try to "Be the man" again. Get a life!


24-09-2007, 05:46 PM
Obviously the ones that tear someone down are under the thumb and come on here and try to "Be the man" again. Get a life!


This sort of comment does nothing for the debate and only fuels antagonism.

wags on the water
24-09-2007, 06:20 PM
I read a few of the original posts and was disgusted by the comments. It's comments like these that stop others from reporting a great days fishing and sharing their experiences with fellow members. I for 1 enjoy reading these reports as I can't go fishing as often as I'd like due to working out in central Qld.


24-09-2007, 07:07 PM
Sorry didn't think it through enough. Delete it then.


24-09-2007, 07:26 PM
Guys you know i try and promote catch and release , but that just means more fish for those who keep them, and yes i do keep a feed, i hope people just use thier manners and respect what others may chose to do.

24-09-2007, 08:05 PM
I didn't get a chance to read the thread, so I guess my comments are somewhat ill informed. I am not a c&r person, but on some scenes I place my additional size limits because I think the legal ones are too small. Regardless, was this fish not caught from spearfishing? Would have been a bit hard/stupid to release. Not that I necessarily agree with spearfishing either, but it would have been a hell of a ride.

Great White
24-09-2007, 08:48 PM
Thanks for all the responses :) there have been some great words of wisdom spoken (none by me) ;D I am pretty thick skinned, but hate to see a new member get set upon when they are trying to share a post on a fish that they are proud of.

The facts are some of the senior members are not posting much or at all these days which is a shame. I welcome debates and differences of opinions but some get too personal in the attacks, and the post just goes off topic and into a mud slinging match which then gets closed by the mods.

So we have less senior members posting, new members shut down if they try and post. So who does that leave ??????

I, for one, would rather read the reports of peoples success and failures, what worked/what did not - to feed my passion and increase my skills and knowledge until I can next get on the water and go for a fish!

24-09-2007, 08:57 PM
I have seen and experienced it personally and I have to say that it is most unpleasant when you have a happy thread soured by negativity. I always resort to the age old saying "If you have nothing good to say, then keep your mouth shut and say nothing at all!" Let the happy fisher person enjoy their moments on here. For those of us remaining who persist in putting up a post of a fishing trip good or bad well done. Always great to have a read about your exploits so keep them coming. Thanks Pete for airing your thoughts.


24-09-2007, 09:36 PM
there will always be negative people who will complain and try to belittle someone elses achivements . whether or not we should ban them from the site I am not sure as we do live in a society of free speech . trying to ignore them sometimes is impossible but the good people who post on Aus Fish out weigh the
negative people .
cheers fae haggis .........................;D

24-09-2007, 10:08 PM
I am very VERY concerned to note that people are no longer posting their catch due to the above problem! I believe that we CANNOT afford to allow these dissenting few to stop the rest on here posting their result, as we a merely giving up such an easy fight! As suggested above, ignoring the offenders is the way to go. I for one know that when I see a great haul it incites hope and joy to the fishing part of my brain. Why deny your fellow salties for the sake of a very unfortunate few?! DON'T LET 'EM WIN!!!


24-09-2007, 10:40 PM
We just need to keep in mind that this is a public forum & therefore allow members to have their say ..... As long as it is within reason !:-X ..... I for one will take to task someone that gets on here and boasts about bagging out (Killing) day in day out for a week long stay at a destination ....... while it is within the limits regulated ... surely it should be seen as excessive ... more than example of someones prowess:( .. Nagg

24-09-2007, 11:11 PM
We just need to keep in mind that this is a public forum & therefore allow members to have their say ..... As long as it is within reason !:-X ..... I for one will take to task someone that gets on here and boasts about bagging out (Killing) day in day out for a week long stay at a destination ....... while it is within the limits regulated ... surely it should be seen as excessive ... more than example of someones prowess:( .. Nagg

This forum is owned and operated by Steve Brown (Ausfish). Steve has set a standards and rules for the forum and appointed Moderators like myself to uphold those standards and rules. All members agreed to these rules when registering and are available here http://www.ausfish.com.au/vforum/showthread.php?t=54614

Saying it is a public forum and people should be allowed to have their say within reason is totally wrong.

Moderators work hard to try and maintain this as a good family focused forum. For those interested; when a post or thread is deleted it is kept in a folder accessible by Moderators. This currently has 4709 threads with 27,069 posts in it. That will give you some idea of the difficult task we have in removing inappropriate posts.

24-09-2007, 11:45 PM
..... I for one will take to task someone that gets on here and boasts about bagging out (Killing) day in day out for a week long stay at a destination ....... .. Nagg

nagg,where is this place?http://www.ausfish.com.au/vforum/../yabbfiles/Templates/Forum/default/undecided.gifI would love to visit a destination where I could bag out day in day out.http://www.ausfish.com.au/vforum/../yabbfiles/Templates/Forum/default/wink.gif

I think you may have missed the point though as the thread was started because a bloke copped some flak for a photo of a single very large mulloway not some pie in the sky fantasy of yours.


25-09-2007, 06:40 AM
We just need to keep in mind that this is a public forum & therefore allow members to have their say ..... As long as it is within reason !:-X ..... I for one will take to task someone that gets on here and boasts about bagging out (Killing) day in day out for a week long stay at a destination ....... while it is within the limits regulated ... surely it should be seen as excessive ... more than example of someones prowess:( .. Nagg
What if that trip to fantasy land was the only fishing trip old mate has had for 2 years and the only one he's going to have for another two years??
If he's within the law then the overall footprint he's made on the area over 4 years is very small especially if joker number two fishes the same spot and goes everyday for 4 years to get 2 fish his dinner.

All the factors have to be considered or found out and that's where a lot of posts go wrong.
In the responses you have to not just consider or think about the picture or the words but other factors as well and find out the real story.
In the thread concerned I, personally, would have let the fish swim by as I do not know enough about the species.
But if the jew was a female and past her prime for breeding then what's the problem in keeping her. That may have actually made the area better for breeding Jew by allowing younger productive females into the area.
Who know???
The bloke in the picture may well have known but didn't let on. He may have been a marine biologist and doing the area a lot of good...who knows as this bloke has probably run a country mile by now...And that's a shame. :'(

If you find something is, in your opinion, wrong then ask some questions first. Know the full story as most reports are fairly short and some details are left out (Except you Charlie...I go and make a coffee before reading your reports and love every word :)) before blowing the top and write something without knowing all the facts.
Finding out the facts is important but saying the facts is just as important.
I have raised concerns before about what has been written in reports but when all the hubhub died down the story had just been 'coloured' to make it sound better.
In that case I would have thought nothing about the report except the boys have had a good day out...beauty if it wasn't artificially flavoured.

Constructive critism is good if purveyed in the correct manner and I, just me personally, welcome it because I don't know everything and very willing to learn ....But just tearing strips off somebody without good reason and not knowing the facts needs a lot to be desired.

PS I wonder where I can find those commo's in the picture...I reckon I'd look pretty impressive in those shin tight commo's;D

25-09-2007, 07:28 AM
We just need to keep in mind that this is a public forum & therefore allow members to have their say ..... As long as it is within reason !:-X ..... I for one will take to task someone that gets on here and boasts about bagging out (Killing) day in day out for a week long stay at a destination ....... while it is within the limits regulated ... surely it should be seen as excessive ... more than example of someones prowess:( .. Nagg

well bloody said! This can and does happen and there have been such posts on ausfish. It can be excessive and in fact the limits are in possession, not just what is in your esky on the day.

Nothing to do with jealousy ::) or my relationship ::) or the size or my rod ::) or anything else. I am not a sheep and if I think something needs to be said, I'll bloody well say it. I am not a wimp either and will not be bullied into saying what some vocal others might want to hear.

Derek can you please explain your comment "Saying it is a public forum and people should be allowed to have their say within reason is totally wrong." Why is saying something within reason wrong?


25-09-2007, 10:30 AM
I am not a sheep and if I think something needs to be said, I'll bloody well say it. I am not a wimp either and will not be bullied into saying what some vocal others might want to hear.


Jeremy,I have also seen replies to a fishing report accusing the bloke of catching undersized fish and calling the fish for undersized based on looking at the posted photo.
That's pretty rude and disrespectful IMHO.
Take finga's advise in a previous post . Its so easy to avoid the unpleasantness by sending a direct PM to the member concerned to ascertain the facts before jumping in half cocked .


secret relations
25-09-2007, 10:52 AM
Jeremy,I have also seen replies to a fishing report accusing the bloke of catching undersized fish and calling the fish for undersized based on looking at the posted photo.
That's pretty rude and disrespectful IMHO.

My old man pointed out a picture of a cooked mud crab in a magazine somewhere that looked like a female becuase of the shape of it's back. They have a much different back shape to the males.

Cool story Hansel.

25-09-2007, 11:49 AM
I don't mind saying what I think and I really don't care about consequences either..I stand by what I say.
If someone catches a fish/fishes and all is within the law, then no one has the right to say anything about it. If someone wants the high ground regarding C&R and thinks they are helping the environment, good luck to them but don't criticise others because they choose to keep what is legally ok for them to keep.

Last winter I kept 42 bream from on overnight trip..they were all eaten and if anyone thinks I kept too many...tough..I don't care..we enjoyed all of them.

25-09-2007, 12:28 PM
Maybe we should start wearing Hard Hats and Bullet Proof Vests, or have a box of tissues handy so we can take any flak thrown. ;D

25-09-2007, 03:05 PM
This might be abit late, but I still want to vent my disappointment in regards to the other thread..
I was out for the arvo after posting on that catch of a life time for the young fella.. I was gobb smack at some of the attacks and what I found was truely sad and disheartening is that a young fisho has gone out put in the hard yards and hundreds of hours and dolllars to achieve what he did only to be shredded by people who obviously has not come to term with the concept of getting out behind the keyboard and respecting other achievements and initiatives...
It was sobbering if you had to view the arguments from the young fisho point of view.. here he is, with possibly the catch of his life and was straight online to share his good fortune with others and then to see it redicule and questions raised over his action.
I for one, have never post up a report for this very reason as at time it seem it is harder to justify your catch with the so call "preservationist" than the elements itself.
I just hope that the people responsible for the attacks on the other thread take notice and have a quiet moments to think about what they said.. and how would they feel if that was their son or relative at the sharp end of the stick after such an achievement..

Also BRAVO for members like Crestcutter-pinhead-finga-disorderly and many other who stood up to the "green' tide
:D :D :D

25-09-2007, 03:17 PM
I bought a particular boat becauce one Ausfish member gave me some real good advise. He no longer posts here but I believe it is because of negativity he copped on one of his posts. What a pity.
I copped abuse due to an email, I believed was recent and geniune, that I posted here. My mistake but lucky someone stood up for me and I'm still here. Nearly had to get the tissues out.
My father is a pensioner and the way he shows his generosity is by giving the siblings and grandchildren, fish for their dinner. Someone who sees him at the boat ramp day after day may think he's a guts.
I've seen people keep undersize fish because they didn't know the rules well enough, sites like this are good a educational tool.
My point is don't judge people by your standards but you can still voice your concerns without being judgmental. Cheers

25-09-2007, 03:31 PM
Maybe we should start wearing Hard Hats and Bullet Proof Vests, or have a box of tissues handy so we can take any flak thrown. ;D

just be like me..duck into a phone box and change into the budgie smugglers and cape...BUT...don't ever create wash behind your boat..the abuse from that is massive..LOL

25-09-2007, 04:13 PM
enough said ;D

25-09-2007, 04:21 PM
well webby mentioned a helmut when typing a report;D

25-09-2007, 05:22 PM
I'm not going to buy the 'if it's legal you have no right to complain' argument.
People complain about things that are legal every day. Who here can honestly say they havent complained about something just because it was legal. I can't say I have ever heard someone say 'gee thats wrong, but it's legal so i'll just agree with it'

25-09-2007, 05:33 PM
Saying it is a public forum and people should be allowed to have their say within reason is totally wrong.This needs defining because what is within reason to one person is not necessarily within reason to another. That is a why the rules of the boards define it.

You agree, through your use of this Chat Board, that you will not post any material which is false, defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise in violation of ANY law.

25-09-2007, 05:37 PM
I'm not going to buy the 'if it's legal you have no right to complain' argument.
People complain about things that are legal every day. Who here can honestly say they havent complained about something just because it was legal. I can't say I have ever heard someone say 'gee thats wrong, but it's legal so i'll just agree with it'

If I am not breaking any law in what I do, I really don't care what anyone else thinks ....anti smoking mob probably hate me smoking..but no law against it. Rechabites would hate me drinking ..and some people must hate me for keeping fish..BUT...as stated previously...care factor = 0.

I don't whine about C&R fishers even though I do not agree with it..that is their prerogative and I accept that.

Too much fun to be had to worry about some other person's penchant for a good time..and if they catch more fish than me..or bigger fish...good luck to them...all I am then is envious.

25-09-2007, 05:57 PM
Hamish73, I don't think your getting the picture. The vast majority of people do not want other people shooting them down in their report. Unless you have something good to say pull your head in and and start your own whinge thread and wait for the replies.

It's not like these attacks are at people who state "this 80cm Dusky i got today tasted great". They are doing nothing wrong in what they are doing. If they were I'm sure fisheries would change the rules.

Cheers Chris

25-09-2007, 06:30 PM
Lovely80, I am in no way condoning these attacks. As they have been deleted, I (and other users) dont actually know what was said. Surely as mature adults we can have a discussion about what we think is wrong and right without resorting to insults

25-09-2007, 06:31 PM
Greg the thought of you in budgie smugglers is frightening and just the thought of it makes me want to cut my eye balls out with a butter knife.lol

25-09-2007, 06:36 PM
Hamish73, I don't think your getting the picture. The vast majority of people do not want other people shooting them down in their report. Unless you have something good to say pull your head in and and start your own whinge thread and wait for the replies.

It's not like these attacks are at people who state "this 80cm Dusky i got today tasted great". They are doing nothing wrong in what they are doing. If they were I'm sure fisheries would change the rules.

Cheers Chris

This type of thread does nothing regards the debate. Warning issued

25-09-2007, 06:49 PM
Greg the thought of you in budgie smugglers is frightening and just the thought of it makes me want to cut my eye balls out with a butter knife.lol

LOL..mate..and phone booths are wide open affairs these days...sure gets some looks when ya try and get changed in one.

25-09-2007, 07:06 PM
Greg the thought of you in budgie smugglers is frightening and just the thought of it makes me want to cut my eye balls out with a butter knife.lol

We have it in writing! all I gotta do now is get Greg to wear budgie smugglers.


PS darryl, can I have your sunnies when it's over ;-)

Top Tips:

BONO. Take the piss by spending thousands of pounds on pink tinted sunglasses then ask the battlers to give to charity.

25-09-2007, 07:24 PM
i think with all sincerity that most of you are missing a VERY REAL point in this thread,,,,

its not the case that that we are all incapable of taking a bit of flack,,, or can't fight our own battles when it comes to a negative point being thrown back at us,,,

its in the manner on HOW the flack is actually thrown,,, and WHO decides to jump on the band wagon and become a ""keyboard warrior"" to keep the atmosphere alive

i personally didn't see/read the thread in question,,, but i can easily (too easily) guess from what i've seen related here on its contents,,,,, and it is a shame,,,, WHY

because believe it or not,,,,,,,,, its generally aimed at the newer members or those that don't post reports that fit into the ""general consensus""

don't believe that and you don't read enough threads,,,, there's a prime example on a response in a current thread now,,, that a junior member responded to with their opinion,,, bugger all was heeded or taken into advice,,,, a few responses later a senior member basically reported the same answer and was thanked 5 times from various members,,,,,,,same answer,,,,,different perception on the knowledge

and you see it all the time with reports,,,,PINHEAD reported here that he caught 40 plus bream,,,,in 1 session,,,, i have a lazy fifty that states if that was posted by a newbie,,,,, he would have been placed through the same attack of waste,,,,breeding,,,,size and bag limits,,,,, to put it bluntly,,,,,,,its BULL$#@T

can we all recall the thread on the world record marlin caught by the young fella up north,,,,,, same fella who had a shark record from memory,,,,, i responded to this thread in saying that i agreed that it was a waste to catch such an animal,,, then feed it to the sharks,,,(which is what happened),,,, but the kid was torn apart over this report

chrikey,,, it was a bloo^%y world record,,,,,,,,,,(we haven't heard much from him since)

i can honestly quote a good 6-12 members that no longer report their catch,,,,,

not because of any other reason,,,,, but WHY BOTHER,,,,,,,,,

me,,,, i'm like the most of you,,,, anyone who doesn't/didn't like it,,,,,stiff,,,,, but it became a downer in the end so i stopped,,, and probably wont restart,,,,

i still offer assistance where i can,,,,still become a pain in the backside where i can,,,,, and still enjoy the site,,,,but its changed a great deal in the time that i've been floating around it,,,,,changed a great deal

i know i''l cop crap over the nebie versus long term member status,,,, but before you jump in ,,,,, do some homework on this,,,,it may surprise you


25-09-2007, 07:28 PM
I don't mind saying what I think and I really don't care about consequences either..I stand by what I say.
If someone catches a fish/fishes and all is within the law, then no one has the right to say anything about it. If someone wants the high ground regarding C&R and thinks they are helping the environment, good luck to them but don't criticise others because they choose to keep what is legally ok for them to keep.

Last winter I kept 42 bream from on overnight trip..they were all eaten and if anyone thinks I kept too many...tough..I don't care..we enjoyed all of them.

Spot on Pinhead!!! I'm off to 1770 soon and hope to slaughter them, and i'll definately be posting plenty of pics !! ( i hope:-[ )

But in the past i have been critical of peoples catches, it's waste i really hate. 42 bream fine, bagging on snapper,pearlies , reds and sweeties in one trip GREAT !! Just dont waste the fish . Catching river whalers and eating them is also good but just killing them for no other reason than because there sharks really pisses me off. So does spearing a marlin because it's difficult, taking a few pics and dumping the carcas, or leaving cat fish on a jetty to bake in the sun. When i see ignorrant waste i'll alway have a bit to say.


25-09-2007, 08:20 PM
It's no secret to alot of people on this site that at heart I am a C&R man. But even then I think it doesn't do any justice to be labelled that.
I subscribe to the theory of "Limit your catch, not catch your limit".
That doesn't mean 100% C&R either. For me personally it's sustainability, or my perception of it anyways.
If that labels me as a Greenie etc then that's cool.
Nowadays if I raise my eyebrow at something I don't bother remarking. It serves no purpose as words will fall on deaf ears anyways and only envoke posts such as these.
This thread has been done before and I thought it was all done and dusted then. If people don't want to post because fear of retribution, that's there own choice. Personally I don't care who the previous really helpful poster's were that no longer post.
If they don't want to post ther catches fine, but what's still stopping them from offering helpful advice and hints??????????....................That's right, nothing.
GW: Well done on you getting it off your chest. You've gotten both the pro's and the cons on this one again. ;)
This is my 2 bobs worth. Bring the grilling and I'll review all replies with an open mind.


PS: Great to see the Mod is consistent.

25-09-2007, 08:46 PM
I subscribe to the theory of "Limit your catch, not catch your limit".
That doesn't mean 100% C&R either. For me personally it's sustainability, or my perception of it anyways.

Couldnt have said it better myself :thumbsup:

25-09-2007, 08:53 PM
don't believe that and you don't read enough threads,,,, there's a prime example on a response in a current thread now,,, that a junior member responded to with their opinion,,, bugger all was heeded or taken into advice,,,, a few responses later a senior member basically reported the same answer and was thanked 5 times from various members,,,,,,,same answer,,,,,different perception on the knowledge

as well as the abuse, to me this has a lot to do with people not bothering to post. i also notice this sort of thing, a young fella or a newbie will post good info & it is ignored, a 'guru'/ well known old hand will respond with the same info & some almost ejaculate with thanks. it's seems a bit like wanting to be friends with the most popular kid at school.
is it any wonder they don't bother again as they feel/know it's a waste of time.

there is a lot of good info on here from many different people & you should thank all who respond with a decent answer..
my extra 2 cents

25-09-2007, 10:13 PM
What ever happened to the good old days when I first joined, everyone just got along, posted reports, and generally helped each other out?

25-09-2007, 10:42 PM
What ever happened to the good old days when I first joined, everyone just got along, posted reports, and generally helped each other out?

Times change. People change. Unfortunately, animosity lingers a lot longer than the friendship of old and new acquaintances. There are some that long for old friends gone, and some who bear animosity for those still here. They are still here, they just changed their user name.

People need to let go and not bear grudges for things past.

At the risk of hijacking the thread, that's why I haven't been here. Nothing to do with ill health, although some of the shit I've been subjected to may have a bearing.

When the bastards get hold of your email addy, they can create more havoc than they do here. What I've done to invite it, G** only knows, but when they bring your kids into it!?? The individual who's had his knife out for me here, obviously doesn't have the brains to use an anonymous re-mailer and isn't worth the time of day. Don't divulge your real name and your location, is all I can say.

Enough said, but suffice to say, keep your private details off the net. Some of the crap on the net can lead to worse things in real life, especially with so many cowards who hide behind anonymity just waiting to feel like they're somehow big men.

If someone throws shit, ignore 'em. You can't go out on the car park of the pub like you could in the old days, so you certainly won't teach 'em any lessons by arguing the toss here. All you'll do is feed their ego by giving them the attention that I'm willing to bet they crave for elsewhere.

And despite the feeling of "what's the use?" All you do by not reporting ot getting involved, is let the bastards win.


26-09-2007, 05:54 AM
Interesting times, ladies and gents.
As someone once said, all that is needed for evil to prevail is for good folk to do nothing.
Didn't read the thread concerned, however good on you Mod 5 and those who stood up for the young fella.
Very interesting to read your description of the site re 'public'.
IMHO one of the great things about this site, apart from the genuine members, is how useful it is as a learning resource.
Abuse is not a constructive method of imparting wisdom.
Cheers, and nice to 'see' you back Kingtin.

26-09-2007, 06:28 AM
If that labels me as a Greenie etc then that's cool.


PS: Great to see the Mod is consistent.

Mate, have you looked in the mirror lately.
You definitely not green. That's the colour of your boat :)

26-09-2007, 07:00 AM
Welcome back Kev . Mate if you can find a set of budgies to fit Gregs arse i will happily donate my eyeballs. lmfao.

Chris Ryan
26-09-2007, 07:02 AM
Well I can say as a relative newby (just over 12 months here) I have seen a similar result to others with the declines/attitude changes of late. I don't post a lot of reports as I don't have a lot of time to get out on the Bay, nor am I that great a fisherman to show much in the way of results! :)

What I do though is read others posts, I have learnt from just reading here about techniques, styles, tackle, bait used, SP tricks (holy crap there are some of those) etc which has increased my skill levels. Just need my own trophy to brag about now. When I get that, I will post it here, if I get flack then so be it. I am allergic to all seafood so I am a C&R guy, but if my parents are in town and want a feed of fresh QLD fishies, then sure I will keep a couple for them; all within the laws.

I choose not to react to peoples negativity. Life is too short to worry about wankers, take the good bits and add them to the memory. As for the shite, dump it like the final results of a hot vindaloo.

GW, thanks for being so honest.

26-09-2007, 07:08 AM
Hi Pete,

Trust you to have enough spirit left to put up a post with this subject:P Good on you mate!;)

What follows as a result of a controversial post is what many don't understand. If you are guilty of antagonistic comments on this forum, don't persist and make life unpleasant for others who have freely posted of their experiences. Even after making admission of wrong doings or careless choice of words ( everyone makes mistakes) people persist with the determination of a bull terrier with a bone, and don't leave it alone. It's this component of AF members that have forced the show of hands. Posts will likely now consist of :

Left Manly at 5.00am to spotx
Good catch of fish by 7.00am
Home by 10.00am
Maybe a photo if you are lucky with all the background greyed out by photoshop!!

How boring will that be?? I don't know the answer except the mods issue warnings where it's needed.


26-09-2007, 02:14 PM
Haven't read the posts but saw the picture. Was objection taken because spearguns were on board? Is spear-fishing seen to be less of a sport?

26-09-2007, 02:21 PM
No, objection to the size of the fish. Was a huge jew. People bagged him for keeping such a large fish and not either releasing or just let it swim by.

26-09-2007, 03:04 PM
Haven't read the posts but saw the picture. Was objection taken because spearguns were on board? Is spear-fishing seen to be less of a sport?

Hard to say if that was the issue as I didn't read all the responses. I do however spearfish from time to time, and I form the opinion that rod and reel has infinately more merit than a speargun.... before ya go bashing me for that, it's simply my opinion.:)

cheers roz.

26-09-2007, 03:52 PM
Down there all alone with a gun in your hand could make you trigger happy. Theres no catch and release with a speargun,so i rekon if you arnt gunna eat it leave it alone.>:(

26-09-2007, 04:11 PM
I agree with you there Jimbo, but I'm over 50 and to be honest, it took me a little while to appreciate that position.
I wouldn't critcise the young bloke myself, I've been fortunate to catch a big jew or 2 in my time, and yes they were all eaten.
Nowadays I look for fish around the 3 - 6 kg mark as I prefer this size to eat, I discovered the big fellas are not as much to my taste.
Fun to catch, sure, but I don't need that kind of rush these days.
As you say, if I aint gonna eat it, I'm happy to leave it alone.
Personally I see no difference between spear and line fishing, it all comes down to attitude. Experience is the greatest teacher either way, IMO.

26-09-2007, 10:42 PM
Hard to say if that was the issue as I didn't read all the responses. I do however spearfish from time to time, and I form the opinion that rod and reel has infinately more merit than a speargun.... before ya go bashing me for that, it's simply my opinion.:)

cheers roz.

G'day Roz, You too a spearo, I still do it on ocassions. There was a group that use to get together once a year in Port Stephens, however all fish was never wasted ans was donated to charity such as Salvation Army, St Vincent De Paul Society and community groups to help those who are less fortunate. I agree in essence in what you said. The speargun is still good for catching painted crayfish though and its legal in the right zone within the GBR.

Cheers Peter:)

26-09-2007, 11:16 PM
Personal attacks are beyond the pale and should not be tolerated.

Aside from that, why can't we have a debate about topical issues such as:
catch and release; or
the pros and cons of catching "breeding stock"

What are you afraid of?

27-09-2007, 02:08 AM
Hi Craig51063,

There's nothing wrong with a C&R or "breeding stock" debate. The problem occurs when someone hijacks someone's report with their C&R views and at times, does so in a rude or offensive manner.

It would be like if you invited some friends over to a bar-b-q and all of a sudden, your nosy neighbor pokes his head over the fence and starts yelling at you for not using enough coals and cooking the wrong food and serving the wrong beverages, and the plates are all wrong, etc........

You'd probably get mad and tell him where to go and build a bigger fence. Well, here you can't build a fence so people are opting not to hold anymore bar-b-q's.

I think that's a mistake personally but I don't blame them for getting upset.


27-09-2007, 06:35 AM
Hi Craig51063,

There's nothing wrong with a C&R or "breeding stock" debate. The problem occurs when someone hijacks someone's report with their C&R views and at times, does so in a rude or offensive manner.

It would be like if you invited some friends over to a bar-b-q and all of a sudden, your nosy neighbor pokes his head over the fence and starts yelling at you for not using enough coals and cooking the wrong food and serving the wrong beverages, and the plates are all wrong, etc........

You'd probably get mad and tell him where to go and build a bigger fence. Well, here you can't build a fence so people are opting not to hold anymore bar-b-q's.

I think that's a mistake personally but I don't blame them for getting upset.

You can block members though through your control panel and look at miscellaneous and start typing people in the ignore bit (I think :-/)

It's kinda like sin-binning the person for as long as you like ;D

27-09-2007, 11:35 AM
It is a real shame that the AF I have grown to love is suffering with many negative comments attacking people who are trying to share a special catch or fishing moment :(

I know this has been said and done a few times, but it really annoys me as I know of alot of members that just do not put posts up anymore due to the personal attacks and negative comments.

The rules are the rules and if someone hasn't done anything wrong why do people try and spoil their moment/post. Sure different people have their own views but if you keep a legal size fish fine, if you release a legal fish fine and if you bag out fine.

If people do not like posts on people catching fish then I have to suggest that the need to find another site :-X

I for one have learnt so much off this site now I troll through posts and just shake my head. I for one will try my best to post and share what little I know if it will help others as other long standing members have done for me.

This is just my view and will probably get my head nailed to the wall - but I had to get it off my chest!;D ;D ;D


27-09-2007, 11:36 AM
You can block members though through your control panel and look at miscellaneous and start typing people in the ignore bit (I think :-/)

It's kinda like sin-binning the person for as long as you like ;D

:o WAIT A MINUTE! Do you mean to tell me I've had the power to condemn my enemies to eternal "sinbinification" all this time???!!!

I........I........feel so......so.....POWERFUL! YES! No longer am I the weak, helpless El_Carpo you've grown to tolerate! Now, I am El_Carpo, the golden god of destruction! RooooaaaaaarrrrrrrGHHHHHH! Fear my wrath mortals!;D

;) Just kiddin'. I don't have anyone that I'd want to sinbin anyhow which is good because I doubt I'm clever enough to figure out how to do it anyway.;D

* A quick note. I too did not see or read the thread that this thread was all about either and my previous post was not aimed at anyone so if anybody thought I was shootin' at 'em -- I wasn't and I'm sorry if I made ya mad or anything.

Anyway, I think the lesson to learn from this topic is to just treat each other with due respect and remember that most everybody here is here for enjoyment and to learn something. Let's just all get back to doing what we've done to help keep this place the best place on the net!

Oh, and remember to fear my wrath!


27-09-2007, 11:58 AM
There's nothing wrong with a C&R or "breeding stock" debate. The problem occurs when someone hijacks someone's report with their C&R views and at times, does so in a rude or offensive manner.


Right on El Carpo.
I think this view is shared by many.
We need to respect peoples right to post a lawful fishing report..
We have a saltwater,freshwater and general fishing chat for people to start a debate or put forth their views on this or any other issue..


27-09-2007, 12:25 PM
You can block members though through your control panel and look at miscellaneous and start typing people in the ignore bit (I think :-/)

It's kinda like sin-binning the person for as long as you like ;D

Yes you can however you can still see their post and will get a message like this when that person does post. Sorry finga using you as an example only ;)

27-09-2007, 12:38 PM
Yes you can however you can still see their post and will get a message like this when that person does post. Sorry finga using you as an example only ;)

At least I'm always good to make an example out of...I think that's good?? ::) or is that bad :-/
Anyways thanks matey ;D

27-09-2007, 10:35 PM
What I know, but in the past didn't take into account, is that text is a pretty ordinary way of communicating - the gurus reckon most of the message we get is in the tone and non verbals, such as body language. Letters on a page, with a few emoticons don't quite stack up.

So, it's easy to give offence here where perhaps none was intended.

On a related point, some grew up with healthy conflict and argument, and aren't bothered by it, or even value it as way to a version of the truth, (that could be me:-) ) and others can't deal with that kind of thing at all. So, we healthy conflict lovers might do well to back off a bit.


28-09-2007, 08:49 AM
Yes you can however you can still see their post and will get a message like this when that person does post. Sorry finga using you as an example only ;)

So can everyone else in the thread see the message ??

Sort of defeats the purpose if only the one member cannot see what has been posted.
Won't stop the rot, you just won't see it yourself but it will still be there for everyone else to see and react to.

Don't get me wrong it is certainly better than nothing

28-09-2007, 09:29 AM
Maybe alongside the thanks tab, the mods could invent a W@nker tab

Accruing a few of these next to your name should be a good incentive for keeping your mouth shut.



28-09-2007, 01:20 PM
Good call Pete

28-09-2007, 01:41 PM
public forums are just that - public.

1000 people will have 1000 different ideas the way the world should run.

ignore the knockers & get on with it.

it shows more maturity to ignore them then to enter into an argument. nothing p!sses me off more then to see someone being baited into verbal abuse - it's weak!

there's no room in your life for others bnllsh!t, deal with your own.


secret relations
28-09-2007, 01:43 PM
Maybe alongside the thanks tab, the mods could invent a W@nker tab

Accruing a few of these next to your name should be a good incentive for keeping your mouth shut.



i thought i was voting for w@nker, but i accidently thanked you instead!:P

30-09-2007, 09:02 AM
;D Very Funny SR ;D

Now, where was that ignore button again? :P



01-10-2007, 05:53 AM
Hi Pete,

Trust you to have enough spirit left to put up a post with this subject:P Good on you mate!;)

What follows as a result of a controversial post is what many don't understand. If you are guilty of antagonistic comments on this forum, don't persist and make life unpleasant for others who have freely posted of their experiences. Even after making admission of wrong doings or careless choice of words ( everyone makes mistakes) people persist with the determination of a bull terrier with a bone, and don't leave it alone. It's this component of AF members that have forced the show of hands. Posts will likely now consist of :

Left Manly at 5.00am to spotx
Good catch of fish by 7.00am
Home by 10.00am
Maybe a photo if you are lucky with all the background greyed out by photoshop!!

How boring will that be?? I don't know the answer except the mods issue warnings where it's needed.


just need :
Approximate Location: eg Bay or Pin
Fish Caught:
Bait or plastics

saves on all the typing

09-10-2007, 07:41 AM
Here ya go. Here is a negative comment on a bass report. Get yer nooses ready, assemble the mob and go lynch him.
No different to what I wrote about someone photographing a flathead.


09-10-2007, 08:09 AM
Here ya go. Here is a negative comment on a bass report. Get yer nooses ready, assemble the mob and go lynch him.
No different to what I wrote about someone photographing a flathead.


The difference with that thread is that the lads seem to be dedicated c and r fishoes and they have been offered some constructive critisism on how best to handle their catch's while minimizing the damage to the fish.
Me,well I will continue to catch and eat my bag limit(if I'm good enough) of macs and reef fish.
